
  • 网络CAAM;Association of Automobile Manufacturers;China Association of Automobile Manufacturers;China Association of Auto Manufacturers
  1. 中国汽车工业协会预测,今年中国汽车市场销量将增长7%,至逾2500辆。

    CAAM projected the market would grow 7 per cent this year , to more than 25m vehicles .

  2. 中国汽车工业协会秘书长董扬表示:充电设施缺乏正限制电动汽车市场的发展。

    The lack of charging facilities is constraining the development of the electric vehicle market , said Dong Yang , CAAM secretary-general .

  3. 受此影响,中国汽车工业协会(chinaassociationofautomobilemanufacturers)最近预测,今年整体汽车销量增长将低于5%。

    As a result , the China Association of automobile manufacturers recently forecast total vehicle sales would rise by less than 5 per cent this year .

  4. 中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)昨日表示,仅3月份当月,轿车、运动型多功能车(SUV)以及其他乘用车型的销量就攀升至约200万辆。

    In March alone , sales of cars , sport utility and other passenger vehicles climbed to almost 2m , the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said yesterday .

  5. 中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)昨日宣布,国内汽车生产商今年1至2月共售出自有品牌乘用轿车45.7万辆,较去年同期下降了21%。

    The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said yesterday that domestic carmakers had sold 457,000 own-brand passenger saloons in January and February , a 21 per cent decline from the same period last year .

  6. 中国汽车工业协会(ChineseAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers,简称:中汽协)的数据显示,2014年中国轿车、运动型多用途车(SUV)和多功能乘用车(MPV)的销量为1970万辆,同比增长9.9%。

    Sales of passenger cars , SUVs and minivans increased 9.9 per cent year-on-year to 19.7m units in 2014 , according to the Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  7. 但中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)的数据显示,2012年中国消费者仅购买了11375辆纯电动汽车和1416辆插电式混合动力汽车,尽管每辆车政府最高给予2万美元的补贴。

    But last year , Chinese consumers bought only 11375 electric cars and 1416 plug ins , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers . That 's despite subsidies that go as high as $ 20000 per car .

  8. 不过,最近几个月汽车业已出现了部分复苏的迹象。根据政府支持的中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)的数据,10月份汽车销量同比增长11.8%,达到220万辆。

    However , the industry has seen some signs of recovery in recent months , with October motor vehicle sales rising 11.8 per cent year-on-year , to 2.2m vehicles , according to the state-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  9. 根据中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)发布的数据,今年上半年,中国的电动汽车销量超过2.04万辆,超过了2013年全年纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的总销量。

    More than 20400 electric vehicles were sold in the first half of this year , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers ( CAAM ) , exceeding the number of pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids sold in all of 2013 .

  10. 行业性组织中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)的数据显示,今年7月中国乘用车销量增长11%。但分析师普遍预计,经过了10年的惊人增速之后,2012年的汽车销量将是多年来第二次呈现温和增长的态势。

    China 's passenger-car sales rose 11 % in July , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers , an industry group , but analysts widely expect auto sales for 2012 will mark the second modest increase in as many years after a decade of near breakneck growth .

  11. 中国汽车工业协会(caam)表示,6月份,中国汽车销售总量同比增长近五分之一。

    Overall sales of passenger cars in China rose by almost a fifth last month from a year ago , according to the China Association of automobile manufacturers .

  12. 国内行业组织中国汽车工业协会(CAAM)数据显示,5月汽车销量同比增长8.5%,至190万辆。

    May vehicle sales increased 8.5 per cent year - on-year to 1.9m units , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers , a domestic lobby group .

  13. 根据中国汽车工业协会(CAAM)的数据,今年11月,中国乘用车销量同比只上升了4.7%,是近两年来的最低增幅。

    In November , sales of passenger cars rose just 4.7 per cent year-on-year , the slowest rate of expansion in almost two years according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  14. 在国内,根据中国汽车工业协会(CAAM),3月份乘用车销量较去年同期增长10%,较2月份增长27%,至772400辆,表明消费者需求仍保持强劲。

    Within China , sales of passenger vehicles in March rose 10 per cent from a year earlier , and 27 per cent from February , to 772,400 , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers , a sign that consumer demand remains robust .

  15. 中国汽车工业协会(CAAM)的数据显示,今年1月至4月,中国汽车销量增长8%,较去年同期71.8%的惊人增幅大幅下降。

    Sales of cars in China grew by 8 per cent from January to April this year , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers ( CAAM ), marking a big slowdown from growth in the same period last year – a whopping 71.8 per cent .

  16. 中国汽车工业协会表示,这主要是由于汽车芯片短缺所致。

    The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers says this largely the shortage of automobile chips .

  17. 中国汽车工业协会表示,今年头9个月,乘用车销量同比增长6.9%,至1127万辆。

    In the first nine months , passenger vehicle deliveries rose 6.9 per cent to 11.27m units , the association said .

  18. 中国汽车工业协会的一位官员上月表示,如果持股上限放松,中国国产汽车品牌可能被扼杀在摇篮里。

    A CAAM official said last month that Chinese brands would be killed in the cradle if the restriction was relaxed .

  19. 中国汽车工业协会的一位官员上月表示,如果持股上限放松,中国国产汽车品牌可能“被扼杀在摇篮里”。

    A CAAM official said last month that Chinese brands would be " killed in the cradle " if the restriction was relaxed .

  20. 中国汽车工业协会的统计数据显示,2009年中国汽车产销量已超过美国,成为产销第一大国。

    China Association of Automobile Manufacturers indicated that auto production and sales in China have surpassed the United States in 2009 and been NO.1 in the world .

  21. 根据中国汽车工业协会提供的数字,今年上半年,国内品牌的汽车制造商在国内汽车销售额中只占不到20%。

    Domestic-brand automakers accounted for less than 20 percent of China 's auto sales in the first half of this year , the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers says .

  22. 中国汽车工业协会公布的数据显示,2013年中国机动车销量较2012年增长了14%,创三年来最大增幅。

    Chinese motor-vehicle sales in 2013 were up 14 % from 2012 , the biggest increase in three years , according to the government-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  23. 中国汽车工业协会副秘书长许艳华表示,全球新能源汽车销量今年将达60万辆,美国全年销量预计为18万辆。

    Worldwide electric cars sales will hit 600000 and the figure for the US market is estimated to be 180000 , said Xu Yanhua , deputy secretary-general of CAAM .

  24. 与此同时,中国汽车工业协会宣布,中国11月份汽车销量下降10%。中国是全球第二大汽车市场。

    The news came as the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers announced a 10 per cent drop in November car sales in China , the world 's second largest market .

  25. 但据中国汽车工业协会上月发布的数据,2014年中国的汽车销量已超过2300万辆,一跃成为全球最大的汽车市场。

    However , China 's Association of Automobile Manufacturers reported last month that 2014 automotive sales surpassed 23 million - making China by far the largest auto market in the world .

  26. 据中国汽车工业协会预计,中国新能源汽车今年销量将有望达到22万-25万辆,或超过美国成为世界最大新能源汽车市场。

    Electric car sales in China are expected to reach 220000 to 250000 this year , surpassing the US to rank first worldwide , China Association of Automobile Manufactures ( CAAM ) forecast .

  27. 中国汽车工业协会统计数字表明,2001年我国轿车的产销量同比分别增长16.35%和18.25%;

    According to the statistics by CAIA , the production and sales of cars in China were grown by 16.35 % and 18.25 % respectively in 2001 compared with the same period a year ago .

  28. 新能源汽车在国内已经蓄势待发,中国汽车工业协会数据显示,6月份国内新能源汽车销量达21055辆,比去年同期增长了2倍多。

    New-energy vehicles are already gaining momentum in China . Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that China sold 21055 such vehicles in June , more than double the figure of a year earlier .

  29. 中国汽车工业协会发布的数据显示,今年第一季度,包括微型客车在内的中国自主品牌汽车的市场份额下滑至接近39%,低于上年同期的43%。

    Chinese brands including minivans held nearly 39 % of the market in the first three months of the year , compared with 43 % in the year-earlier period , according to the government-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  30. 中国汽车工业协会周一说,8月乘用车销量为122万辆,同比增长11%,环比增长9%,是3月实现环比增长15%以来的最大月度环比增幅。

    The association said Monday that car makers sold 1.22 million passenger vehicles in August , up 11 % from a year earlier and 9 % from July , marking the biggest monthly rise since the 15 % month-on-month increase in March .