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mìng shù
  • fate;destiny;lot
命数 [mìng shù]
  • [fate] 命运

命数[mìng shù]
  1. 他这时认识到自己的命数将近,于是冒着危险投入战斗。

    He presently understood his destiny was at hand , and exposed himself to all the danger of the battle .

  2. 对于下定决心的人来说,任何机遇,命数和运气都无法阻挠或控制他那坚定的决心。

    There is no chance , no destiny , no fate , that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul .

  3. 他认为“命数”(Moira)乃是统治着神与人的永恒正义。

    as eternal justice , is seen enthroned above men and gods alike .

  4. 他却坚信自己命数将尽

    he was convinced that this was the end of him .

  5. 已为时过晚,命数已定

    It 's too late , we 've sealed our fate

  6. 所有光芒、所有影响、所有命数皆为它所制;

    Commands all light , all influence , all fate ;

  7. 为何上帝要在他们命数未尽时召唤他们呢?

    Why is God calling them before their time ?

  8. 有许多命数比死亡更可怕。

    There are many fates worse than death .

  9. 着自然暴力的绝大恐惧,那无情地统御着一切知识的命数,

    Their tremendous distrust of the titanic forces of nature : Moira , mercilessly enthroned beyond the knowable world ;

  10. 人的命数是消逝于金色永恒,涌回它非手的双手。

    The fate of humanity is to vanish into the golden eternity , return pouring into its hands which are not hands .

  11. 由此可见,通过人生不懈的努力奋斗和奋力抗争,所谓的人的命数是能够改变的。

    Thus it can be seen the fate-rule can be changed by a kind of strong willing with hard fighting against human natural fate .

  12. 1952年曾获竞选总统提名的阿德莱。史蒂文森接受了党的呼吁,再次参加竞选。他说他曾祈祷某一天我将接过他的“命数”(指克林顿也会被党提名竞选总统)。

    When Adlai Stevenson , the nominee in1952 , accepted his party 's call to run again , he said he had prayed this cup would pass from me .