
  1. 无论是作为盈利来源,还是作为改善业务的新鲜创意来源,亚洲对花旗的重要性正日渐增强。

    Asia has become increasingly important for Citi as a source of both profits and fresh ideas for improving the business .

  2. 乍一看来,香港似乎是一个令人羡慕的爱书人的乐园。它是一个热闹非凡的图书展和一个备受推崇的文学节的举办地,它还拥有两个创意写作项目和亚洲最具声望的文学奖。

    At first glance , Hong Kong seems an enviable hub for bibliophiles : It 's home to a buzzing book fair , a well-regarded literary festival , two creative-writing programs and Asia 's most prestigious literary prize .