
  1. 地方政府机构编制管理制度化路径探析

    Analysis of the means for institutionalization of the establishment management of local governments

  2. 神经网络模型在环境监测机构编制管理中的应用研究

    Study on artificial neural network model of environment inspecting units ' personnel establishment management

  3. 辽宁省县级义务教育类事业单位机构编制管理问题研究

    Liaoning Province , at the County Level Agencies and Institutions of Compulsory Education Category Management Research

  4. 当前,我国正处于重要的社会转型期,各种体制上的矛盾和问题亟需改革和完善,作为体制改革启动点和重要手段的机构编制管理必须依法加强、依法管理。

    All these contradictions and problems need to be reformed and perfected during the period of social transforming . As the trigger and method of system reforming , institution organization management should be enhanced and supervised under law .

  5. 政府机构编制管理既是政府组织内部管理模式、管理体制、组织方式的体现,也是政府组织内部人力资源合理有效配置的有效途径。

    The authorized size management of government institutions is not only the internal management modal of government , management system , reflection of organization , but also the effective ways of organizing internal human resources in government organization .

  6. 在此基础上,讨论人事与工资统发系统主要功能以及工资管理、工资统发、机构编制管理和公务员管理等核心流程。

    On that basis , further discussion is made on the main functions of the personnel and payroll system and the core processes such as payroll management , unified payroll , public service structure and establishment administration and public servants management .

  7. 同时,强调实现国家事业单位管理体制改革目标的基本途径是在认真界定了行政、事业、企业三者各自职能范围的基础上,通过科学的机构编制管理,实现现有事业单位的分类转型。

    At the same time , it emphasizes that the basil way to achieve the reform of state institutional systems is to realize the classification and transformation of those institutions through scientific administration of organizational establishment on the basis of defining the functions of administration , institution and enterprise .

  8. 义务教育类事业单位在辽宁省社会事业发展中占有特殊重要的地位,是机构编制部门管理与服务的重点领域。

    Type of institution of compulsory education in the development of social undertakings in Liaoning Province occupies the position of special importance is the management of institutions and services sector area of focus .

  9. 事业单位在人事聘用、机构编制、管理体制、绩效工资等方面进行了全面的改革,但是作为事业单位改革重要内容的养老保险制度改革至今仍处于试点阶段。

    The institutions have a comprehensive innovation in the staff recruitment , institutional establishment , management system , and pay for performance . But as the important aspect of reform pension system is still in pilot phase .

  10. 通过MSVisualStudio2008开发工具构建全省机构编制网络化管理平台,开发流程严格遵循软件工程学的相关规范。

    Designing the personnel organization management platform by MS Visual Studio 2008 , the development process meets the requirement of software engineering .

  11. 我国政府机构设置和编制管理立法探析非政府组织参与公共危机管理的法律制度构建

    Research on China 's Government Agencies to Set up and Manage the Preparation of a Number of Legislative Construction of Legal System on NGO 's Participation in Public Crisis Management

  12. 国务院行政机构不得干预地方各级人民政府的行政机构设置和编制管理工作,不得要求地方各级人民政府设立与其业务对口的行政机构。

    The administrative agencies of the State Council shall not interfere with the establishment and staffing administration of the agencies of the local people 's governments at various levels , and shall not require the local people 's governments at various levels to establish agencies corresponding to their administrative work .