
  • 网络China Auto Market
  1. 文章通过对中国汽车市场需求、市场结构、市场行为的等问题的论述,定性分析了加入WTO对中国汽车产业的影响。

    In term of the analyse of the market demand ^ structure ^ behavior , puts forward the impact of the WTO entry on China 's automobile industry by qualitative means .

  2. 正当中国汽车市场出现了比预期更糟的放缓迹象时,通用汽车(generalmotors)以及其它陷入困境的汽车制造商正期待通过中国销售的增长来缓冲美国市场问题造成的影响。

    Signs of a worse-than - expected slowdown in the Chinese car market come at a time when general motors and other troubled carmakers are counting on growth in China to cushion the effect of problems in the US market .

  3. 那位熟悉吉利的人士说,与Crown财团相比,吉利的一个明显优势是在中国汽车市场上的经验。

    The person close to Geely said a clear advantage that the company has over the Crown group is Geely 's experience in China 's auto market , which is poised to surpass the U.

  4. 变化的消费模式使SUV成为中国汽车市场最有前景的板块之一,2016年第一季度销量同比飙升逾50%,相比之下,轿车销量下降1%。

    Shifting consumption patterns have made SUVs one of the country 's most promising growth segments , with sales surging by more than 50 per cent in the first quarter of 2016 compared with the same period last year , in contrast to sedan sales which declined 1 per cent .

  5. 需要指出的是,这样一种OEM-Supplier系统的运作模式是中国汽车市场中的基本制造和销售模式。目前,中国是世界上最活跃,最繁荣,拥有最美好前景的汽车市场之一。

    It is worthwhile to note that such an OEM-supplier system is the basic manufacturing mode in automotive industry of China , whilst China has an active , flourish and promising automotive market in the world .

  6. MPV&未来中国汽车市场的主导车型

    MPV & the Leading Model on Chinese Auto Market in the Future

  7. 中国汽车市场及消费者行为研究

    Study on the Consumer 's Behavior in Auto-market of China

  8. 中国汽车市场需求及其弹性和预测分析

    Analysis of Demand and Its Elasticity and Forecasting About Chinese Automobile Market

  9. 谁将从中国汽车市场出局?

    Who will be drove out from the Chinese markets ?

  10. 中国汽车市场销售方式与流通渠道分析

    Method of Sale and Circulation Channels of Chinese Auto Market

  11. 中国汽车市场波动现象解析

    Analysis of the " Waving " in Chinese Auto Market

  12. 他预期,中国汽车市场将在2012年突破2000万辆的规模。

    He expects China to be a 20m total vehicle market in 2012 .

  13. 当然,中国汽车市场也不是没有风险。

    Of course , the Chinese auto market is not without its risks .

  14. 中国汽车市场的整体强劲状况与印度形成鲜明对比。

    The overall strength of China 's car market contrasted sharply with India 's.

  15. 信息对占领中国汽车市场的影响

    Information Becomes Important in Enter China Vehicle Market

  16. 纵观中国汽车市场的发展

    The Development of Ch in a Automobile Market

  17. 大众是中国汽车市场的领导者。

    VW is the market leader in China .

  18. 政策引导的价格调整有时会给中国汽车市场带来重大影响。

    Policy-led price adjustments have sometimes had spectacular results in China 's auto market .

  19. 中国汽车市场的迅速增长,为这种方法的实施创造了条件。

    The rapid expansion in the Chinese car market has facilitated such an approach .

  20. 协会官员们表示,他们预期中国汽车市场在未来几个月将变得更加强劲。

    Association officials said they expected the market to strengthen further in coming months .

  21. 跨国汽车公司逐鹿中国汽车市场

    Trans-country Automotive Company Entering into China Automotive Market

  22. 中国汽车市场的长期增长趋势不变。

    China 's secular automotive story remains intact .

  23. 在经历了多年的爆炸性增长后,中国汽车市场开始逐渐降温。

    After years of explosive growth , China 's auto market is cooling off .

  24. 迎接中国汽车市场第6次扩张期

    Facing up to " the 6th Expanding Period " of China 's Automobile Market

  25. 但中国汽车市场的繁荣,也正在影响一些大众车型的外观。

    But the Chinese car boom is shaping the look of some mass-market cars too .

  26. 伴随着中国汽车市场不断发展壮大,汽车的销售模式也在不断推陈出新。

    Along with China s automobile market development , the sales modes were constantly changing .

  27. 大多数中国汽车市场分析师预计,2011年的销量将在2000余万辆。

    Most auto market analysts in China expect sales in the 20m range for 2011 .

  28. 定位救援在中国汽车市场中的应用方案研究

    Study on Positioning-Rescue Application Scheme in China

  29. 然而,在中国汽车市场上最令人惊诧的一个群体,就是中国的本土品牌。

    The surprise package , however , in the Chinese market has been the local brands .

  30. 就中国汽车市场的机遇而言,另一个令人激动的因素是购车贷款的加速增长。

    Another exciting element of the Chinese auto opportunity is an acceleration in the use of credit .