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liù chù
  • the six domestic animals;six domestic animals: pig、ox、goat, horse, fowl and dog
六畜 [liù chù]
  • [six domestic animals: pig、ox、goat, horse, fowl and dog] 猪、牛、羊、马、鸡、狗六种禽畜;泛指家畜

  • 六畜会聚图

六畜[liù chù]
  1. 汉维谚语中六畜的文化意义对比研究

    The Constrast Studies on the Cultural Significance of Six Domestic Animals in Chinese and Uygur Proverbs

  2. 他使草生长,给六畜吃。使菜蔬发长,供给人用。使人从地里能得食物。

    He makes the grass come up for the cattle , and plants for the use of man ; so that bread may come out of the earth ;

  3. 一类是已被驯化的“六畜”,即牛、羊、马、猪、狗、鸡,它们是人类为了经济或其它目的而驯养的,占十二种动物的一半。

    The first category includes the six kinds of tamed animals such as the ox , goat , horse , pig , dog and rooster , accounting for half of the zodiac animals .

  4. 但东汉江南地区的养殖业毕竟处于萌芽阶段,还有很大的局限性,六畜的饲养不仅存在地域分布的不平衡性,而且也存在饲养种类的不平衡性。

    But the poultry and cattle rearing South of China was after all at its embryonic stage , greatly limitted and handicapped by the imbalance of both the regional distribution and the reared breeds .