
  • 网络Liuan Leaf;Guapian tea;Guapian;Gua Pian;Melon seed
  1. 历史名茶&六安瓜片被列为中国十大经典绿茶之一,是与其独特的生长环境、制作工艺和优良的品质分不开的。

    Liu'an Guapian tea is one of the ten historical green teas in China , which is concerned with its growing surroundings , manufacturing arts and the high quality .

  2. 安徽省主要农产品在全国均占有重要的地位,黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、萧县葡萄、怀远石榴、芜湖瓜子等特色农产品享国内外。

    The main agricultural products of the province are playing important role in the country , for example : Huang Shan Mao Feng Tea , Liu An Tea , Xiaoxian grapes , Huaiyuan pomegranate , Wuhu melon seeds and so on .