
  • 网络people's diplomacy;people-to-people diplomacy
  1. 简要介绍当代外交的基本准则和主要方式,总结人民外交的内涵及其在新中国的发展演变。

    It gives a brief statement on the basic principle and fundamental modes of contemporary diplomacy , sums up the connotation and development of people-to-people diplomacy .

  2. 同时,要积极开展人民外交活动,加强同国际朋友的友好往来,为发展国际反侵略扩张的统一战线作出自己的努力。

    At the same time , it should actively expand people-to-people diplomacy , promote amicable exchanges with foreign friends and make its contribution to the growth of the international united front against aggression and expansionism .

  3. 感谢清华大学和中国人民外交学会为举办这次盛会所作的努力。

    I wish to thank Tsinghua University and the Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs for putting together this grand gathering .

  4. 民间外交,又称国民外交或人民外交,它是指不以国家和政府名义处理外交事务的政党、集团、组织、团体以及有影响的个人所进行的对外交往活动。

    Nongovernmental diplomacy , also Civil diplomacy or Folk diplomacy , refers to the foreign exchange activities between nongovernmental parties , groups , organizations or influential individuals .

  5. 很高兴出席由清华大学主办、中国人民外交学会协办的世界和平论坛,与各位新老朋友见面。

    It gives me great pleasure to attend the World Peace Forum organized by Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs and meet with friends old and new .

  6. 美国人民与外交政策

    The American People and Foreign Policy

  7. 中国外交是人民的外交。

    China 's diplomacy serves the interests of the people , and its success depends on the participation and support of the people .

  8. 答:中华人民共和国外交部已发表声明。

    A : The Chinese Foreign Ministry has already issued a statement on the issue .

  9. 中华人民共和国外交部为指定的进行引渡的联系机关。

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China is designated as the communicating authority for extradition .

  10. 中华人民共和国外交部驻香港特别行政区特派员

    Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

  11. 据全国人民代表大会外交事务委员会消息,其他上海合作组织成员国也在对该协议进行审核中。

    Other SCO member countries are also in the process of approving the pact , according to the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee .

  12. 我代表中华人民共和国外交部,并以我个人名义,向各位来宾致以最美好的节日祝福。

    On behalf of the Foreign Ministry of the People 's Republic of China and in my own name , I wish to extend warmest festive greetings to you all .

  13. 值此巴基斯坦国庆节之际,我谨向阁下转达中华人民共和国外交部长致阁下的贺电

    On the occasion of the RepuBlic Day of Pakistan I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency the message of congratulation from the Minister of Foreign affairs of the People 's RepuBlic of China

  14. 中华人民共和国外交部在国务院领导下管理同外国缔结条约和协定的具体事务。国际外汇经纪人协会(外汇俱乐部)

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China shall , under the leadership of the State Council , administer specific affairs concerning the conclusion of treaties and agreements with foreign states .

  15. 中华人民共和国外交部请各国军政机关对持照人予以通行的便利和必要的协助。

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China requests all civil and military authorities of foreign countries to allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely and afford assistance in case of need .

  16. 没有使领馆的,由与中华人民共和国有外交关系的第三国驻该国的使领馆证明,签证的结果概由美国驻华大使馆和领事馆负责。

    If there is no Chinese embassy or consulate , it should be certified by the embassy or consulate of a third country that has diplomatic relations with China This matter rests entirely with the US consulate in China .

  17. 7年后,美国和中华人民共和国建立外交关系。

    Seven years later , the United States and the People 's Republic of China opened diplomatic relations .

  18. 上世纪五十年代,一批阿拉伯国家排除种种干扰,毅然同中华人民共和国建立外交关系。

    In the1950s , a number of Arab countries overcame various interferences and made the courageous decision to establish diplomatic relations with China .

  19. 中华人民共和国独立自主外交政策的确立乃至中苏同盟的建立,使美国急于在远东寻找遏制新中国的力量。

    The PRC made a independent foreign policy , and then made the alliance with the Soviet Union . U.S. also wanted to find a new power to suppress China .

  20. 外交工作永远离不开人民的参与和支持,人民永远是中国外交的牢固基石和坚强后盾。

    People are forever the strong backing of China 's diplomacy .

  21. 在双方的会谈中,也就是我和中华人民共和国的领导人以及美国国务卿与中华人民共和国外交部部长的会谈中。

    In our talks , the talks that I had with the leaders of the people 's repubic , that the Secretary of state had with the office of the government of the people 's Republic in the foreign affairs area .