
  • 网络Developent Task;development task;developmental task
  1. 主要得出以下结论:1、整体上,青少年提及的目标和担忧反映了青少年期的主要发展任务,即未来受教育、职业和个人家庭。

    Overall , adolescent future-oriented goals and concerns most often concerned the major developmental tasks of their own age , such as future education , occupation , family / marriage .

  2. 辅导需要是中小学生在完成其社会角色和发展任务时所遇到的带有共性的、群体特征的困难,并且这些困难能够通过辅导的手段来加以解决。

    Guidance and counseling needs are the general difficulties that the early adolescents experienced when they are performing the social role and developmental tasks , and these difficulties can be solved by counseling .

  3. 基线批准(BaselineApproval)控制长期发展任务或QA、产品化发布版的基线。

    Baseline Approval controls the baseline used for on-going development tasks or for release into QA or Production .

  4. 职业学校学生心理特征与发展任务研究

    Research on the Mental Characteristic and Developmental Task of Vocational School Students

  5. 当前我国义务教育发展任务十分艰巨。

    The task of the compulsory education development is still arduous at present .

  6. 我们面临的发展任务更加紧迫。

    We face more pressing development tasks .

  7. 成人的发展任务与应对策略

    Duty and Countermeasures in Adult Development

  8. 在轮训或发展任务期间,该员工将保留他们的职级和薪金。

    Employees on rotational or developmental assignments will retain their grade classification and pay during the period of such assignments .

  9. 而新能源和可再生能源所占比例还不高,发展任务十分艰巨。

    Sustainable energy and new and renewable energy that is not high and the development of the task is so difficult .

  10. 职业成熟度是指个体在完成与其年龄相应的职业生涯发展任务上的心理准备程度。

    Career maturity is the extent to which individual is ready for coping with career development tasks appropriate to his or her age .

  11. 中国是一个农村人口众多的国家,解决好农村、农业和农民问题,是我国新时期发展任务的重中之重。

    China is a country with huge members of countryside , the well solution of countryside , agriculture and farmer is the most important thing of development in this stage .

  12. 本研究结果表明大学生是网络成瘾的易感人群,大学生的网络成瘾问题受到了家庭情感联结及其特殊的发展任务心理分离的共同影响。

    The research results showed that college kids were susceptible population to IAD , in addition their IAD related with family emotional bonding and their special developmental task psychological separation .

  13. 另外,还要通过县乡关系法制化,稳定县乡政权的关系,保证经济社会发展任务的实现。

    Additionally , it is indispensible to stabilize the relationship of the village and county regime , by legalizing the relationship , to ensure the economic and social development task completion .

  14. 目前,社区卫生服务机构正承担着转变运行机制、扭转补偿机制等改革与发展任务。

    At present , the community health service agencies are responsible for the reform tasks such as the changes of operation mechanism , the shift of compensation mechanism and so on .

  15. 在竞争空前激烈,同质化现象严重的南京报业市场中,很多报社都把品牌建设作为报纸的一项长期发展任务,以此来实行差异化竞争。

    In the ever-competitive Nanjing newspaper market , the homogeneity of newspaper gets more obvious , a lot of newspapers regard brand-building as a long-term development undertaking , in order to implement competitive differentiation .

  16. 社会的信息化、经济的全球化,使每个人都面临知识经济时代的挑战,学习也就成了每个人终生面临的发展任务。

    Because of the development of social information and globalization of economy , everyone faces the challenges of the era of knowledge economy . Undoubtedly , learning , also , becomes a task of one 's life .

  17. 尽管我国经历了经济平稳较快增长,但经济增长的粗放型特征依然显著,转变经济增长方式成为我国经济发展任务的重中之重。

    Although our country experienced fast yet steady economic growth , but extensive feature of economic growth is still remarkable , therefor changing the mode of economic growth has become one of the most important task of China .

  18. 由于受到内在的主体自身意识、能力和外在的管理体制和制度以及结构的非合理性等因素的影响,地方高等院校目前正面临着外在竞争压力剧增、内在发展任务艰巨这一境地。

    At present local universities are facing sharp increase of the external competition pressure , arduousness of intrinsic development mission with the influence factors of intrinsic consciousness , ability and external management system as well as unreasonable structure and so on .

  19. 从分析大学阶段的关键性发展任务出发,将我国大学生的社会能力分为事务处理能力、一般人际交往能力和建立与发展友谊的能力三个方面。

    Lists of major developmental tasks in the period of undergraduate life implied three aspects of undergraduate students ' social competence : the ability to solve social problems , the ability to acquire general social acceptance , and the ability to develop friendship .

  20. 概述了生态水利的概念、定义、运行框架及模式;给出了生态水利与传统水利的区别,并对生态水利未来的发展任务做了简要的论述。

    It have summed up the concept , definition , operation frame and mode of ecological water conservancy , Provide the difference of ecological water conservancy and traditional water conservancy , and has done the brief argumentation to the development task of the ecological water conservancy future .

  21. 作为一名CEO、创始人、或经理,你需要确保只处理那些影响公司发展的任务。

    As a CEO , founder , or manager , you need to ensure youre only tackling the tasks that affect company growth .

  22. 洞察物流发展的任务

    Have a Keen Insight into the Task of Logistics Development

  23. 1991年轧钢生产技术发展的任务

    Development of steel rolling technology and production in 1991

  24. 十一五农村水利发展重点任务分析

    Analysis of the Main Tasks of China Rural Water Development during the Eleventh Five-Years

  25. 因此,公司增加了对发展性任务和新开发任务的投入。

    So the company increased its commitment to developmental assignments and invented new ones .

  26. 试论资源科学的发展与任务

    On the development and assignment of resources science

  27. 社会政策是为实现社会发展的任务而采取的方法与手段。

    Social policies are ways and measures taken for realizing the goals of social development .

  28. 课堂不仅承担着传递知识的任务,也承担促进学生自我发展的任务。

    The task of class is not only transferring of knowledge but also promoting self-development .

  29. 疲劳强度的发展及任务

    Development and tasks of fatigue research

  30. 未来的发展与任务。

    Future developments and task .