
  • 网络the Classical Gardens of Suzhou;Su Zhou, China
  1. 对苏州古典园林中的植物种类、植物性状和植物产地进行了分析,并介绍了传统花木的应用。

    Plants play a very important role in the classical gardens of Suzhou .

  2. 苏州古典园林作为世界文化遗产,是我国乃至全世界的园林精粹,其深远影响力是毋庸质疑的。

    The classical gardens of Suzhou , as one of world cultural heritages , are the Garden gems in China .

  3. 苏州古典园林作为街区开放空间的价值评估&应用CVM价值评估法

    Evaluation for the Classical Garden of Suzhou as an Open Space in the District Using the Contingent Valuation Method

  4. 苏州古典园林铺地纹样实例分析

    An Analysis of Ground Pavement Designs of the Classical Gardens in Suzhou

  5. 从语用翻译角度看苏州古典园林景点中名英译

    On English Translation of Scenic Spots ' Names in Classical Suzhou Gardens

  6. 苏州古典园林植物配置的现状研究

    Investigation and Analysis of Suzhou Classical Gardens ' Plant Arrangement

  7. 苏州古典园林空间分析及其现代空间表现

    The Space Analysis and Modern Expression of Suzhou Classical Garden

  8. 苏州古典园林纹样涵义的追溯

    Tracing back the Meanings of the Design of Traditional Garden in Suzhou

  9. 苏州古典园林艺术古为今用的探讨

    A Preliminary Study of Suzhou Traditional Garden Art in Adaptation to Modern Design

  10. 浅谈苏州古典园林植物配置

    Discussion on plant disposition in Suzhou classical garden

  11. 苏州古典园林必须摆脱独立发展的模式,而从区域发展的高度和所在的古城城市空间环境作整体思考。

    The author believes that Suzhou classical gardens should abandon the model of independent development .

  12. 苏州古典园林的艺术特点

    Art Features of Classical Gardens in Suzhou

  13. 苏州古典园林中的各种景观要素的最佳观赏视距存在差异。

    The best viewing distance of the various landscape elements in Suzhou classical gardens is different .

  14. 资源依托型旅游产品创新研究&以苏州古典园林为例

    The Innovation Study on Tourism Product Relying on Resources & Taking the Classical Gardens of Suzhou as the Example

  15. 苏州古典园林有着精湛的造园技艺和深厚的文化底蕴,亦体现着中国传统的空间理念。

    Classical Gardens of Suzhou has superb artistry and rich cultural deposits , it also reflects the traditional Chinese space concept .

  16. 本文立足于苏州古典园林意象,从意象的类型、特质、创构三方面来论述其审美特征。

    The essay stand on imagines of Suzhou classic garden , discuss esthetics characteristic from style , characteristics and creation of imagine .

  17. 廊是园林的重要组成部分,苏州古典园林则是中国古典造园艺术的代表之一。

    Veranda is one of the most important integrants of the Chinese traditional gardens , especially embodied in the Suzhou traditional private gardens .

  18. 随着时代变迁,苏州古典园林已从原初的居住生活空间演化为旅游游憩空间。

    Changing with the time , The classical gardens of Suzhou have turned from urban living space to the space of tourism and recreation .

  19. 苏州古典园林往往通过建筑与景观环境的有效组织与交融以使人们获得美好的空间体验和艺术享受。

    Through the effective organization and design , gardens often make people get a wonderful experience and an artistic enjoyment from the landscape and architecture .

  20. 通过现状分析,总结出苏州古典园林的植物配置对现代园林的建设具有以下几个值得借鉴的方面:植物配置考虑生态习性;植物配置与诗情画意相结合;

    According to the analysis , this paper sums up the following aspects which the modern gardens can learn from : plant disposition taking the plant ecological habits into consideration ;

  21. 苏州古典园林景致优美,文化内涵丰富,为历代学者所重视,在园林理论研究方面取得了较多成果。

    Suzhou classical gardens are famous for their beautiful scenery and abundant culture connotation , which have been focused by many scholars , and a lot of achievements have been taken on the garden theory .

  22. 最终总结得出:以景观原真性为核心、以景观艺术性为参照,充分发挥管理者的主观能动性才能真正维护好苏州古典园林景观。

    Finally , it summarizes that if the managers give full play to their subjective initiative and take full account of the landscape ' authenticity and artistry , the Suzhou classical gardens could be protected well .

  23. 该文通过对苏州和徽州两地古典园林的横向考察。

    This paper has employed a comparative study between Suzhou and Huizhou gardens .