
  • 网络internet society of China;ISC
  1. 中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)负责人5月表示,实行“实名制”的条件“还不成熟”。

    The head of the Internet Society of China said in May the conditions for a " real-name system " were " not yet mature " .

  2. 感谢美国微软公司和蒙迪先生,感谢中国互联网协会以及在座的许多朋友为此所做出的有效努力。

    We at the State Council Information Office are also very grateful for the many efforts and contributions from Microsoft and the Internet Society of China .

  3. 得中国互联网协会的支持,薜博士在中国成立了首个互联网用户组织。

    Dr Xue established the first Internet user organization in China with the support of the Internet Society of china .

  4. 依据电子邮件协议自身的特征,借鉴中国互联网协会提供的垃圾邮件的定义,建立垃圾邮件判别模型。

    We will construct a spam discriminate model on the base of the character of email protocol and the spam definition of Chinese Internet Association .

  5. 2006年10月,博客实名制计划被中国互联网协会正式提出。之后,对于博客究竟采用匿名还是实名的问题,成为了国内公众近年来争议的热点。

    Since the blog real name system was officially brought foward by Chinese Internet Association in October 2006 , the question on whether it should apply " anonymous " or " real name " in the blog has become a hot public controversy in recent years .

  6. 昨天中国国家媒体援引中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)秘书长黄澄清的话,列举了系统查验身份、确保博客服务机构保护数据隐私的种种困难。

    Yesterday , state media quoted Huang dengqing , general secretary of the Internet Society of China , as citing difficulties in setting up systems to verify identities and to ensure blog hosts maintained data privacy .

  7. 近日,中国互联网络信息中心和中国互联网协会联合发布了2016年中国互联网发展统计报告。

    The China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ) , together with Internet Society of China , has jointly issued the 2016 Statistical Report on Internet Development in China .