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  • 网络chu tomb
  1. 长沙楚墓针刻纹漆奁

    Lacquer Lian Toilet Box with Needle-incised Design from a Chu Tomb at Changsha

  2. 到战国时期楚墓帛画的发现,则正式确立的中国传统绘画以线造型的主体地位。

    The discovery of painting on silk from Chu Tomb in Warring states established formally the principal part of traditional Chinese painting modeled by lines .

  3. 楚墓与秦墓的文化比较

    Cultural Comparison on the Tombs of the Chu State and the Qin State

  4. 从楚墓出土丝织品的色彩看楚人尚红

    Color Preference Revealed by Silk Fabrics from Chu Tombs

  5. 其中尤其对2000年出版的《长沙楚墓》一书,作了详细的评论。

    Additionally , it gives length review on Chu Tombs in Changsha , published in 2000 .

  6. 利用拉曼光谱对几件九连墩楚墓出土青铜器的腐蚀产物进行了测试。

    Raman microspectrometry was used to identify the corrosion products from ancient bronzes excavated from Jiuliandun tombs .

  7. 楚式“镇墓兽”是楚墓中特有的随葬器物,反映了楚人特殊的葬俗和文化心理。

    Tomb-guarding Beasts , which are particular burial accessories in tombs of Chu State , reflect the special burial custom and culture psychology of Chu people .

  8. 结合泥芯中的植硅体组合特征,可以推测:九连墩楚墓中具有外来风格的青铜器,很可能来自中国北方黄土堆积地区,系当地铸造后输入到楚国的。

    Combining with the analysis of phytolith assemblages , it is possible that extraneous bronze vessels are cast in the loess area of the northern China .

  9. 河南新蔡葛陵楚墓,是近年来淮河流域考古中新发现的一座战国中期大型墓葬。

    The Chu tomb at Geling , Xincai is a large tomb of the middle Warring States period , recently excavated in the Huai River region .

  10. 摘要湖北江陵望山楚墓出土两批竹简,其价值甚大,一直倍受学术界的关注。

    The two batches of bamboo slips unearthed from the tomb of Wangshan in jiangling , Hubei province , has great value and attracts the attentions of the academic circle .

  11. 楚墓所见墓上建筑痕迹较少,墓上建筑呈现两种形态,一是有房屋建筑,一是有围墙沟洫。

    Less of architectural traces of the tomb can now see , the tomb construction showing two forms , first , the housing construction ; the second is a walled canal .

  12. 湖北包山楚墓出土竹简中,纪年简文有大司马悼滑将楚邦之师徒以救郙之岁一简,其中的郙是国名,即巴国。

    " Fu ", on one of the chronological slips of the inscribed bamboo slips unearthed from the Chu Tomb at Baoshan , Hubei , is the name of the Ba Kingdom .

  13. 安徽战国楚墓所发掘的墓葬数量虽不是很多,但是其中不乏具有重要研究价值和重大学术意义的楚墓葬,为我国楚文化的研究提供了重要的实物资料。

    While the number of unearthed tombs is not in a large standard , most of them have great research and academic value and provide material objects of the study of the Chu culture .

  14. 而战国漆器大多数又出自楚墓,楚国是战国时期幅员最大的国家,已发掘的战国墓也以楚墓为最多。湖北旧石器至战国时期人类遗址分布与环境的关系

    And the great majority of the Warring States lacquer wares came from the Chu tombs . Relationship of Archaeological Sites Distribution and Environment from the Paleolithic Age to the Warring States Time in Hubei Province

  15. 东周时期楚国注重对漆树的栽培,楚墓优良的防护措施使得楚式漆木家具能够较多且较完整的保存至今,为今日对这一时期家具的研究提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    Chu Dynasty paid more attention to the planting of sumac in Eastern Zhou Period . The excellent protection methods of Chu tombs made the furniture sound and preserved till now , which also provided precious information to research .