
dà zhá xiè
  • Hairy crabs;Chinese mitten crab
  1. 大闸蟹(中华绒螯蟹,EriocheirSinensis)香气独特,味道鲜美,在我国的饮食文化中有着重要的地位。

    Chinese mitten crab ( Eriocheir sinensis ) is a traditional savory food in China with delicious taste and unique pleasant aroma .

  2. 大闸蟹是个很好的锌、铁、铜和磷等矿物质元素的来源。

    Chinese mitten crab was an excellent source of minerals , particularly zinc , iron , copper and phosphorous .

  3. 鼎鼎有名的大闸蟹就出自于这里。

    The famous Dazha Crabs come from here .

  4. 上海年糕毛豆炒花雕大闸蟹

    Stir-fry glutinous rice cake with hairy crab

  5. 现在恰是上海吃大闸蟹的节令。

    It 's Shanghai hairy-crab season .

  6. 大河网讯环境保护主义者发出警告:来自中国的大闸蟹正入侵英国的排水系统。

    Environmentalists warn that Britain 's waterways are set to be invaded by giant exotic Chinese crabs .

  7. 虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店盛邀您前来品尝黄满肉厚、肉质嫩滑的大闸蟹,必让您饕餮整个金秋。

    Do not miss this delicacy created by the dedicated chefs of Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel this Autumn .

  8. 中华绒蝥蟹或者更为大家所熟知的上海大闸蟹是一种营养价值极高的食品。

    Mitten Crab or better known as the Shanghai Hairy Crab is one of the most nutritious foods .

  9. 本季行政总厨史佩乐和他的餐饮团队再次为客人带来极富创意的大闸蟹料理!

    Executive Chef Alfred Spieler and his culinary team return with their creative hairy crab creations all autumn long !

  10. 这种蟹由于其爪子上有密集的深棕色绒毛而得名“中华绒鳌蟹”,俗名“大闸蟹”。

    The mitten crab , given its name because its claws , are coated with clumps of dark brown fur .

  11. 但是,因为水质原因,消费者相信今年的大闸蟹味道会更鲜美。

    However , customers have been promised that the taste this year will be better because of the water quality .

  12. 大概翻译过来就是“高级”、“特级”和“超级”大闸蟹。

    Roughly translated , these are labelled " High Grade "," Special Grade " and " Super Grade " hairy crabs .

  13. 这套美轮美奂的大闸蟹菜单,听说已经在酒店红火起来。

    It 's seems that the fascinating menu has already won immense popularity in the raphael 's at Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai hotel .

  14. 今日阳澄湖大闸蟹带来了可观的经济效益和社会效益,对地方经济发展起到了一定的推动作用。

    Nowadays Yangchenghu Lake Crabs have brought remarkable economic and social benefit and promoted the development of local economy in some way .

  15. 关于大闸蟹的吃法,我也是在上海学会的,现在每次吃得下三个以上。

    It was also in this city that I learned how to eat Shanghai hairy crabs . I also like the local people .

  16. 熟制大闸蟹风味及冷冻加工技术的研究利用海蟹下脚料的酶水解产物制备天然调味品

    Flavor and Freezing Technology of Cooked Chinese Mitten Crab ; Study on the natural spices from the enzymatic hydrolysis product of crab offal

  17. 昨日,来自江苏省阳澄湖,被认为最美味大闸蟹开始在上海上市。

    HAIRY crabs from Yangcheng Lake in Jiangsu Province , considered to be the most delicious , went on sale in the city yesterday .

  18. 大闸蟹切成块状,与洋葱等蔬菜一起煸炒,淋上白葡萄酒和清酒,做成沙司。

    Cut the crab to cube , saut é with onion and vegetables , pour the white wine and sake for make the sauce .

  19. 先买了梭子蟹,每人两只,然后是大闸蟹和两种海贝。

    We went for some swimming crabs first , two for each , then we bought some hairy crabs and then two different shellfishes .

  20. 你可以去尝一尝五香豆、梨膏糖、糖炒栗子、大闸蟹,更别提那些风味独特的小吃和点心了。

    You have to try Five-flavored Beans , Ligao Candy , Roasted Chestnut , Seasonal Hairy Crab , and not to mention the other savory desserts .

  21. 几天以后,我又发现一个新的海鲜推广计划,主角是一种产自上海附近淡水河湖的美味:大闸蟹。

    A few days later I discovered yet another new seafood gift marketing scheme involving those seasonal freshwater delicacies from lakes and rivers near Shanghai : hairy crabs .

  22. 中秋节日餐桌上的食物都是应季的,最受人们喜爱的当属大闸蟹,在秋季时大闸蟹个头最大,蟹黄最为肥美。

    The food on the table is seasonal , and often the main attraction is hairy crabs , which are at their largest and richest with roe during autumn .

  23. 阳澄湖大闸蟹又称清水大闸蟹,体大膘肥,滋味鲜美,是享誉中国的名牌产品,价格昂贵。因此人们用普通螃蟹冒充阳澄湖大闸蟹牟利不足为怪。

    Yangcheng hairy crabs are the most expensive crabs in China , so it 's no surprise that people would try to pass off regular crabs as the pricier breed .

  24. 我在电视广告中看到,从阳澄湖捞起的大闸蟹每八只装成一箱,送到指定的收货人家中还是活蹦乱跳的。

    I saw a video advertisement in which hairy crabs are harvested from Yang Cheng Lake , packaged in boxes of8 , and delivered live to the home of your intended recipient .

  25. 这项运动波及了方方面面,从鲍鱼、大闸蟹等美味食物,到政府工作人员在差旅中的交通方式和住宿规格。

    The drive has taken a toll on everything from culinary delicacies such as abalone and exotic crabs to the kind of transportation and hotels that government workers use on official business trips .

  26. 为了应对假冒的阳澄湖大闸蟹,苏州螃蟹协会要求在每只正宗的阳澄湖大闸蟹的钳子上系一个印有数字编码的塑料圆环,以此作为正宗阳澄大闸蟹的标志。

    To counter the fake crabs , the Suzhou Crab Business Association demanded that a plastic ring with a special numerical code be attached to one of the claws of each original Yangcheng hairy crab .

  27. 市场上出售的阳澄湖大闸蟹300只当中只有一只是正宗的阳澄湖大闸蟹,每年阳澄湖产出的大闸蟹不足3000吨,但是市场上以阳澄湖大闸蟹的名号卖出的螃蟹竟超过100000吨。

    Only 1 in every 300 Yangcheng hairy crabs sold is real . The total number of crabs produced from Yangcheng is less than 3000 tons annually , but more than 100000 tons of crabs are sold .

  28. 在上海,人们只食用上等的阳澄湖大闸蟹,每年,美食家及阔绰的食客们为品尝最正宗的食材,不惜支付每千克1000多元的费用。

    In Shanghai , only the best crabs from Yangcheng Lake are eaten and gourmets and ostentatious gourmands alike willingly fork out more than 1000 yuan ( $ 146 ) per kg each year for the authentic stuff .

  29. 一些商家会把普通的螃蟹放入阳澄湖的水中喂养几个小时然后出售,还有一些商家则会采用一些化学手段以此让普通螃蟹看起来像阳澄湖大闸蟹。

    The real deal comes exclusively from Yangcheng Lake , but there are a few sneaky ways around that . For example , some sellers take water from Yangcheng Lake and put other crabs in it for several hours before selling them as Yangchengs . Others use chemicals on the crabs to make them look like Yangcheng crabs .