
  • 网络Suva
  1. TemuWaqanivalu医生是世界卫生组织驻斐济首都苏瓦南太平洋办公室的工作人员。

    Dr. Temu Waqanivalu is with the World Health Organization 's South Pacific office in Suva , Fiji .

  2. 在维提岛上的苏瓦是首都。

    Suva , on the island of Viti Levu , is the capital .

  3. 阿联酋央行行长纳赛尔阿尔-苏瓦迪(nasseral-suweidi)上月表示:“随着美元继续贬值,以及美国经济预计也将继续走弱,我们现在已经走到了一个十字路口。”

    Speaking last month , Nasser al-suweidi , the UAE central bank governor , said : " we have reached a crossroads now with a further deterioration in the US dollar and expected further weakening of the US economy . "

  4. 我早就命令过你不要惊动苏瓦吉。

    I gave you direct orders not to meddle with sauvage .

  5. 苏瓦吉正等待着以叛国罪的审判。

    Mr Sauvage is now awaiting trial for high treason .

  6. 惊奇非常是我的专业,苏瓦吉。

    Surprises are very much my speciality , sauvage .

  7. 派斯卡苏瓦吉的办公室在哪儿?

    Where is the office of Pascal sauvage ?

  8. 你要不走,我父亲就到苏瓦松将军那里去告你。

    If you don 't go my father will go to Soissons and complain to the general .

  9. 今天已经有很多人接过他的接力棒,包括他的遗孀苏瓦提也继承他的遗志并继续着他的未竟事业。

    So many today , including his widow Suciwati , serve his memory by carrying on his mission .

  10. 优质的服务,近便的机场。新曼谷苏瓦那布呼米机场有很多指示牌指引我们走向诺富特新机场酒店的免费班车。

    There were plenty of signs in the new Suvarnabhumi airport pointing us to the free shuttle for the new Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport .

  11. 他的脑子乱成一锅粥,慢慢地骑着车回苏瓦松。上床以后,一连好几个钟头睡不着觉。

    His thoughts in a whirl , he rode slowly back to Soissons , and when he went to bed he couldn 't get to sleep for hours .

  12. 来自斐济首都苏瓦的11岁的依利娜?波里斯在与她朋友玩过气垫曲棍球之后,她自己发现墙的小小角落并开始绘画。

    After playing air hockey with her friend , Elena pleass , an11-year old from suva , fiji , found her own small corner of the wall and began to draw .