
  1. 那么,结合三大诉讼法再作进一步考虑,应该说,乡镇法律服务工作者今后以公民身份有偿代理诉讼,则在某种程度上确是找到了一定的合法生存空间。

    Further considered from combining three old procedural laws , township legal service workers , to some extent , indeed find out a legal living room as long as they only represent case in the name of citizen or legal service worker .

  2. 律师作为依法为社会提供法律专业服务的社会工作者,其在执业过程中的犯罪行为也应受到刑法的规范和制约。谈单位犯罪及其相关问题

    Lawyers are social workers who provide professional services of law , their offence due to their professional activities should be regulated and restricted by criminal law . 49 Discussion by Public Security officers on the Problem of Lawyers Getting

  3. 第三,阐述了法律援助是律师等法律服务工作者的法定义务以及律师等法律援助人员在法律援助中权利和义务的内容。

    Thirdly , this dissertation demonstrates that legal workers such as lawyers should perform legal aid obligations and analyzes their right and duties during the process of legal aid service .