
  • 网络Save Ass Shooter;The Life of David Gale;Zombie Parkour Runner;Cliff Tension
  1. 他是非常有自信的投手,特别是比赛命悬一线时(对阵WV,整场比赛迷失,最后时刻仍敢于接管比赛)

    Very confident shooter , especially when the game is on the line ( vs. WV struggled the whole game and was not afraid to take over at the end ) ...

  2. 我们的安全和未来都命悬一线。

    Our security , our future stands at a great precipice .

  3. 这一惊人生物命悬一线

    the fate of these fabulous creatures hangs in the balance .

  4. 你要知道,如果命悬一线的人是�

    you gotta know if it was your life on the line

  5. 你要知道还有个女人命悬一线。

    Try and remember there 's a woman who might die .

  6. 世间的一切生命在平衡中命悬一线。

    And all of life may hang in the balance .

  7. 听着,他所有的前途都命悬一线了。

    Look , his whole future 's on the line .

  8. 你和你的孩子们命悬一线。

    Your lives and the lives of your children depend on it .

  9. 因为我们的儿子再次让自己命悬一线

    because our son has once again put his life on the line

  10. 加州南部的未来命悬一线

    The fate of Southern California hangs in the balance .

  11. 阿曼达死了杰克命悬一线

    Amanda 's dead , Jack could be dying ,

  12. 在雷斯特雷波,几乎每个人都命悬一线。包括我在内。

    At Restrepo , every guy up there was almost killed , including me ,

  13. 我现在可是命悬一线。

    I 'm the ONEON the line here .

  14. 但一些经济学家警告这个国家正面对命悬一线的外在威胁。”

    Some economists warn this is a country hanging on by a physical threat . "

  15. 一旦一些愚勇之士悬崖边命悬一线,自鸣得意为时已晚。

    Once the foolhardy are teetering on the precipice , it is too late for smugness .

  16. 恐慌是可以理解的,伊朗局势很紧张,原有市场命悬一线。

    The fear is understandable . Oil markets are edgy ; tensions with Iran are high .

  17. 日前,一位得意的父亲分享了自己女儿很多命悬一线的照片,吓坏了全世界的众多父母。

    A proud father has terrified parents woldwide by sharing photos of his baby daughter in death-defying situations .

  18. 到比赛的关键时刻,命悬一线的时候,才是比赛最有趣的地方。

    I think when the game was on the line . That 's one of the most fun .

  19. 你要知道还有个女人命悬一线

    when somebody else is being so delightfully interesting ? Try and remember there 's a woman who might die .

  20. 但是,夏洛克,那名人质,那位老婆婆正命悬一线。

    No , but Sherlock , the hostage , the old woman , she 's been there all this time !

  21. 这场生态危机的首个受害者可能会是湄公河大鲶,它们已经命悬一线多年。

    The first victim of an ecological crisis could be the Mekong giant catfish , which has been on the ropes for years .

  22. 在1-2负于乌拉圭队后,英格兰队小组在世界杯第二轮小组赛出线的希望可谓命悬一线。

    England 's hopes of qualifying for the second round of the World Cup hang by a thread after their 2-1 defeat by Uruguay .

  23. 这项贸易从来都命悬一线,可也一直没垮,因为银河系里总能找到一大堆精神不正常的家伙。

    The trade only hung on by its fingernails because there was always a significant number of people in the Galaxy who were not in their right minds .

  24. 没有人能真的相信,这将产生商业方面的后果,或者说,在我们的荣誉命悬一线的情况下,这样的后果应该是压倒一切的考虑因素。

    No one can seriously believe that this would have commercial consequences , or that such consequences should be an overriding concern when our honour is on the line .

  25. 他们不会明白你会在失败中失去多少东西,但是你是一件没有瑕疵的作品,世间的一切生命在平衡中命悬一线。

    They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure . But you are the instrument of a flawless design . And all of life may hang in the balance .

  26. 最初和鳄鱼打交道时,Womer只是练习跳到它们背上或和它们摔跤。即使这样,有几次也命悬一线,少不了被它们咬伤。

    When he first started out , Womer said he practiced jumping on the alligators and wrestling them , which led to many close calls , including being bitten a few times .

  27. 然而,幸好有里奇在。他用镇定的嗓音和温暖的方式和命悬一线的自杀者交谈,从而伸出救援之手。

    But thanks to his calm voice and sympathetic manner , Mr Ritchie offered a helping hand to the desperate by engaging them in conversation on the cliff-top in their hour of need .

  28. 因为信用额度崩坏,外界都在号召行动,现在不仅仅是欧元命悬一线,整个欧盟和世界经济都遭受着严重危机。

    As credit lines gum up and outsiders plead for action , it is not just the euro that is at risk , but the future of the European Union and the health of the world economy .

  29. 尽管衰退使得整个汽车业都命悬一线年产能总计8600万辆,但全球年销售量已经从2007年的7000万辆下降至5600万辆但有些生产商受到的伤害更大。

    While the recession has run the whole car industry over a cliff total capacity is 86 million vehicles a year , but annualised global sales have fallen to 56 million from 70 million in 2007 some producers are suffering more than others .

  30. .在无国界医生组织海勒文难民营急救室,30名儿童命悬一线。上周已有4名儿童死于严重营养不良,每天早上都会有80多个新增病例。

    Malnutrition Rates Worsen at Newest Somali Refugee Camp Thirty children cling to life at the emergency of the Doctors Without Borders clinic at Hilaweyn Camp . Eight died of severe malnutrition last week , and 80 more new cases at the door each morning .