
  • 网络frankfurt;Frankfurt Airport;Fraport;Fra
  1. 德国法兰克福机场的运作也已经接近于正常。

    And Germany 's Frankfurt airport was also operating near normal .

  2. 他星期四再次露面,在法兰克福机场被警察拘捕。

    He resurfaced on Thursday and was detained by police at Frankfurt airport .

  3. 她的行李一直放在法兰克福机场,无人认领。

    Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures .

  4. 数百个航班被取消,其中大部分飞机来自法兰克福机场。

    Hundreds of flights were cancelled , most of them at the Frankfurt airport .

  5. 他的英国律师今天上午到达法兰克福机场后直接前往监狱。

    His British lawyer arrived at Frankfurt Airport this morning and went directly to the prison .

  6. 法兰克福机场的空铁联运

    On Air-Rail Intermodality in Frankfurt Airport

  7. 这些违法行为涉及破坏伦敦和法兰克福机场检查旅客及行李的安全措施。

    The infractions involved security breaches in the methods used to screen passengers and baggage at London and Frankfurt airports .

  8. 我在法兰克福机场转机,但是想把这件行李直接托运到北京,可以吗?

    I have to transfer at Frackford , but I 'd like to book the bag to Beijing , could I ?

  9. 在旅客处理速度、转机便捷度和通道间隔近等方面,这个机场的得分要远远高于法兰克福机场。

    The airport scored far better than its Frankfurt counterpart in speed of passengers processing , ease of transfers and short distances between gates .

  10. 法兰克福机场近日将部分停车区涂成粉色并将其指定为女士专用,这一举动引发了广泛争议。

    Frankfurt airport has caused controversy after it painted a section of its car park pink and designated it entirely for the use of women .

  11. 新的降雪迫使德国法兰克福机场的官员暂停了几个小时的航班,导致德国这个最大的航空枢纽出现旅客滞留的现象。

    Fresh snowfall forced officials at Germany 's Frankfurt airport to suspend flights for several hours Tuesday , causing backups at the country 's largest hub for air travel .

  12. 几年前,许多中国人以非法手段进入意大利,现如今,他们只需持有3个月的旅游签证抵达法兰克福机场,但不离开就行了。

    Whereas a few years ago , many Chinese entered Italy illegally , now they simply arrive at Frankfurt airport on three-month tourist visas , but do not leave .

  13. 他们还补充说道:“这是我们法兰克福机场为女士提供的专享停车服务。我们的新停车区专为女士设计,这一区域用彩色标出很容易找到。”

    They added : ' This is our exclusive parking offer at Frankfurt Airport for women only . With new and special designed parking areas , which are colour-coded and easy to find . '

  14. 德国汉莎航空公司在法兰克福和慕尼黑机场分别新建了一些“自助登机”转门。这些自助登机门大大提高了登机速度。

    Lufthansa now has " self-boarding " turnstiles at some of its gates at Frankfurt and Munich airports , these gates greatly speed up the boarding process .

  15. 法兰克福市长考察浦东机场

    Frankfurt Mayor Inspects Pudong Airport

  16. 尽管如此,由于充当起备降法兰克福的长途航班的紧急停机场,法兰克福机场的跑道几乎与往常一样繁忙。

    Frankfurt 's runways were , nevertheless , almost as busy as usual , as the airport served as an emergency parking lot for long-haul flights diverted to the German city .