
  1. 中国越地农村遗存有以龙圣祈龙求雨的崇信,其中的龙圣与学人一般的想像大为不同,往往只是一些普通的水生物,甚至还可以是昆虫。

    In some rural areas of the Yue Region in Southeast China , there still exists the worship of dragon for rain . Unlike some scholars ' interpretations , the dragon is only a common creature in water , and it can even be an insect .

  2. 他越来越清楚地认识到引起紧张局势的原因。

    He became more aware of the things that started that tension off

  3. 他越来越大声地表达对她行为的厌恶。

    His resentment of her behaviour was becoming more vociferous .

  4. 坦克越来越频繁地熄火。

    The tanks broke down with increasing frequency .

  5. 到这个时候她已经90多岁了,越来越频繁地需要帮助。

    By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently .

  6. 电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。

    Computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields .

  7. 似乎可以说,越早地解决差距问题,越有可能在下一代上减少不平等问题。

    Addressing differences in the earliest years , it seems , could reduce inequality in the next generation .

  8. 虽然这些转变背后有很多因素,但其中一个因素肯定是年轻人越来越清楚地意识到他们将活得更长久。

    While there are numerous factors behind these shifts , one factor is surely a growing realization for the young that they are going to live longer .

  9. 鼠标器(MOUSE)已越来越广泛地应用于计算机和工作站的软件开发中,成为图形图象系统下快捷而灵活的辅助输入设备。

    MOUSE has been the fast and flexible aided input equipment in graphic Systems .

  10. Java虚拟机已经越来越频繁地作为动态Web服务的基本引擎。

    The Java virtual machine ( JVM ) is used more frequently as the basic engine behind dynamic web services .

  11. 此外,随着业界越来越迅速地采用Web服务,XML开始成为跨越多种平台的不可忽视的重要角色。

    Also , with the rapid adoption of Web services across the industry , XML now plays an undeniably important role across many platforms .

  12. USB接口作为计算机接口的一种,越来越广泛地应用于各个领域。

    USB interface as a computer interface , more and more widely used in various fields .

  13. 随着国内经济的迅猛发展,GPS导航系统得到了越来越广泛地应用,为用户提供了便利。

    With the rapid development of domestic economy , GPS Navigation System has been widely used and providing convenience to the users .

  14. 高功率轴快流CO2激光器越来越广泛地用于工业加工中。

    High power fast axial flow ( FAF ) CO2 lasers are more and more widely used in industrial laser processing applications .

  15. 随着加入WTO以后中国对外贸易的发展,特别保障措施的弊端越来越明显地显现出来,并且给我国带来了危害。

    With the development of foreign trade of China after entering WTO , the disadvantages of Transitional Product - specific Safeguard Mechanism appear more clearly .

  16. 随着手术者经验的积累及手术方法、操作器械的不断改进,LS将越来越广泛地被应用于临床。

    With the accumulation of surgical experiences and technique development , LS will be extensively used in clinic .

  17. 随着手持设备的飞速发展,嵌入式GIS(地理信息系统)的应用日益广泛,而嵌入式Linux由于其开放性、廉价性、健壮性和安全性,越来越广泛地成为嵌入式GIS的主要开发平台。

    With the rapid development of handheld device , the embedded GIS is more and more widely used . Embedded Linux is becoming the main platform of embedded GIS .

  18. 只要组织希望更好地控制他们的信息,就会存在越来越严格地控制DB2提供的数据资产的需求。

    And as long as organizations seek better control over their information , there will be a demand for the increasingly fine control over data assets that DB2 provides .

  19. 最重要的是,要认识到,您对Ajax相关技术了解的越多,就必须越谨慎地制定决策。

    Most of all , realize that the more you learn about the technologies around Ajax , the more careful you have to be about your decisions .

  20. 数字彩色CRT显示器越来越广泛地被使用,而且有些应用领域中对颜色的精度要求越来越高。

    Digital color CRT monitors are used widely , and in some application fields the request for color precision become higher and higher .

  21. 随着网络入侵事件的日益增多,入侵检测系统(IDS)越来越广泛地应用在网络环境中。

    With the frequent occurrences of network oriented intrusion , intrusion detection systems ( IDS ) have gained more and more recognition and application in network environments .

  22. 在众多计算VaR的方法中,历史模拟法以其概念直观、计算简单、容易实施等特点,被越来越广泛地应用到市场风险控管的实务性操作中。

    Among them , Historical Simulation method has grown increasing popular in practice because it is very easy to be applied and also very intuitive to be understood .

  23. 探地雷达(GroundPenetratingRadar,GPR)作为一种快速、连续、安全、高精度、高分辨率的无损实时探测工具,越来越广泛地应用于高速公路路面浅层病害检测。

    As a fast , continuous , secure , nondestructive , real-time detection tool with high precision , GPR ( ground penetrating radar ) has been used in highway pavement distress detection .

  24. 与传统的软件应用模式相比,SaaS(SoftwareasaService)软件服务提供模式由于具有部署灵活、维护方便、投资成本低等优点,能够应对需求的快速变化,正在被越来越广泛地应用。

    Compared to the traditional software model , SaaS ( Software as a Service ) model can meet the rapid change in users ' demands , which has advantages of easily to deploy , conveniently to maintain and low cost .

  25. 随着新农村建设如火如荼的开展,新农村规划引起越来越多的重视,地理信息系统(GIS)作为一种先进技术,在各个领域中得到越来越广泛地应用。

    With the new rural construction in full swing , the new rural planning caused more and more attention , as an advanced technology , geographic information systems ( GIS ) are more and more widely used in various fields .

  26. 怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)香港投资者关系部门主管DanielChui表示,可悲的是,恐怖事件似乎越来越频繁地发生在新兴市场和发达市场。

    ' Sadly , terrorism seems to be a more frequent occurrence in emerging and developed markets , 'said Daniel Chui , JF Asset Management head of investor communications in Hong Kong .

  27. 继RSA之后,椭圆曲线的密码体制成为公钥密码体制的热点,目前正越来越广泛地应用于保密通信和数字签名。

    The elliptic curve cryptography ( ECC ) is now the hot point in public key cryptography after RSA , it then can be applied in message security and digital signatures .

  28. CCM和EJB代表了当前业界最主流的两种组件技术,将被越来越广泛地应用于分布式系统的开发和部署中。

    The CCM and EJB stand for the two leading component technologies , which will be more and more widely applied to the development and deployment of the distributed systems .

  29. 随着人们环保意识的提高,人们越来越清楚地认识到煤粉燃烧过程中生成的气体SO2和NOx严重威胁着人类环境和人体健康。

    As people pay more attention to the environment protection issue , people know more about the SO2 and NOx created in the coal combustion , which threaten people s health and environment .

  30. 随着微电子、光电子、MEMS和纳米科技的兴起与发展,薄膜材料被越来越广泛地应用于工业生产和生活中,成为各微型器件的重要组件。

    As the rise and development of microelectronics , optoelectronics , MEMS and nanotechnology , thin film material became applied more and more widely . Thin films have already become important components of the micro devices .