
  • 网络Growth strategy
  1. 罗曼提小姐指出,IBM的最新增长战略还在开始时期,所以至少现在不需要做改变。

    IBM 's latest growth strategy , Ms Rometty points out , is in its early phases , so in no need of being changed & at least for now .

  2. 因此,软件将成为惠普未来的增长战略的重要一环。也就是说,惠普要在这个IBM的核心优势领域上奋起直追。

    So software is going to be an important plank in HP 's growth strategy going forward & that is , HP is going to go hard after a core IBM competency .

  3. EVA在我国企业价值增长战略选择中的应用

    Application of EVA in process of Chinese enterprise value-add strategy choice

  4. 分析了企业内部条件的优势和劣势,同时对中国网通公司与主要竞争对手的相对竞争优势作了比较分析,最后用SWOT方法进行了综合分析,得出聊城网通公司应该选择的基本战略一增长战略。

    At last , using the SWOT analytical method , we get the basic strategy of Liaocheng Network Communication Corporation ~ Growing strategy .

  5. 但坦白的说,当时我们的增长战略颇为薄弱,尤其是在去年秋季的雷曼(Lehman)危机之后,他表示。

    But if I speak honestly then , especially after the Lehman shock last autumn , our growth strategy was weak , he says .

  6. 一位政府高官表示,作为各方殷切期待的增长战略的一部分,将敦促政府养老投资基金(GovernmentPensionInvestmentFund)和其他机构投资者提高股票持有上限,同时更频繁地行使投票权。

    As part of an eagerly-awaited growth strategy the Government Pension Investment Fund and other institutional investors will be urged to lift automatic caps on equity holdings while exercising voting rights more frequently , according to a senior government official .

  7. EO集团建立了良好且一贯的增长战略,使其在加强本国核心业务的同时还能向新兴市场扩张。

    EO Group established a good and consistent growth strategy to strengthen its core business in the emerging markets while the expansion .

  8. 该新流媒体服务平台与Netflix类似,后者已将扩张在拉美和欧洲的业务作为公司增长战略的核心内容。

    The new streaming service resembles that of Netflix Inc. , which has identified expansion in Latin America and Europe as a central element of its growth strategy .

  9. 因此我将在欧盟理事会召开前夕,与欧洲各国领导人合作,推进我们在20国(g20)集团峰会上做出的决定,并更加专注于全欧洲的增长战略。

    So I will be working with European leaders in advance of the European Council to advance on our decisions at the group of 20 with a more focused Europe-wide strategy for growth .

  10. TCL多媒体增长战略的正确实施,有利于公司的可持续发展,对TCL集团总体发展战略的实现意义重大。

    The correct implementation of TCL multimedia growth strategies will be helpful for the sustainable development of the company and will be of great significance for the overall development strategy of TCL group .

  11. 采用层次分析法给出了FTM公司可持续增长战略评价指标体系和评价方法,并进行了实际应用。

    Adopt level give and publish sustainable growth strategy appraise index system and appraise the method company FTM by analytic approach , and has carried on the practical application .

  12. 花旗集团(CitigroupInc.)的股市分析师马汉尼(MarkMahaney)说,对于一个考虑增长战略的人来说,当然应该尽可能地将现金留在资产负债表上,或许可以用于收购。

    ' For someone who 's thinking about a growth strategy , of course you should maintain as much cash on the balance sheet as possible , maybe for acquisitions , ' said Mark Mahaney , a stock analyst at Citigroup Inc.

  13. 分析师表示,得到沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)支持的中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)宣布第三季度利润下降99%,原因在于公司的增长战略令其陷入了与中国竞争对手的激烈竞争之中。

    BYD , the Chinese electric carmaker backed by Warren Buffett , has announced a 99 per cent drop in third-quarter earnings after its growth strategy plunged the company into fierce competition with Chinese rivals , according to analysts , writes Patti Waldmeir .

  14. 其次,采用问卷调查法对FTM公司的客户需求进行了调查,对FTM公司的员工进行了可持续增长战略理论知识调查。

    Secondly , adopting the investigation method of the questionnaire will investigate the demand of customer of FTM company , and investigate the staff of FTM company with the knowledge of the sustainable growth strategy .

  15. 要应对这项挑战,需要有高度集中的增长战略。

    That challenge will require a highly focused growth strategy .

  16. 建筑企业增长战略与土地一级开发互动模式的研究

    Growth Strategy of Construction Enterprises and the Primary Land Development

  17. 其次,我们需要一个清晰的竞争力和经济增长战略。

    Second , we need a clear-cut strategy for competitiveness and growth .

  18. 因此,湖北省必须选择适合自身发展的特色经济增长战略。

    Therefore , Hubei must choose their own developing way .

  19. 不平衡增长战略及涪陵区工业发展研究

    On Unbalanced Growth Strategies for and Development of Fuling Industry

  20. 基于管理熵的企业增长战略评价体系研究

    Study on the Strategy Appraisal System of Enterprise Increase Based on Management Entropy

  21. 但作为一项经济增长战略,却存在一些问题。

    But it has problems as a growth strategy .

  22. 协同的增长战略将国家利益与共同利益结合了起来。

    Co-ordinated growth strategies merged national with mutual interests .

  23. 我们明白,任何长期的增长战略都不能自上而下强加于人。

    We understand that no long-term strategy for growth can be imposed from above .

  24. 具体说,对于有发展空间和前景的油气主业、石油工程技术服务产业,实施增长战略;

    Growth strategy is adopted for the industries which have development room and perspectives ;

  25. 但谷歌的中国增长战略(尽管容易遭遇挫折)正在奏效。

    But the China growth strategy , if prone to setbacks , was working .

  26. 而那些开发增长战略的分析师会运用边际贡献和增量成本分析。

    And those developing growth strategies will use contribution margin and incremental costing analyses .

  27. 这些战略包括:稳定增长战略、集群化战略、提升棉花品质等。

    These strategies include : stable growth strategy , clustering strategy , improve cotton quality .

  28. 用博弈论分析知识经济时代中国经济增长战略

    An Analysis of China 's Economic Growth Strategies in Knowledge Economy Era with Game Theory

  29. 苹果的增长战略是极具原则的。

    Apple 's growth strategy is disciplined .

  30. 逐步展开和执行相关业务增长战略;

    Develop and execute business growth strategies ;