
ɡōnɡ kāi yuán zé
  • Principle of openness;doctrine of publicity
  1. 我国具有在行政许可程序中建立听证制度的法理基础,行政法理论中对公开原则也作了肯定。

    There is a basis of legal theory of setting up hearing procedure in administrative license procedure and the doctrine of publicity has been affirmed in the theory of administrative law .

  2. 信息公开原则。

    And ( 3 ) The principle of disclosing the information .

  3. 论行政公开原则的地位

    On The Position Of The Open Principle In Administrative Law

  4. 试论行政程序法中的行政公开原则

    About the Publicity Principle of the Administrative Procedure Law

  5. 行政公开原则应该视为现代行政法的要旨,即行政公开原则是行政法的基本原则之一。

    Openness should be one of the basic principles of the administrative law .

  6. 法官在建构案件所需之裁判规则时,应当坚持公开原则和克制原则。

    Judges should adhere to the principles of openness and restrain when they construct judicial rules .

  7. 量刑建议权还符合程序参与原则和程序公开原则。

    Also the power of sentencing proposal follows the principle of procedure participation and open procedure .

  8. 运用质的研究方法至少要遵循四个道德原则:⒈自愿和公开原则;

    And at least four moral principles should be followed : 1 voluntary and public principle ;

  9. 作为公开原则在股票发行与交易制度中的应用,会计信息披露制度的建立意义重大。

    As the open policy 's application in the deal system , the accounting information disclosure senses importantly .

  10. 行政诉讼调解特有的原则应该包括不公开原则、诚信原则和公益原则。

    The own principle of mediation in administrative litigation should include private principle , honest principle and commonweal principle .

  11. 第二,要在正确的价值观和主体利益的平衡中,对上市公司收购制度进行精细设计,保持相当的灵活性与开放性。其中,信息公开原则应当在每一具体制度中得以贯彻始终。

    Secondly , the design of the security legislation system should be delicated , and keep a flexibility and openness .

  12. 第四部分围绕侦查适度公开原则与保守秘密原则之间的冲突及进路进行了分析。

    In the fourth part , the moderate opening principle and the secrecy principle of the criminal investigation are analyzed .

  13. 一方面,刑事二审简化审虽然在形式上贯彻体现了审判公开原则,但是它也直接导致了诉讼效率的降低及司法资源的紧张。

    Firstly , it embodies public hearing system , but it also reduces the efficiency of litigation and judicature resources .

  14. 行政问责原则包括权责一致原则、法定原则、平等原则、公开原则。

    Principle responsibilities include administrative accountability principle of unanimity , statutory principles , the principle of equality , openness principles .

  15. 充分透明的信息披露作为公开原则的一个具体体现,是保证资本市场有效运转的基石。

    As a concrete manifestation of the principle of openness , fully transparent information disclosure is the cornerstone of capital markets .

  16. 相应地以行政公开原则为指导的行政程序立法浪潮在世界范围内愈加引人注目。

    The legislative wave of administrative procedural law on the principle of administrative openness correspondingly becomes spectacular in the whole world .

  17. 公开原则在法律规范中的直接体现就是信息披露制度,该制度在法律上有着显著的效率价值、公平价值和秩序价值。

    Disclosure is the direct reflect of the " open " that has notable value of efficiency , equity , and order .

  18. 本文从隐私权的两大基本特征“隐”、“私”入手,论述了新闻侵权的重要抗辩事由“公开原则”和“公共利益原则”。

    According to the imputation principle and the fault principle of news infringement , it has four constitutive elements and five plea instances .

  19. 第三部分揭示了政府行政行为遵循行政公开原则的重大意义。

    In the third part , the author shows the important social meaning when the government exercises power on the principle of administrative openness .

  20. 同时,他极力主张引入西方刑事诉讼中的直接、言词原则,控辩平等原则,律师辩护原则和审判公开原则。

    He partly introduced direct and oral principle equal principle defense of lawyers principle trial in public principle of the west into our country .

  21. 在股票市场中,会计信息披露制度往往被视为是一项极其重要的监管措施,会计信息披露是公开原则的具体体现。

    Accounting information disclosure system , which embodied the principle of transparence , is always regarded as an essential regulatory method on stock market .

  22. 公开原则是证券市场的基础,而会计信息披露是公开原则的具体体现。

    Open principle is the base of securities market , furthermore , the disclosure of accounting information is the concrete expression of open principle .

  23. 百合丽莲,秉承公平、公正、公开原则,切实履行企业社会责任,做花中君子。

    Baihelily , keeping to the principle of fairness , impartiality and openness , faithfully fulfills the responsibility of a corporation to be prominent .

  24. 所谓公开原则,是指法官应当将案件的裁判规则的内容和建构方法,通过裁判文书等形式予以公开。

    The so-called principle of openness refers to that judges should open the contents and constructive methods of judicial rules through documents or other forms .

  25. 确立农村集体土地流转的基本原则:农村集体土地的合理流转应在登记原则,公平、公正、公开原则和自愿有偿的原则上进行。

    Establish the basic principles of rural collective Land conversion , which are registering , fair , just , public , voluntary and paid principle .

  26. 文章认为,审判公开原则的基本意义在于创造了社会监督的条件,促进了审判程序公正和裁判结果公正。

    The value of open trial is that it create the condition of social supervision and make contribution to the justice of trial procedure and judgment .

  27. 当依法行政已深入人心,行政公开原则已被广为认可后,如何实现行政公开便成了关键。

    Since legal administration and the principle of administrative publicity have been widely accepted and recognized , how to accomplish administrative publicity becomes the key point .

  28. 党政领导干部问责制问责程序必须坚持问责公开原则、问责方中立原则、保障被责方正当权利原则。

    The system must insist on the open principle , the principle of the accountability side being neutral and the principle of ensuring the proper rights of the responsibility side .

  29. 除了一般拍卖应当坚持的公正、公平、公开原则外,强制拍卖还应当坚持拍卖优先、及时拍卖和委托拍卖原则。

    In addition to the principles of openness , fairness and impartiality , the principles of entrusting auction to auctioneer , auctioning timely and priority should also be adhered to .

  30. 政府对于网络隐私权的保护应当遵守有限保护原则、合理干预原则、公开原则与参与原则。

    The government should observe several principles in protecting privacy in cyberspace , which are the principles of limited protection , of proper intervention , of publicity , and of participation .