
  • 网络creativity test
  1. 中央兰开夏大学的心理学家们让参与者连续15分钟抄写电话本中的号码,而其他人直接进入标准的创造力测试。(曼恩&卡德曼,2013)

    Psychologists at the University of Central Lancashire had participants copy numbers out of the telephone book for 15 minutes , while others went straight into a standard creativity task ( Mann & Cadman , 2013 ) .

  2. 在一项创造力测试中,研究人员要求145名学生针对像砖头、牙签这样的常见物品想出尽可能多的不同寻常的用法,然后又将学生们随机分成了四组。

    In a test of creativity , researchers asked 145 students to think of as many unusual uses as possible for such common items as a brick or toothpick , then divided them randomly into four groups .

  3. 方法:使用威廉斯创造性倾向量表和创造力主观测试。

    Method : Using Creativity Tendency Scale and creative test .

  4. 与那些声称自己白天神游次数更少的人相比,那些声称自己白天神游次数更多的人在创造力和智力测试上得了更高分;他们的核磁共振成像也表明他们的大脑系统更有效--意味着大脑的不同区域之间更加一致。

    People who reported more frequent daydreaming during the day scored higher on creative and intellectual tests . Their MRIs also showed they had more efficient brain systems-meaning different regions of the brain were more in sync with each other-compared to people who reported less frequent mind-wandering .

  5. 他们发现,当他们激发出这些学生的善意嫉妒(而非崇拜或恶意嫉妒)时,这种心理会推动他们想多学习并在一项考核创造力与智商的测试中表现得更出色。

    Researchers found that when they triggered feelings of benign envy-as opposed to admiration or malicious envy-in the students , it drove them to want to study more and perform better on a test measuring creativity and intelligence .