
  • 网络compound proposition;Composite proposition;Compositional Proposition
  1. 这与纯真值复合命题有实质性区别。

    This is quite different from compound proposition of true value .

  2. 也谈复合命题

    On the Compound Proposition

  3. 超赋值与复合命题的语义预设

    The Semantic Presupposition of Super - value and the Complex Proposition

  4. 复合命题推理能力相关影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Influencing Factor in Propositional Reasoning Ability

  5. 复合命题的形式和真假性的认识

    Understanding on the form of sentential combination and its truth and falseness

  6. 不同的格式类型、性别对被试的复合命题推理能力有着显著的影响。

    Different formats , genders had an influence on proposition reasoning of the subjects .

  7. 复合命题辨析

    Differentiation and Analysis of Compound Proposition

  8. 我们研究了8-10岁的儿童,青少年和成年人的复合命题推理发展。

    We investigated the propositional reasoning of children 8-10 year of age , adolescents and adults .

  9. 实验采用命题-图形匹配的方法,考察了复合命题推理的所有5种类型,结果表明:(1)复合命题推理在儿童期、少年期和成年期显著获得发展。

    We used the proposition-figure match task and tested all of the 5 kinds of propositional reasoning .

  10. 复合命题理解能力的发展

    Development of proposition understanding

  11. 若超赋值可以指派真值,则可以进一步研究各复合命题的真值情况。

    If super-value can disclose truth , then further study of the truth of various complex propositions is possible .

  12. 这个推理的前提和结论里都没有连接词,它们不是复合命题而是简单命题。

    There are no connectives in the premises and conclusions of this reasoning . There are not complicated but simple propositions .

  13. 而材料性质对被试的复合命题推理能力的影响体现在阶段性上,它只对儿童阶段的被试有影响,而对少年阶段和成年阶段的被试影响却不大。

    But the effect of material character was based on the phases ; it only affected the subjects in the childhood .

  14. 相应地,陈述原子事实的原子命题是命题的最小单位(基本命题),复合命题是基本命题的真值函项。

    Accordingly , Atomic propositions that state atomic facts are the minimum units of propositions . Complex propositions are truth-functions of basic propositions .

  15. 略评克里普克、古普塔的说谎者悖论&语境作弄与复合命题解悖方案

    Some Comments on Kripke and Gupta 's " Liar Paradox " & Unfavorable " Context " and Its " Complex Proposition " Resolution

  16. 研究这一内容,对于掌握形式逻辑中复合命题及其推理这部分理论知识以及实际运用,具有重要意义。

    Studying the method possess great importance for mastering the theories and application of compound assigning a topic and inference in formal logic subject .

  17. 在具体运算阶段的儿童也能进行些简单的复合命题推理,这对皮亚杰的儿童发展阶段论的某些观点进行了质疑。

    The children in the period of material operation could work at some simple deductive reasoning , which was contrary to the claims of Piaget .

  18. 一论命题的分类:在普通逻辑中,命题分成简单命题和复合命题两类,简单命题分成直言命题和关系命题两种。

    The first is about prepositional classification . In general logic , proposition consists of two categories , the simple proposition and the compound proposition .

  19. 综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真ph.1.连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)

    A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true .

  20. 汉语的否定句对应于逻辑上直言否定命题和复合命题中的负命题两种不同类型的命题。

    Negative sentences in Chinese are corresponding to two kinds of different propositions in logic . They are categorical negative proposition and the negative proposition of compound proposition .

  21. 通过《数学分析》中复合命题的逆否命题的剖析,探究了其逆否命题潜在的涵义和应用价值。

    This paper searched the potential connotation and applied value of the contrapositivity of compound proposition by analysis of contrapositivity of compound proposition in 《 Mathematical Analysis 》 .

  22. 但是本文的复合命题方案试图消解欧氏的强例,较彻底地表明:欧氏挑战(亚氏的)不矛盾律失败。

    This essay , however , with its Complex Proposition theory , tries to dissolve Eubulides ' strong instances in order to show the thorough failure of his challenge .

  23. 所以被试联言推理的能力强于不相容的选言推理,强于充分条件的假言推理。(5)不同的问题格式对被试的复合命题推理能力有显著的影响。

    So the ability of associated reasoning is better than disjunctive reasoning and hypothetical reasoning . ( 5 ) The different reasoning forms have notable effect on the propositional reasoning .

  24. 三是在复合命题中,复合命题的真假是指肢命题的真假是否反映了由于逻辑联结项的不同所形成的不同逻辑关系的正误。

    The meaning of the truth and falsity of a compound proposition is whether its branches can reflect the correctness and wrong of different logical relations formed by different combinations .

  25. 玩忽职守罪的罪过形式只能由过失,而不能由故意构成,否则会违反矛盾律、充足理由律及复合命题推理的基本规则。

    And the former should happen because of negligence , not intent , otherwise it will violate contradiction rules , good-reason rules and the fundamental principles of composite proposition reasoning .

  26. 真值表方法在形式逻辑中占有着重要地位,特别在复合命题中,具有判定作用。

    The method of the truth table plays an important role in formal logic subject , especially in the field of compound assigning a topic , which is of judging function .

  27. 本文通过对具体不同的实例分析,较为直观通俗地论述了复合命题的结构形式和真假性,并介绍了复合命题真假性的判断。

    This article expounds the truth - and - false and structural form of sentential combination all - round and audio - visually by analysing different concrete examples , which can provide some help for the person who begins to learn .

  28. 该方法统一了确定性和不确定性蕴涵型复合命题的真值求法,填补了不确定性蕴涵型复合命题真值计算的空白,因而将在机器推理特别是不确定性推理中发挥重要作用。

    This method unifies truth computation methods for certainty and uncertainty implication compound proposition s , and even fills in the gaps of the truth computation of uncertainty implication compound proposition , thus will exert important effects on machine reasoning and especially on uncertainty reasoning .

  29. 复合模糊命题的弱逻辑关系及其运算方法

    The Feeble Logic of the Compound Fuzzy Proposition and Its Algorithm

  30. 复合模糊命题运算中的弱范数研究

    On the Weak Norms of the Compound Fuzzy Proposition