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qī qíng
  • seven emotions;the seven human emotions
七情 [qī qíng]
  • [seven emotions] 中医指喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊等七种情志活动,这些活动过于强烈、持久或失调,可引起脏腑气血功能失调而致病

七情[qī qíng]
  1. 以半夏药对研究七情配伍对细胞代谢酶P450的影响

    Research of the Effect of Cytochrome P450 in Seven Prescriptions on the Basis of Pinellia Tuber Couplet Medicines

  2. 七情致病心理社会因素探析

    Analysis of Social and Psychological Factors in Emotion - caused Disorders

  3. 妇科七情病机概论及各论

    General and each discuss of seven - emotion pathogenesis of gynaecopathia

  4. 七情半结构投射试验的设计与验证

    Verification of the Semi-structured Projective Test of The Seven Emotions

  5. 如果没有五神的活动,就不可能产生七情。

    Without five-spirits activities , there would be no seven-emotions .

  6. 七情在癌症发生、发展及治疗中的作用

    The effect of seven emotions on occurrence and development and treatment of cancer

  7. 孕妇七情背景及七情生活事件的研究

    Study on emotion background and life events of parturient

  8. 七情学说的历史与心理学研究

    Study on History and Psychology of Seven Emotions Theory

  9. 论七情与疾病转归的关系

    Discuss on the Relationship of Seven Emotions and the Finial Result of the Disease

  10. 七情内涵及致病特点

    Connotation of Seven Emotions and Their Pathogenic Characteristics

  11. 新加坡、成都及乐山中医门诊七情背景及事件的比较研究

    Comparison study on seven emotion and life events among patients of Singapore , Chengdu and Leshan

  12. 论药物七情在方剂组成原则中的运用

    Discusses the Application about Seven Different Combination In Drug in the Principle of Forming a Prescription

  13. 焦虑情绪与七情中的怒较相近,抑郁与七情中的思较相近。

    Anxiety is close to the anger in seven emotions , while the depression is similar to thoughtfulness .

  14. 发病理论包括七情理论、气机理论、精血理论等;

    The onset theories included the those of seven emotions , functional activities of qi , essence and blood ;

  15. 老年性忧郁症主要为老年肾气不足后,内伤七情,气血不和,或脏腑受损,阴阳失调所致,多表现为肾虚肝郁、肝肾阴虚、脾肾两虚、心肾不交等一系列脏腑病证。

    Elderly depression syndrome is caused by kidney deficiency and liver depression , liver-kidney yin-deficiency , spleen-kidney insufficiency , and kidney-heart disharmony .

  16. 五神主要与人的认知活动、人格因素相关,而七情与人的情绪、情感活动相关。

    Five-spirits is mainly related to human cognitive activities and personality factors , while seven-emotions is related to human emotional and sensible activities .

  17. 《名医类案》196例七情发病构成及男女特点分析

    Analysis of 196 cases in Ming Yi Lei An about morbidity construction and male and female characteristics of seven modes of emotion injury

  18. 本假说丰富七情致病学说,为有效防治情志病证提供新的理论导向。

    The hypothesis riches etiology of diseases due to seven emotions , and provides the new orientation to effective prevention and cure emotional disorders .

  19. 喜、怒、哀、惧、爱、恶、欲,合起来叫七情。这是人生下来就有的七种感情。

    Anger , happiness , fear , sadness , love , hate , and greed are seven leading emotions that humans are born with .

  20. 心为阳中之阳的属性使心对寒与热的病因以及七情病因具有敏感性。

    Heart is considered as yang within yang makes heart has sensitivity to the cause of cold and heat , and the impassioned cause .

  21. 慢性萎缩性胃炎的发生多与素体虚弱、外邪入侵、饮食不节、七情过极、劳倦过度等有关;

    It is argued that chronic atrophic gastritis is associated with debility , attack of exogenous pathogens , improper diet , emotional stress and exhaustion .

  22. 七情学说本身是一个非常有价值的医学心理学命题,是中国古代医家对生活和临床实践经验的概括和总结。

    The theory of seven emotions itself is a very valuable medical psychology proposition and a generalization of life and clinical experience concluded by ancient Chinese doctors .

  23. 七情是人体喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊等七种不同的情感反映,中医七情系统的发生是逐步发展和建立起来的。

    Seven sensations are the feeling reaction of " happy , angry , anxious , think , sad , fear and surprise ", the sevensensation system develops gradually .

  24. 五神与七情的关系主要表现在三个方面:首先,五神是七情产生的神志基础。

    The relationship between five-spirits and seven-emotions mainly includes the following three aspects : First of all , five-spirits is the spirit-mind basis for the generation of seven-emotions .

  25. 目的在常规治疗基础上,通过运用膳食养生、七情调节、太极拳锻炼等中医养生方法的干预,观察其对冠心病心绞痛发生的防治作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of TCM dietary health preserving , seven emotions regulation , shadowboxing exercise combined with regular treatment in intervention on coronary heart disease .

  26. 调补五脏、生活有节、七情调和、防治结合是延缓女性衰老的主要方法。

    Regulating and tonifying the five internal organs , regularizing life activities , harmonizing seven emotions and combining prevention and treatment are the main methods of delaying female aging .

  27. 而把全部病因概括归类为六淫七情,因为只有六淫七情才能在中医的解释视域里获得意义。

    All the causes was summed up as six evils and seven modes of emotions just because it can obtain significances in the field of vision of traditional Chinese medicine .

  28. 前言:《内经》对于“生病起于过用”的认识有:饮食不节、七情太过、劳逸过度、药物过用四个方面。

    The understanding about disease occurrence is caused by exceed using include four aspects : Improper diet , the disorder of seven emotions , maladjustment of work and rest , drug abuse .

  29. 根据头痛的发病特点,认为头痛是由外感六淫之邪、或内伤七情、饮食劳倦等导致气滞血瘀、痰浊瘀阻脑络,清窍不利而发病。

    In the light of the features of headache attack , it is believed that headache is caused by qi-blood stagnation , phlegm and blood retention in head and subsequent brain dysfunction .

  30. 认为肿瘤的发生虽然与外邪、饮食、七情等因素密切相关,但内虚更是肿瘤发生发展的关键因素。

    Although exogenous pathogenic factor , diet and seven emotional factors were closely related with the ongoing and development of tumors , the inner deficiency was considered to be the key factor .