- de jure recognition

Austria does not , although it has arrangements that provide for legally-recognized partnerships between those of the same-sex .
The man who got the certification is recognized with the independent practice level and ability of the pharmacists post .
Meanwhile , the committee members have to be admitted by law and allowed to fight for the right of all house owners .
Definition : Copyright is the term used to characterize the legal recognition of rights to control or benefit from works of authorship .
We think , insurable interest is a definite economical interest between the insured and the subject matter insured , which is recognized by the law .
Buddhism , which was legally recognized as a religion in Austria in1983 , enjoys widespread acceptance and has a following of20,000 ( 10,402 at the2001 census ) .
The 280-page report - published almost three decades after Japan legally recognised death driven by overwork , known as karoshi - acknowledged that its contents made for bleak reading .
The chairperson of the alliance , former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , says women in many countries have made strides towards legal recognition of basic rights , but that progress is not enough .
The article mainly introduces the implemention state of family school system since it was approved in law of Thailand in November 1999 , and the views in society on the family school , which appeares as an experiment of the reform .
Argentina and Costa Rica too are considering giving legal recognition to same-sex unions .
To be legally recognized , however , it must be based on one of the following 7 reasons :
Before " right of formation " is put forward , scholars got used to classified the right acknowledged in law into right of control , right of claim and right of pleadings .
All the theories have to be the guidance of practice . As it is a kind of newly-born and self-governed kind of possessions , virtual property need to be adapted and protected by local law .
It is a rather common phenomenon in global business that virtual character is commercialized , however , right of virtual character commoditization have not been definitely admitted by law .
In law , on the one hand admitted its legitimacy , on the other hand , given the weak relative to the right protection of the law .
" This is an important piece of legislation that gives legal recognition to relationships that until now were invisible in the eyes of the law ," Miss Munn said .