
  • 网络Simple proposition;atomic proposition
  1. 对当关系中的真假不定不能看作是一简单命题用于假言三段论。

    Undefined truth-values in the square of opposition cannot be used as a simple proposition in hypothetical syllogisms vaguely .

  2. 形式逻辑已经从简单命题逻辑发展到比较复杂的模态逻辑系列。

    Formal logics in AI have grown from the simple proposition logic to modal logic series , which are more com - plicated .

  3. 谓词逻辑:也叫谓词演算,它研究简单命题的内部结构。

    Predicate logic : also predicate calculus , which studies the internal structure of simple propositions .

  4. 这个推理的前提和结论里都没有连接词,它们不是复合命题而是简单命题。

    There are no connectives in the premises and conclusions of this reasoning . There are not complicated but simple propositions .

  5. 一论命题的分类:在普通逻辑中,命题分成简单命题和复合命题两类,简单命题分成直言命题和关系命题两种。

    The first is about prepositional classification . In general logic , proposition consists of two categories , the simple proposition and the compound proposition .

  6. 如果我们不对简单命题做进一步的分拆,从而显示出前提和结论在形式结构方面的联系,我们就不可能认识到这种推理的形式和规律。

    If we don 't divide simple propositions into smaller parts and show the connections on the form and construction of promises and conclusions we could not grasp the forms and rules of the reasoning .

  7. 汉语空间关系简单句命题表征项目顺序特点

    The Characteristics of Item Order of Propositional Representation in Simple Sentences about Spatial Relationship in Chinese

  8. 我们为自己设计出各种新形象,却仍在为那个简单的命题而困扰:“做一个中国人,到底意味着什么”。

    We have designed various new images for ourselves , yet being baffled by this simple question : What does it mean by being a Chinese ?

  9. 在具体运算阶段的儿童也能进行些简单的复合命题推理,这对皮亚杰的儿童发展阶段论的某些观点进行了质疑。

    The children in the period of material operation could work at some simple deductive reasoning , which was contrary to the claims of Piaget .

  10. Steinhaus棋盘问题的简单证明及其等价命题

    The simple proof of the Steinhaus chessboard problem and it 's equivalent proposition