
qī xián qín
  • Guqin;heptachord;the seven-stringed instrument
七弦琴 [qī xián qín]
  • (1) [the seven-stringed instrument]∶中国一种古弦乐器,用梧桐木制,上有七根弦

  • (2) [heptachord]∶古希腊七弦的里拉琴

七弦琴[qī xián qín]
  1. 降B标准调弦在七弦或六弦琴上调低一个半音,如Nevermore的金属改革流派就在七弦琴上用这种调弦。

    Takes B Standard on either a six or seven string guitar down a semitone ( or half step ) . For example , bands such as Nevermore of the progressive metal genre utilize this on seven string guitars .

  2. 只有少数的音乐家会弹七弦琴了。

    Only a few musicians know how to strike a lyre .

  3. 七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。

    The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise .

  4. 争论在持续,赫密士开始玩弄他的七弦琴。

    As the argument went on , Hermes began to play his lyre .

  5. 斯卡背后背着他的七弦琴。

    Skat brings up the rear with his iyre .

  6. 古希腊人弹奏七弦琴。

    Lyres were played by the ancient Greeks .

  7. 他正在弹古七弦琴。

    He was plucking at a lyre .

  8. 弦乐器的群体包括竖琴、琵琶、七弦琴、筝。

    A stringed instrument of the group including harps , lutes , lyres , and zithers .

  9. 那么黄金、象牙、紫宝石、七弦琴、小刀、鲜花、灌木呢?

    Or gold , ivory , purple , a lyre , a little knife , a flower , a shrub ?

  10. 类似于七弦琴和筝但在琴弦下具有梯形的传声结构板的古代弦乐器。

    An ancient stringed instrument similar to the lyre or zither but having a trapezoidal sounding board under the strings .