
  • 网络lampreys
  1. 原始的无颚脊椎动物;七鳃鳗;八目鳗类鱼。现已灭绝的无颚有甲鱼类或鱼状脊椎动物;其分类尚不明确。

    Extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fishlike vertebrate ; taxonomy is not clear .

  2. 鳗鲡状的脊索动物超类,没有咽喉和骨盆鳍;七鳃鳗;八目鳗类鱼;一些已灭绝的种类。

    Superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins : lampreys ; hagfishes ; some extinct forms .

  3. 七鳃鳗作为无颌类脊椎动物的代表,拥有着最古老的适应性免疫防御机制。

    Agnathans , represented by lamprey , are agreed to be the oldest vertebrates possessing the adaptive immune defenses by now .