
  • 网络chinese trade union;China Trade Union
  1. 在这个社会转型期中产权关系、劳动关系、社会结构等方面所发生的一系列的重大变化,对中国工会来说是挑战也是机遇。

    A series of great changes on the aspects including the property right relation ? labor relation and the social structure during the rotation type period in the society is the challenge as well as the opportunity for the Chinese trade union .

  2. 新的历史起点上中国工人阶级与中国工会的历史使命

    Chinese Working-class and Historical Mission of Chinese Trade Union at Present Stage

  3. 不过,正如华威大学(warwickuniversity)俄罗斯与中国工会问题专家西蒙克拉克(simonclarke)强调指出的,在中国和东南亚,独立的工会常常转瞬即逝,而且入会仍然很危险。

    However , as Simon Clarke of Warwick University , who studies unions in Russia and China , stresses , independent unions in China and South East Asia are often fleeting , while membership remains hazardous .

  4. 试论经济全球化和中国工会

    Trial discussions on the economical globalization and China trade union

  5. 社会转型过程中的中国工会

    China Trade Unions during the Course of Social Type Transition

  6. 实现社会公正与中国工会的历史使命

    Chinese Trade Unions ' Historical Mission and the Realization of Social Justness

  7. 中国工会对市场经济的适应是一个历史的过程。

    The Chinese trade unions adapting market economy is a historical process .

  8. 新中国工会50年

    50 Years of Trade Unions in New China

  9. 经济全球化与中国工会法的修改和实施

    Economic Globalization and the Revision and Implementation of Trade Union Law of the PRC

  10. 中国工会:转型期的诉求责难与制度救济

    Trade Union of China : Demand Censure and Institutional Remedy in the Transition Period

  11. 中国工会在经济全球化中的若干对策

    A certain number of policies that China Trade Union may take during the economical globalization process

  12. 走向独立社团:中国工会发展之进路选择

    Independence of Chinese Trade Unions

  13. 论中国工会权利的授予&学习《工会法》的思考

    Discussions on the Award of the Trade Union in China & Thinking for Studying the Trade Union Law

  14. 劳动保护监督是中国工会工作的一个薄弱环节。

    The supervision in occupational safety and health is a weak link in the trade union work in China .

  15. 高校工会贯彻中国工会十五大精神的理论思考

    Theoretical Study on How College Labor Union Shall Implement the Spirit of 15th National Conference of All China Federation of Trade Union

  16. 从1983年开始的中国工会“职工之家”建设活动,至今已走过了20个年头。

    The activity of " building the homes of workers " by the Chinese trade unions began in 1983 . It has passed 20 years .

  17. 党的十六大和中国工会十四大,把中国工运事业的大发展推向一个新的历史阶段。

    The 16th National Congress of CPC and the 14th National Congress of ACFTU promotes the development of labor movement in China into a new phase .

  18. 政治及国际关系学系副教授陈峰博士,凭一篇有关中国工会的研究论文,获伦敦大学东方和非。

    The China Quarterly is a leading and authoritative international journal on China studies published by the University of London 's School of Oriental and African Studies .

  19. 发挥工会优势促进科学发展&深入学习贯彻中国工会十五大精神

    Play to the Advantages of Trade Unions to Promote the Scientific Development & In-depth Study and Implement the Spirit of the Fifteenth Congress of Chinese Trade Unions

  20. 工会工作总体思路的提出,是中国工会向市场化转型和走向改革的标志。

    The establishment of the general thinking of the trade union work is a mark of marketization of Chinese trade unions which are in transition and move towards reform .

  21. 作为维护劳动关系中劳动者一方合法权利的法定组织,中国工会如何履行自己的基本职责,这已经成为一个严峻的现实问题。

    As a statutory body to maintain the legitimate rights of labors in labor relations , how to fulfill their basic duties for Chinese labor unions has become a grim reality .

  22. 美国一家企业联合两家工会对我国彩电行业提起反倾销起诉,这在国际贸易纠纷中绝少见到,向中国工会提出了一个亟待关注的新问题。

    This kind of international trade dispute that trade unions also participated a lawsuit to foreign companies rarely took place and sent a new trend of prompt concern for Chinese trade unions .

  23. 入世给中国工会带来的挑战,突出地表现在对劳动就业、劳动报酬和社会保障等的影响上。

    The challenges brought to the Chinese trade unions arising from the accession to WTO are outstandingly shown on the influence on the physical labor employment , labor remuneration and the social security .

  24. 公司的员工有权根据《中国工会法》和其他适用法律和法规成立工会和开展工会活动。

    The Company 's employee shall have the right to establish labour unions and to carry on labour union activities in accordance with the PRC Labour Union Law and other applicable laws and regulations .

  25. 本文探讨了中国工会由于和国外工会的属性不同,工会作用的表现方式上存在一定区别,同时提出了一些可供探讨的工会发展途径。

    This article discusses the trade unions in China and foreign trade unions as the properties of different expressions of the role of trade unions there are some differences , also made a number of ways for the development of trade unions .

  26. 现行《工会法》规定工会的基本职责是维护职工的合法权益,这是对中国工会职能长期理论探讨和实践经验的科学总结,反映了工会的本质属性。

    The union law stipulates that it is union 's basic duty to protect the worker 's legal rights . This is concluded after union 's duty having been dwelled on in theory and been practiced for a long time in China .

  27. 从发展经济学的角度对当代中国工会组织进行分析,可以阐明以下问题:劳动供给与工会组织基础的新扩展;

    Through analyzing the role and task of the present Chinese trade unions ' organizations from the angle of development economics , we can solve the following problems : labour supply and the new enlargement of the basis of trade unions ' organizations ;

  28. 中国的工会职责在新法里有很大变化。

    China 's trade unions could be transformed by the law .

  29. 中国的工会与西方国家的工会迥然不同。

    Chinese labour unions are nothing like their Western peers .

  30. 中国各级工会组织积极开展互助保障活动。

    China 's trade unions at all levels also organize mutual help and social security activities .