
chuàng jiàn
  • create;creation;build;establish;found;organize;construct;set up;originate
创建 [chuàng jiàn]
  • (1) [found]∶创立

  • 创建新党派

  • (2) [organize]∶首先建立

  • 创建一个公司

创建[chuàng jiàn]
  1. 5年前离开销售软件公司Salesforce.com创建HearsySocial,是我迄今为止做过的最艰难但也是最好的决定。

    Leaving Salesforce.com five years ago to found Hearsay Social was one of the hardest but best decisions I 've ever made .

  2. 利用EXCEL创建电网整定电子计算簿

    To found electrical network and set electronic computing book by EXCEL

  3. 这所学校创建于1920年,当时只有十名学生。

    The school began in 1920 , with only ten pupils .

  4. 该组织自1955年创建以来已有重大的发展。

    The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955 .

  5. 创建一个新的目录,然后把你所有的文件都放进去。

    Create a new directory and put all your files into it .

  6. 他用了十年时间把这个企业创建起来。

    He built up the business over a period of ten years .

  7. 用这个选项你可以创建新的文件或目录。

    This option lets you create new files or directories .

  8. 他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。

    He was one of the founders of the university 's medical faculty .

  9. 经济学家们可自由创建理论,公司总裁们则关心现实情况。

    While economists are free to theorise , company chairmen are concerned with actualities .

  10. 1948年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。

    Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948 .

  11. 在梅林的建议下,亚瑟王创建了圆桌骑士团。

    At Merlin 's instigation , Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table .

  12. 向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。

    Wizards and templates can help you create brochures , calendars , and Web pages .

  13. 所提供的工作机会是创建一个新的研究实验室,待遇是他当时所得工资的两倍。

    The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting

  14. 1932年,他在艾奥瓦州的石头城创建了一所学校,那儿成了艺术家的聚居地。

    In 1932 , he established a school and artists ' colony in Stone City , Iowa .

  15. 告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的。

    Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up .

  16. 这家老字号公司创建于19世纪80年代。

    This time-honored company was established in the 1880s .

  17. 这所大学创建于1950年。

    This university was set up in 1950 .

  18. 这所学校是一九七八年冬创建的。

    This school was set up in the winter of1978 .

  19. 那所大学自创建以来便以医学研究而闻名。

    The university has been famous for medical studies ever since its foundation .

  20. 使用此脚本,您可以用集成的破坏力计算器创建基本武器图。

    Using this script , you can create a basic weapons chart with an integrated damage calculator .

  21. "它创建了一个被窃取的文本文件。"

    " It creates a text file that gets stolen . "

  22. 为了弄清楚电脑的困难所在,华盛顿大学的研究人员创建了一个庞大的人脸数据库——他们称之为“巨型面”——并随着复杂性的逐步加大,测试各类人脸识别算法。

    To begin to figure out how computers are struggling , researchers at the University of Washington created a massive database of faces - they call it MegaFace - and tested a variety of facial-recognition algorithms as they scaled up in complexity .

  23. 运行着这里最先进的基地的韩国正加大其对南冰洋磷虾捕获量。而最近,俄罗斯倾尽全力阻止在这创建世界最大海洋保护区之一的各种努力。

    South Korea , which operates state-of – the-art bases here , is increasing its fishing of krill , found in abundance in the Southern Ocean , while Russia recently frustrated efforts to create one of the world 's largest ocean sanctuaries here .

  24. 此外,近期成立的Coursera和Udacity是斯坦福大学教职人员为创建“大型公开在线课程”(MOOCs)而成立的两家新兴机构,鉴于即时反馈的价值,它们也承诺采用自动化评估系统。

    Two start-ups , Coursera and Udacity , recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create " massive open online courses , " or MOOCs , are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback .

  25. 蓓塔森·科克希尔是一名来自英格兰巴斯的健康教练,同时也是《为健康和幸福编织》一书的作者,她创建了一个名为Stitchlinks的网站,探索被她称之为编织治疗的价值。

    Betsan Corkhill , a wellness coach in Bath , England , and author of the book Knit for Health & Wellness , established a website , Stitchlinks , to explore the value of what she calls therapeutic knitting .

  26. 创建技术中心只需要两类人:富人和书呆子。

    You only need two kinds of people to create a technology hub : rich people and nerds .

  27. 该软件会基于老师所创建的评分系统给予一个分数,可能是字母等级,也可能是数字分数。

    The software will assign a grade depending on the scoring system created by the teacher , whether it is a letter grade or numericalrank .

  28. 在将价值观编程时,最难的一步将在于确定我们究竟认为什么才是道德的,以及如何创建一套道德规范。

    The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in moral , and how to create a set of ethical rules .

  29. 利用广泛的数据源,与计算机模拟相结合,创建了一条海洋温度变化的时间线,包括火山爆发后的冷却和化石燃料排放后导致的升温。

    The extensive data sources , Combined with computer simulations , created a timeline of ocean temperature changes , including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel emissions .

  30. 她创建了一个网站页面,将需要帮助的幸存者与想要帮助的捐赠者进行匹配。

    She created a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help .