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  1. 张浩和庞慰是在他们作为电气工程博士生在加利福尼亚研究涉案技术&薄膜体声波谐振器(FBAR)技术时认识的。

    Messrs Zhang and Pang met when they were studying the technology , known as thin-film bulk acoustic resonator or FBAR , as electrical engineering doctoral students in California .

  2. 起诉书称,庞慰、张浩等人拟定了一个商业计划,向中国的大学兜售在中国制造FBAR技术的想法。

    Professors Pang and Zhang , along with others , set up a business plan and pitched Chinese universities on manufacturing FBAR technology in China , the indictment said .

  3. 检方指控,2008年,隶属中国教育部的天津大学的一批官员前往美国加州与庞慰和张浩会面,之后,该校决定在中国成立一家FBAR制造厂。

    In 2008 , officials from Tianjin University , a Chinese Ministry of Education institution , travelled to California to meet Messrs Pang and Zhang , after which the university decided to establish a FBAR fabrication facility in China , prosecutors charged .

  4. 张浩周一首次出现在法庭上,目前看来仍然在押。

    He appeared in court for the first time on Monday and appears to still be in custody .

  5. 融合传统中国艺术元素和当代语言,张浩展现了一种抽象,但熟知的水墨和书法风格。

    Blending traditional Chinese artistic elements , with contemporary language , Zhang Hao demonstrates a type of abstract , yet familiar style of ink painting and calligraphy .

  6. 六名被告之一的张浩教授在上周六抵达洛杉矶国际机场、准备在一个会议上发言时被逮捕。

    One of the six defendants , Professor Hao Zhang , was arrested on Saturday when he arrived at Los Angeles International Airport to speak at a conference .

  7. 对于武术专业的张浩来说,唯一适合他的工作是从事教育,但他表示,教育系统的招聘充斥着腐败。

    The only job Mr Zhang can look for with his martial arts degree is teaching , but he says selection in the education system is plagued by corruption .

  8. 文字自身没有意义,它代表的是纯净,基础的形式-张浩的水墨重视个性展现多于技巧。

    The characters hold no literal meaning and represent pure , basic forms-valuing the presence of personality over technical skill is the essence behind Zhang Hao 's ink painting .

  9. 对于未经训练的眼力来说,张浩的作品看起来似乎是不费力的-在巨幅范围上勾勒出冷静的笔划,逐渐累积的力量形成了重感。

    Zhang Hao 's works seem effortless to the untrained eye – calmly painted strokes composed on a gigantic scale , gradually accumulating in strength to form a sense of heaviness .

  10. 在家乡省份安徽,工作可能更好找些,但张浩害怕再回到贫穷的农村老家。

    He might have a better chance of finding work in his home province of Anhui , but is terrified of going back to the poverty of the farming village he came from .

  11. 起诉书称,张浩和另一名目前应是身在中国的教授庞慰,需要在中国和美国都有以自己的名义申请的专利,才够资格在天津大学担任正教授。

    The indictment said Mr. Zhang and another Chinese professor , Wei Pang , who apparently remains in China , needed to justify their hiring as full professors at Tianjin by having patent applications in their names in both the United States and in China .