
  1. 分析了加入WTO后我国钢铁工业面临的机遇和挑战,中国钢铁行业将处于前所未有的市场竞争中。

    Analyzes the opportunities and challenges to China 's steel industry after joining WTO , which has faced with unprecedented market competition .

  2. 人民币升值对中国钢铁行业影响的CGE研究

    A CGE Analysis of RMB Appreciation Effects on China Steel Industry

  3. COREX是唯一实现工业化的熔融还原流程,为中国钢铁行业的可持续性发展带来了机遇。

    It is the only one of smelting and reduction processes which has been industrialized .

  4. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  5. 中国钢铁行业重组并购大事记

    Regrouping and Mergers Acquisitions of China 's Iron and Steel Industry

  6. 工业化的深入加速对钢铁的需求&中国钢铁行业分析

    China 's Deepening Industrialization Speeds up the Demand for Metal

  7. 钢铁产业及中国钢铁行业上市公司竞争力分析

    Steel Industry and Competitive Analyses on Chinese Public Steel Firms

  8. 中国钢铁行业价格竞争模式研究

    The Research on the Price Competition Pattern of Chinese Steel and Iron Industry

  9. 中国钢铁行业上市公司自发性会计选择变更实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Voluntary Accounting Choice of Listed Company of Steel Industry in China

  10. 中国钢铁行业:新的生机

    China Steel Industry : New Crucial Point

  11. 中国钢铁行业上市公司资本结构及其战略研究

    The Research on the Capital Structure and Its Strategy of Chinese Listed Companies in Steel Industry

  12. 过去,宝钢曾代表中国钢铁行业与供应商进行铁矿石谈判。

    In the past , Baosteel has represented the Chinese steel industry in iron-ore talks with suppliers .

  13. 第三部分分析了中国钢铁行业上市公司面临的融资环境及相应策略。

    The third part is the financing environment of the listed companies in steel industry and the solutions .

  14. 他身边的一切迹象都表明,中国钢铁行业不太可能复苏即便复苏,可能也是脆弱的。

    All around him are signs of an unlikely and probably fragile revival in the Chinese steel industry .

  15. 在这种情况下,美钢铁产业报告不顾事实,对中国钢铁行业进行指责,是完全不合时宜的。

    Under this occasion , the American irresponsible report against Chinese iron and steel industry is entirely unreasonable .

  16. 中国钢铁行业已经进入了真正的竞争时代,各大钢铁企业要想从大做强,就不能只追求产量。

    The Chinese steel industry must transform from big to strong instead of pursuing the growth of output blindly .

  17. 进入21世纪,中国钢铁行业面临着前所未有的激烈竞争。

    The iron and steel industry in China is facing unprecedented competition with its entry into the 21st century .

  18. 随着中国钢铁行业的兼并、整合,钢铁企业的供应链管理能力已经成为企业竞争的关键优势。

    SCM has now become the key advantage of Chinese iron-steel companies as the combination of the whole iron-steel industry .

  19. 发端于华尔街的金融危机,引发了几乎整个中国钢铁行业的不景气。

    The financial crisis starting from the Wall Street has almost caused a whole depression of the steel industry in China .

  20. 自2008年下半年以来,中国钢铁行业的市场环境发生了巨大变化。

    Since the later half year of 2008 , great changes have taken place in the iron & steel marketplace in China .

  21. 然而,中国钢铁行业已设法为所有这些产能找到了一个“安全阀”出口。

    However , the Chinese industry has managed to find an escape valve for all this capacity in the form of exports .

  22. 伍特克估计,中国钢铁行业的过剩产能介于1亿至2亿吨之间,占总产能的15%-30%。

    Mr Wuttke estimated overcapacity in China 's steel sector at 100m to 200m tonnes , or 15-30 per cent of total capacity .

  23. 中国钢铁行业坚持投资主体多元化的方针,过去10年已经取得重大进展。

    China Iron and Steel Industry Association adheres to multilateral investment policy , and a great progress has been made in the past decade .

  24. 低产业集中度被认为是中国钢铁行业存在的一大问题。

    The concentration degree of the steel industry is very low in China , which has been seen as a serious problem in urgent need of being resolved .

  25. 第二部分对中国钢铁行业上市公司的资本结构进行了详细的分析。

    Firstly , the paper describes the present condition that the low debt asset ratio and the unreasonable debt structure of the listed companies in steel industry of China .

  26. 超常的高速增长由此带动了对铁矿石、煤等大宗原材料的巨大需求,也使中国钢铁行业内的竞争达到了白热化的程度。

    The abnormal high-speed growth of the steel industry induced large demand of the minerals such as iron ore and coal , and made the competition among the steelmakers fiercer .

  27. 中国钢铁行业在第一季度大幅提高了产量,押注于需求将出现复苏,同期有一些迹象显示新的购买行为,分析师们将这些购买归因于囤积策略。

    The Chinese steel industry sharply increased its production in the first quarter , betting that demand would recover and amid some signs of fresh buying that analysts attributed to stockpiling .

  28. 为应对国际金融危机对中国钢铁行业的影响,国家实行了《钢铁产业调整和振兴规划》。

    In order to reduce the negative impact of the international financial crisis on the national steel industry , China has formulated the Blueprint for Adjustment and Revitalization of Steel Industry .

  29. 由于过去曾面临困境,中国钢铁行业——以及引导采购政策的中国政府——不愿意完全依赖澳大利亚和巴西。

    The Chinese steel industry - and the Chinese government , which guides purchasing policies - has been reluctant to rely exclusively on Australia and Brazil , given its past difficulties .

  30. 基于维护中国钢铁行业利益的立场,只有深入剖析上述内容,中国钢铁行业及其管理机构才有可能真正地对铁矿石定价机制进行有效地管理、改进或是选择。

    Only in-depth analysis of the above content , China Iron and steel industry and its management mechanism could makes it possible to manage iron ore pricing mechanism effectively and improved it .