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jī zhù
  • loom;conception
机杼 [jī zhù]
  • [loom] 指织布机。杼,织布梭子

  • 成于机杼。--《后汉书.列女传》

  • 不闻机杼声。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  1. 孟母向人借了一架机杼,靠织布维持生计。

    C.Meng 's mother borrowed a loom and began to weave for a living .

  2. 这一倒叙式机杼并非如通常所认为的是独创,而有着文学史渊源。

    This narration mode of flashback is not an original creation people usually think but has its historical origins of Literature .

  3. 当黑线断开,织工就应审视整块织布,他也应检查机杼。

    And when the black thread breaks , the weaver shall look into the whole cloth , and he shall examine the loom also .