
  • 网络easter island;Moai;rapa nui
  1. 当第一批开拓者发现复活节岛时,这里是个天堂。

    When those first colonizers discovered Easter Island , this was a paradise .

  2. 当资源逐渐减少时,复活节岛的社会陷入了混乱和战争。

    As resources dwindled , Easter Island society descended into chaos and warfare .

  3. 这里的是复活节岛的石像。

    And here we have our Easter Island head .

  4. 考古学家发现著名的复活节岛巨古石像的秘密。

    Archaeologists have solved an ancient mystery surrounding the famous Easter Island statues .

  5. 复活节岛是以一个假日而命名的。

    Easter Island is named after a holiday .

  6. 在著名的复活节岛上的巨石雕塑平均每个重达14吨。

    The famous stone monoliths of Easter Island weigh an average of14 tons each .

  7. 看到这些石人我想到了复活节岛上的那些巨型石雕。

    Seeing these stone men reminds me of those colossal stone sculptures on Easter Island .

  8. 雷帕霉素是一种最初发现于来自复活节岛土壤样本中细菌的制品。

    Rapamycin is a bacterial product originally found in a soil sample from Easter Island .

  9. 复活节岛的启示

    The revelation of Easter island

  10. 复活节岛之谜

    The Enigma of Easter Island

  11. 最典型的例子莫过于太平洋上这个最偏僻的孤岛——复活节岛。

    Nowhere is this more apparent than on the single most remote island in the Pacific-Easter Island .

  12. 它和英国的石头阵一样,没人知道887年复活节岛雕像摩埃背后真正的故事。

    Like Stonehenge , no one really knows the story behind the 887 Easter Island moai statues .

  13. 在2006年,科学普查者在复活节岛附近的发现了毛茸茸的新蟹类。

    In two thousand six , scientific census-takers found a hairy new species of crab near Easter Island .

  14. 这个版本的复活节岛历史仍然具有争议性,这可以理解,因为如果这个版本是真的,那就意味着拉帕努伊人太鼠目寸光了。

    Understandably this version of Easter Island 's history remains controversial because it suggests the Rapa Nui were incredibly short-sighted .

  15. 事实确实并非如此。当第一批开拓者发现复活节岛时,这里是个天堂。

    The truth is , it didn 't. When those first colonizers discovered Easter Island , this was a paradise .

  16. 这次的新发现挑战了已被广泛接纳的观点:人们认为复活节岛上的文明在经过了几百年的缓慢发展后而突然崩溃。

    The finding challenges the widely held notion that Easter Island 's civilization experienced a sudden collapse after centuries of slow growth .

  17. 日食在开阔的海域和无人居住的环礁划出一条弧线,日落则在偏远的复活节岛。

    The eclipse drew an arc across the open sea and uninhabited atolls , making its main landfall on remote Easter Island .

  18. 复活节岛上的手稿就叫做荣戈荣戈经文,也是未被破译,与摩亨佐达罗的手稿惊人地相似。

    Writing on Easter island , called rongo-rongo writing , is also undeciphered , and is uncannily similar to the Mohenjodaro script .

  19. 这是在过去几十年里研究者拼凑起来的关于复活节岛的说法,但是享特和李波认为这种说法是错的。

    This is the story pieced together by researchers over the past several decades , but Hunt and Lipo think it is wrong .

  20. 岛民最终的遭遇也好不了多少:经历了复活节岛的兴盛和悲惨的灭亡后,拉帕努伊人如今已成为传奇。

    The people ultimately didn 't do much better : the rise and tragic demise of the Easter Islanders , the Rapa Nui , is now legendary .

  21. 杰夫和詹妮弗来自美国新泽西州的梅德福,五年前他们在南太平洋复活节岛上火山口结婚。

    Jeff and Jennifer Salvage , of Medford , New Jersey , got married on a volcano in Easter Island in the South Pacific five years ago .

  22. 雷帕霉素也被称作西罗莫司,最初是作为吸水链霉菌制品被发现的。该细菌来自于复活节岛的土壤样本中。

    Also known as sirolimus , rapamycin was first discovered as a product of the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus , which was found in an Easter Island soil sample .

  23. 也许,复活节岛的衰败并非是由于岛民砍光了所有的树,而是因为老鼠吃光所有的棕榈树坚果。

    Perhaps the fate of Easter Island was not sealed by the human who felled that last tree , but by the rat that ate the last palm nut .

  24. 复活节岛只有20公里长,11公里宽,它像一座堡垒从海面耸起,四周是一望无际的大海。

    Just 20 kilometers long and 11 kilometers wide , Easter Island rises like a fortress from the waves , surrounded by thousands of kilometers of ocean in every direction .

  25. 复活节岛的神秘石像&一份独特的历史遗产红色文化遗产资源具有独特性、多样性、稀缺性、文化性等特点。

    The Mysterious Statues of Easter Island & A Most Extraordinary Legacy of the Past It is endowed with those characteristics such as particularity , diversity , rareness and culture .

  26. 其他南太平洋岛屿同样经历了文明的兴盛与衰落,但它们并没有留下拉帕努伊的巨型石像,这些石像成了复活节岛文明消失的引人注目的见证。

    Other South Pacific islands have also seen civilizations rise and fall , though none have left such dramatic reminders of their passing as the giant statues of the Rapa Nui .

  27. 最新研究表明,一种来源于位于南太平洋已经消失的那个雕刻石像民族的神秘家园&复活节岛上的药物,可能成为第一种延缓人类衰老的物质。

    A drug originating on Easter Island , the mysterious South Pacific home of a lost statue-building people , may become the first substance to slow down human ageing , new research indicates .

  28. 希腊的雅典卫城、英国的巨石阵、柬埔寨的吴哥窟、复活节岛巨人像和巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔等几大热门侯选古迹未能入选。

    The top contenders that lost out are the Acropolis in Athens , Greece , the Stonehenge in Britain , Angkor Vat in Cambodia , the statues on Easter Island and the Eiffel Tower in Paris .

  29. 肥沃的火山灰滋养了一大片棕榈树林,那也曾是许多珍稀物种的栖息地,包括生长在复活节岛上的苍鹭、鹦鹉、秧鸡和猫头鹰,而如今他们都消失了。

    Rich volcanic soils nourished a forest of giant palms that was home to many unique species , including Easter Island versions of herons , parrots , rails and owls . Today , they are all gone .

  30. 复活节岛,又称拉帕努伊岛,是一座位于智利海岸以西2000英里以外的袖珍小岛。在广袤无垠的太平洋中,它凭借作为一座与世隔绝的袖珍小岛而著称。

    Located some 2000 miles west of the Chilean Coast , Easter Island , or Rapa Nui , is a tiny island that has become famous for its remarkable isolation in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean .