
shè huì fú wù
  • social service
  1. 本知道她是社会服务部门的主管,她可以帮忙。

    Ben knew she was the head of social service , and that she could help .

  2. 然后她又找到了在领养中负责在韩事务的韩国社会服务公司(KoreaSocialService)。

    Then she tried Korea Social Service , whichhad handled the Korean side of her adoption .

  3. 社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。

    Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas .

  4. 处于困境的社会服务部门被迫砍掉社区项目。

    Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments .

  5. 他的雇主——诺福克社会服务中心给予了他支持。

    His employers , Norfolk social services , backed him up .

  6. 社会服务部门必须认可的,首先是父母的角色。

    Social services departments must accept , above all , the role of the parents .

  7. 该策略的第二部分是为穷人提供基本的社会服务。

    The second prong of the strategy is the provision of basic social services for the poor .

  8. 她不敢联系社会服务部门,以免被当作问题家庭。

    She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family .

  9. 当政府无法再提供人身安全、粮食安全以及诸如教育和医疗保健等基本的社会服务时,国家就会瘫痪。

    States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security , food security and basic social services such as education and health care .

  10. 68岁时,他从邮局退休,但他从未停止为社会服务。

    At age 68 , he retired from the post office , but he never stopped serving the community .

  11. 依托“互联网+”,政府将在一定地域建立养老服务综合地区信息平台,建设没有围墙的养老院,使老年人通过信息平台的对接,享有从生活照料到各种缴费等方面的社会服务。

    By the Internet Plus , the government will establish an integrated1 information platform for elderly care and build nursing homes without walls in certain areas through which the elderly can enjoy services including daily care and fee payment .

  12. 他和伍德一起参加了校园社会服务俱乐部DeltaGammaSigma,伍德为该俱乐部1982-83年的T恤衫设计了一款标识。

    Mr. Wood designed a logo for the 1982-83 sweatshirt of Delta Gamma Sigma , a social service club on campus the two friends were in .

  13. 他已经打好了基础:SAT高分;参与音乐体育活动;参加各类荣誉团体;逾100小时的社会服务;还荣获了颁发给平均绩点最高的高年级学生的特别奖项。

    He had laid the groundwork : high SAT scores ; participation in sports and music ; a special prize for junior-year students with the highest grade-point averages ; membership in various honor societies ; more than 100 hours of community service .

  14. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  15. ORU与传统的院系在科研工作中的作用互补,在加州大学9个分校的科研、教学和社会服务中发挥了重要的作用。

    The ORU offers a complementary function with traditional schools and departments , and performances very important roles in scientific research , teaching and social service in all 9 sub campuses .

  16. 老人及医务社会服务科〔社会福利署〕

    Elderly and Medical Social Services Branch [ Social Welfare Department ]

  17. 第三,指为政治社会服务的规定和文饰。

    Third culture is stipulation and polish that political community served .

  18. 应用综合指数评价医院为社会服务的程度

    Application of Composite Index in Evaluating the Hospital Provide for Society

  19. 香港仔街坊福利会社会服务中心&社区中心

    Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Social Service Centre & Community Centre

  20. 促进政府、企业与社会服务信息资源的整合;

    Promoting the information integration of governments , enterprises and social services ;

  21. 缺乏完善的社会服务体系等。

    Lack of consummate social work system and so on .

  22. 区域高校社会服务现状与对策

    The Present States and Countermeasures of Community Service of Regional Colleges and Universities

  23. 美国研究型大学社会服务职能的历史演进及其因素分析

    The Historical Progression and Factors on Social Service Function in American Research University

  24. 现代大学制度的建立挖掘了大学的社会服务功能。

    Modern university system reaffirmed university social service function .

  25. 本论文论述了欧美非政府组织的社会服务、经济发展、政治参与功能,及非政府组织产生的经济、政治、社会和历史背景。

    And discusses the NGO 's developing background of society , economics and politics .

  26. 图书馆实行社会服务承诺制的思考

    Thoughts on Libraries Implementing Social Service Commitment System

  27. 卫生与社会服务部的最高长官的职位。

    The position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services .

  28. 外地救济和社会服务干事;

    Field relief and social services officer ;

  29. 加快园区建设步伐,完善社会服务体系;

    To accelerate the step of industry garden construction , perfect the social service system ;

  30. 一项改善社会服务的改革计划;

    A crusade for improved social services ;