
liù shí suì
  • Sixty years old;threescore
  1. 寡妇记在册上,必须年纪到六十岁,从来只作一个丈夫的妻子

    Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old , having been the wife of one man

  2. 希斯仑正六十岁娶了基列父亲玛吉的女儿,与她同房。玛吉的女儿生了西割。

    And afterward Hezron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead , whom he married when he was threescore years old ; and she bare him Segub .

  3. 他是六十岁时去世的。

    He died in his sixtieth year .

  4. 他六十岁左右。

    He is in the vicinity of60 .

  5. 看门人是个六十岁的矮胖子。

    The gateman was a stodgy fellow of 60 .

  6. 我猜这位老太太六十岁上下。

    I should guess the old woman to be about sixty .

  7. 给六十岁的老人你推荐什么?

    What do you recommend for a sixty year old man ?

  8. 六十岁之前我都不会离开这里

    I doubt I 'll leave here before I 'm 60 .

  9. 利百加生下两个儿子的时候,以撒年正六十岁。

    Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them .

  10. 六十岁以上的人该可以选择何时退休。

    The man above 60 years can select the time of retirement .

  11. 到了2030年,中国六十岁以上的人口数量将会是现在178万的两倍之多。

    By2030 their number will double from today ' s178m .

  12. 乔安娜六十岁了,但身体依然健康。

    Joanna is in her sixties , but she is aging well .

  13. 苏:爸爸,奶奶今年六十岁,是吗?

    Sue : Dad , grandma is sixty , isn 't she ?

  14. 六十岁以后学草。

    After the age of60 , he studied Cao calligraphy .

  15. 我的祖母将在周日庆祝她的六十岁生日。

    My grandmother 's celebrating her sixtieth birthday on sunday .

  16. 当他六十岁退休时,她将开始收受养老金。

    He will start receiving a pension when he retires at sixty .

  17. 六十岁时,他开始学俄语。

    At the age of sixty he took up the study of russian .

  18. 那些六十岁上下的律师们都去哪儿了?

    Where were all the lawyers in their late fifties and early sixties ?

  19. 她当空中小姐一直到过了六十岁生日。

    Until She has worked as an air-hostess until past her sixtieth birthday .

  20. 这人看去至少有六十岁光景。

    This creature seemed to be at least sixty ;

  21. 所有六十岁以上的人得以免除服役。

    The man above all 60 years old can avoid the military service .

  22. 我估计他大概有六十岁。

    I would put his age at about sixty .

  23. 他告诉我一个六十岁的老太太患了中风。

    He told me about a 60-year-old woman who 'd had a stroke .

  24. 今年十二月二十一日,是斯大林同志的六十岁生日。

    On the Twenty-first of December , Comrade Stalin will be sixty years old .

  25. 昨天被邀请的人约六十岁。

    The men invited yesterday is about sixty .

  26. 将近四十岁、五十岁、六十岁等。

    Pushing forty , fifty , sixty , etc.

  27. 明天就是我的六十岁生日了。生日总是一个回顾往昔、反思生命的好时候,尤其是到了我这个年龄。

    Tomorrow is my birthday always an opportunity for reflection , but especially this time .

  28. 可怜的乔治才比他那放荡不羁的弟弟大一岁,却显得有六十岁了。

    Poor George , only a year older than his scapegrace brother , looked sixty .

  29. 他肯定早已超过六十岁了。

    He must be well past sixty .

  30. 尽管他是一位六十岁的老人,但他仍然下地劳动。

    Though he is a man of sixty winters , he still works in the fields .