
mìng míng
  • name;designate;nomenclature;style;christen;nominate;crown
命名 [mìng míng]
  • (1) [nominate]∶以某个名字或头衔称呼

  • 化合物命名规律

  • (2) [christen]∶ 用表示洗礼的仪式为某物(如船只)定名,或举行定名仪式

  • (3) [terminize]∶给(如一门科学)取名

  • 要恰当地命名

  • (4) [crown]∶给取名字

  • 卫星命名为亚洲一号

命名[mìng míng]
  1. 暂分别命名为“眶外侧沟”和“脑膜中动脉眶支孔”。

    We nominate it " the lateral orbital groove " and " the foramen for orbital branch of middle meningeal artery " respectively .

  2. 注意,还应当具有一个良好定义的值,用来命名当前所选的记录,以防止一条记录也没有选择的情况。

    Note that you should also have a well-defined value for that which you are using to nominate the currently selected record , in case no record is selected .

  3. 以第一次开展橄榄球运动的拉格比学校命名。

    Named after Rugby school , where the game was first played .

  4. 这个地区被命名为“英国最后的荒野”。

    This area has been christened ' Britain 's last wilderness ' .

  5. 他们把这条船命名为“大洋洲号”。

    They christened the boat ' Oceania ' .

  6. 列宁格勒被重新命名为圣彼得堡。

    Leningrad was renamed St Petersburg .

  7. 艾尔在1869年成立了N.W.艾尔父子公司,公司以他父亲的名字命名。

    Ayer started N. W. Ayer & Son in 1869 , naming the firm for his father .

  8. 这种汽车被重新命名为沃克斯豪尔在英国出售。

    The car was rebadged as a Vauxhall and sold in Britain .

  9. 皮兰德娄把他的戏剧命名为《六个寻找作者的剧中人》。

    Pirandello titled his play ' Six Characters in Search of an Author '

  10. 布雷迪法案是以前白宫新闻秘书詹姆斯·布雷迪的名字命名的。

    The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady

  11. 一颗不为人知的行星被命名为“祝融”。

    The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet

  12. 我住在埃克斯穆尔,那里已被命名为国家公园。

    I live in Exmoor , which is designated as a national park .

  13. 菲利莫尔岛以罗伯特·菲利莫尔爵士的名字命名。

    Phillimore Island is named after Sir Robert Phillimore

  14. 每个教区都以某位圣徒的名字命名。

    Every parish was named after a saint .

  15. 给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。

    The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union .

  16. 这部机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。

    The machine is named after its inventor .

  17. 该大学以乔治·华盛顿的名字命名。

    The college is named after George Washington .

  18. 这小孩以他祖父的名字被命名为汤姆。

    The boy was named Tom after his grandfather .

  19. 这本新杂志被命名为《环球荧屏》。

    The new magazine was entitled the world screen .

  20. 用已经命名的栽培品种稼接在砧木上这种技术已经为罗马人所熟知。

    Grafting of Root Stocks with named scion cultivars was well understood by the romans .

  21. 造出第一批尼龙的那个人已经去世了,他没留下说明为啥这样命名的任何记录。

    The man who made the first nylon is dead , and he has left no record of what happened at the christening .

  22. 虽然他不被认为是伟人,但他的名字却很可能不会被忘记,因为那座宏伟的建筑是以他的名字命名的。

    Though he is by no means considered to be a great man , his name will probably remain glorious , for the greatest building was named after him .

  23. 她在命名植物、画草图和参考他人作品方面都获得了帮助。

    She received assistance naming plants , making sketches and referencing the work of others .

  24. 一个世纪以来,人们有意地改变事物的命名方式,这表明任何团体的命名都是一项政治活动。

    A century 's worth of calculated name changes point to the fact that naming any group is a politically freighted exercise .

  25. 之所以这么命名,是因为它呼应了"意大利裔美国人"和"爱尔兰裔美国人"等已经摆脱歧视的群体的称呼。

    This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups , such as " Italian Americans " and " Irish Americans , " that had already been freed of widespread discrimination .

  26. ElNifio是一个西班牙词汇,意思是“基督的孩子”。南美渔民注意到了一种每2-7年就会发生一次的全球性气候现象,它会使圣诞时期的捕鱼量下降,遂以此命名。

    El Nifio , a Spanish term for " the Christ child " , was named by South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern , which happens every two to seven years , reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas .

  27. B:你喜欢吗?A:是的,很有趣——这是最主要的。我希望下次能听懂更多。我听说那个茶馆是以老舍的名字命名的。

    B : Did you enjoy it ? A : Yes , it was interesting -- that 's the main thing . I hope to understand more next time . I heard that the teahouse was named after Lao She .

  28. 其中一种甚至被命名为"国王的豆子"。

    One type was even named " King 's Bean " .

  29. 最终她培育出了一种现在以她的名字命名的鸡。

    And she ended up breeding a type that now bears her name .

  30. 20世纪60年代,商店开始将这一天命名为"黑色星期五"。

    In the 1960s , stores tried to rename the day " Big Friday " .