
mìnɡ fù
  • woman given a title/rank by emperor
命妇 [mìng fù]
  • [a woman in ancient China who was given a title or rank by the emperor] 古时被赐予封号的妇女,一般为官员的母亲、妻子

  1. 内命妇,系指皇后以外皇帝的妃嫔而言。

    Both Internal and External Titled Madams are those concubines of emperors except their empresses .

  2. 进而得出外命妇作为妻子是贤明的劝导者,作为母亲是成功的教育者,作为主妇是胜任的管理者的结论。

    So we can draw a conclusion that the external Ming Fu is a wise adviser as a wife , a successful educator as a mother , a competent manager as a housewife .