
  • 网络propositional calculus;propositional logic;Calculus of proposition
  1. 通过对MV代数和Lukasiewicz命题演算系统的研究,我们对MV代数的定义进行了简化,并讨论了MV代数和其它代数之间的关系。

    Through study of MV-algebra and the Lukasiewicz propositional calculus system , we have simplified the definition of MV-algebra and investigated the relation among some logic algebras .

  2. 对中介逻辑命题演算系统MP的18条推理规则作了简化,从中删除了5条不独立的推理规则,构成与原推理规则集S等价的形式推理规则集S1。

    In this paper , the eighteen formal inference rules of the medium logical propositional calculus system MP are simplified , five of which have been omited and the simplified formal inference rules S 1 which equalize former inference rules S are constituted .

  3. F命题演算

    Calculus of fuzzy proposition

  4. 本文讨论了中介逻辑命题演算(MP)的形式系统。

    This paper deals with the formal system of propositional calculus of medium logic ( MP ) .

  5. 如所知,中介逻辑的命题演算系统MP有三个命题联结词,即蕴涵词→,对立否定词和模糊否定词~。

    It is known that MP has three propositional connectives : The implication symbol →, the opposite negation and the fuzzy negation ~ .

  6. 本文主要讨论制约系统命题演算Cm中形式定理的判定算法,以及现实世界对象事件和对其思考的形式表示。

    This paper mainly discusses formal theorm judged algorithm in entailment system propositional calculus Cm and object events in the actual world with the form of deep thinking that it expresses .

  7. 限悖论逻辑Lpm的命题演算

    Proposition Calculation of the Logic of Circumscribed Paradox Lpm

  8. 中介逻辑命题演算的扩张(Ⅱ)

    An extension of the propositional calculus system of medium logic (ⅱ)

  9. 基于开放世界预设的3-值命题演算系统

    The Three-Valued Sentential Logical Structure Based on the Open-World Assumption

  10. 时态命题演算T1的树枝图及其应用

    Tree Diagram of Temporal Propositional Calculus and It 's Application

  11. 命题演算系统S的概率模型

    The Probability Model for the Calculus of Proposition System S

  12. 经典公理系统在模糊命题演算中的不和谐性

    Inconsistency of the classical axioms in fuzzy propositional calculus

  13. 命题演算加三段论系统的语义与特征

    Semanteme and Characteristics of Propositional Calculus plus Syllogistic System

  14. 中介命题演算系统MP~M的公理完备集

    The Complete Axiom Set of MP ~ M

  15. 在定量的意义下使模糊命题演算完全包容经典命题逻辑是不可能的。

    It is impossible for a quantitative fuzzy propositional logic to subsume classical propositional logic .

  16. 中介命题演算系统MP~M的代数系统

    The Algebraic System of MP ~ M

  17. 命题演算的一系公理

    An axiom system for the propositional calculus

  18. 关于分析中的命题演算

    On the propositional calculus on analysis

  19. 命题演算的公理系统

    Some axiom systems for propositional calculus

  20. 命题演算的两个直觉主义系统

    Two Intuitionistic Systems of Sentential Calculus

  21. 经典命题演算的能行方法研究具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。

    The manipulative approach to the classical calculus of propositions is fairly significant and valuable theoretically and academically .

  22. 正是这些规律决定了经典命题演算有能行方法存在。

    In some degree , it is these orders that determine the approach to the classical calculus of propositions .

  23. A在MP~中是否成立的算法。由此MP~是可判定的。经典公理系统在模糊命题演算中的不和谐性

    The propositional calculus system ( MP ~ ) is decidable . Inconsistency of the classical axioms in fuzzy propositional calculus

  24. 文中推论2说明了MP~与经典逻辑的命题演算系统(P~)的关系。

    The relations between propositional calculus of classical logic ( P ) and medium logic ( MP ~ ) have been obtained .

  25. 本文试图建立一套能行程序,使经典命题演算实现能行化。

    Therefore , this thesis intends to offer a manipulative procedure so that the approach to the classical calculus of propositions becomes available .

  26. 本文基于中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M构造了一个公理集合,证明了该公理集合的完备性。

    This paper constructs an axiom set based on the medium logic propositional calculus system MP ~ M and gives a proof of its completeness .

  27. 包含0,1两个元素的布尔代数已为人们所熟知,它给命题演算和对逻辑网络的研究提供了很好的工具。

    Two-valued logic with elements " 0 ", " 1 " is well-known to everyone and it provides the implementations for studying propositional logic and logical networks .

  28. 1879年《概念文字》的出版,标志着数理逻辑的基础部分&命题演算和谓词演算正式建立。

    In 1879 , the publication of " Concept Writing " marks the foundation of propositional calculus and the predicate calculus & the basic part of mathematical logic .

  29. 中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M和中介逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M是一种适用于处理不完全信息的新的逻辑系统。

    The Medium Logic Propositional Calculus System MPM and the Medium Logic Predicate Calculus System MFM are new logic systems . They are fit for dealing with incomplete information .

  30. 本文从基于模糊逻辑的量化命题演算出发,探究一个新的数据库查询机制,用以处理更一般的量化命题意义的模糊数据库查询。

    In this paper , A new retrieval mechanism of database is investigated based on quantified propositional calculus of Fuzzy Logic . It Can be used to process the more general fuzzy database retrieval .