
  • 网络Sirte;surt;soult
  1. NTC部队与躲藏在苏尔特的效忠者仍在战斗中。

    NTC forces are struggling to overcome loyalists still holed up in Sirte .

  2. 来自利比亚临时权力机构全国过渡委员会(NTC)的军队正试图采取新战略,将仍效忠卡扎菲上校的武装分子从其在苏尔特市的阵地驱逐出去。

    Forces from Libya 's interim authority , the NTC , are trying to find a new strategy to dislodge fighters still loyal to Colonel Gaddafi from their position in the city of Sirte .

  3. 利比亚电视台海报道了可能是卡扎菲上校儿子之一的Muatassim于星期四在苏尔特被杀死,还播放了据说是Muatassim血迹斑斑的尸体的图像。

    Libyan television also reported that one of Colonel Qaddafi 's feared sons , Muatassim , was killed in Sirte on Thursday , and broadcast images of what it said was Muatassim 's bloodstained corpse .

  4. 北约雇佣军及其代理人要求北约帮助攻打苏尔特。

    NATO mercenaries and its agents are asking for help in Sirte .

  5. 关于哪一方控制了苏尔特主要的阿维森纳医院有不同的报导。

    There were conflicting reports about which side controlled Sirte 's main Avicenna Hospital .

  6. 全国过渡委员会称当攻下苏尔特时将正式宣布利比亚的解放。

    The NTC says it will formally declare the liberation of Libya when Sirte falls .

  7. 叛军宣称他们明天将打入卡扎菲上校的出生地和腹地苏尔特。

    The rebels claim they could be in Sirte tomorrow , Colonel Gaddafi 's birthplace and his heartland .

  8. 反卡扎菲战斗人员据报控制了苏尔特东方一个小城镇,和苏尔特的主要机场。

    Anti-Gadhafi fighters reportedly control a small town east of Sirte as well as the city 's main airport .

  9. 忠于东部指挥官哈利法·哈夫塔尔的利比亚部队已控制了战略沿海城市苏尔特。

    Libyan forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar have taken control of the strategic coastal city of Sirte .

  10. 虽然他们还在与残余势力对抗,但他们已经控制了苏尔特市第二区。

    They said they were still battling pockets of resistance , but they were in control of District 2 .

  11. 卡扎菲的尸体最终被在苏尔特战斗的米苏拉塔基地士兵的一个旅捕获。

    Qaddafi 's body was ultimately seized by a brigade of Misurata-based fighters who had been fighting in Surt .

  12. 接着,他问达尔马提亚公爵说:“苏尔特,您看圣朗贝堂那边是什么东西?”

    Then he asked the Duc de Dalmatie ," Soult , what do you see in the direction of Chapelle-Saint-Lambert ?"

  13. 利比亚官员称,卡扎菲在出生地苏尔特城被捕,随后在交火中被杀。

    Libya 's Col Muammar Gaddafi was killed in crossfire after being captured in his birthplace of Sirte , officials say .

  14. 他们打算切断苏尔特的水电,并继续向前推进。

    They intend to cut off the water and electricity to Sirte , and also crucially to advance closer to it .

  15. 一名反对派指挥官坚称,在苏尔特,效忠卡扎菲的战斗人员被驱赶到越来越小的范围内。

    One rebel commander claimed that Gadhafi loyalists were being driven back into an increasingly smaller pocket of territory inside Sirte .

  16. 当时的陆军大臣,参加过奥斯特里茨战役的苏尔特元帅,带着阴郁的神情注视着这一切。

    The Minister of War at that time , Marshal Soult , who had seen Austerlitz , regarded this with a gloomy air .

  17. 苏尔特这座曾富丽堂皇的瓦加杜古会议是卡扎菲大肆挥霍的地方。

    The once lush and opulent Ouagadougou complex in Sirte is the kind of place that Colonel Gaddafi liked to spend his millions .

  18. 来自米苏拉塔的反卡扎菲战斗人员守住了往苏尔特的南侧入口,但无法击溃卡扎菲的防卫。

    Anti-Gadhafi fighters from the town of Misrata hold the southern entrance to Sirte but have been unable to punch through Gadhafi defenses .

  19. 苏尔特人民再次击退反对派,反对派指挥官司说,我们失去了很多战士,处于困境。

    The people of Sirte have defeated the rebels again and Rebel commander said " we lost many men and things are difficult " .

  20. 一家利比亚战机的飞行员说卡扎菲藏在家乡苏尔特的一处洞穴里,还大声喊叫:别开火,别开火。

    A Libyan fighter claimed Gaddafi was hiding in a hole in his hometown of Sirte shouting : Don 't shoot , don 't shoot .

  21. 委员会想要说服在卡扎菲出生地苏尔特的当地武装投降,而不是屈服于致命的围攻。

    The council wants to persuade the authorities in Sirte , the colonel 's birthplace , to surrender rather than submit to a lethal siege .

  22. 北约发表声明说,被击中的舰艇位于利比亚首都的黎波里、苏尔特和阿尔胡斯的港口。

    A NATO statement says the vessels that were targeted were in the ports of Sirte , Al Khums and the Libyan capital , Tripoli .

  23. 我们期望被母亲偏爱的孩子对父母进行照顾会起到积极的效果,但是令人惊讶的是竟然没有,苏尔特说。

    We expected having that preferred child care for a parent would make a positive difference , but surprisingly it didn 't , Suitor said .

  24. 苏尔特的事态引发了兴高采烈的情绪,这是可以理解的。但如果卡扎菲被活捉,然后被迫接受审判,效果可能会更好。

    Despite the understandable euphoria in Sirte , it might perhaps have been better had Col Gaddafi been captured alive and forced to stand trial .

  25. 北约同时对的黎波里、胡姆斯和苏尔特发动空袭,此次袭击击中八艘属于卡扎菲的军舰。

    Nato air strikes have hit eight warships belonging to Col Muammar Gaddafi 's forces in co-ordinated raids on Tripoli , Al Khums and Sirte .

  26. 与此同时,在通往苏尔特的道路上冲突不断。这是仍在亲卡扎菲的力量控制之下的少数几个利比亚城镇之一。

    Meanwhile , clashes have been continuing on the road to Sirte , one of the few Libyan towns still under the control of pro-Gaddafi forces .

  27. 当他们攻克了最后忠诚卡扎菲的据点之一之后,利比亚战机从东部进入了卡扎菲的家乡苏尔特。

    Libyan fighters breach Colonel Gaddafi 's hometown of Sirte from the east , as they push to conquer one of the last remaining loyalist strongholds .

  28. 反卡扎菲军队试图攻下苏尔特,结束为期九月的冲突,这一天对他们来说喜忧参半。

    It 's been a day of mixed emotions for anti-Gaddafi fighters trying to take control of Sirte and bring an end to this nine-month conflict .

  29. 反对派战斗人员告诉半岛电视台说,他们下一个主要推进的目标是港口城市苏尔特,这是利比亚领导人卡扎菲象征性的家乡。

    Rebel fighters told al-Jazeera TV their next major push would be on the port city of Sirte , the symbolic hometown of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi .

  30. 一家利比亚战机的飞行员说卡扎菲藏在家乡苏尔特的一处洞穴里,还大声喊叫:“别开火,别开火。”

    A Libyan fighter claimed Gaddafi was hiding in a hole in his hometown of Sirte shouting : " Don 't shoot , don 't shoot . "