
jūn shì xínɡ dònɡ
  • military action;military operation;operation;mission;op
  1. 民调中有超过50%的人反对拟议的军事行动。

    Over 50 % of those polled were against the proposed military action .

  2. 我们可能不得不采取军事行动。

    We may have to take military action .

  3. 这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。

    These units played a key functional role in the military operation .

  4. 这军官拒绝让他的士兵参加这项军事行动。

    The officer refused to let his men take part in the operation .

  5. 部队正从北部基地发动军事行动。

    Troops are operating from bases in the north .

  6. 他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。

    He was given tactical command of the operation .

  7. 他们扬言要采取军事行动,但一直拖到现在。

    They have threatened military action but held off until now .

  8. 我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。

    We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action .

  9. 他发现支持采取军事行动的情绪日益高涨。

    He 's found growing sentiment for military action .

  10. 他们声称无法为地面军事行动提供充分的空中掩护。

    They said they could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations .

  11. 这被视为一个停止军事行动的含蓄警告。

    This is seen as an implicit warning not to continue with military action

  12. 如果非采取军事行动不可的话,他们的处境会非常危险。

    They could be in harm 's way if military action becomes necessary .

  13. 美国领导人普遍支持采取军事行动。

    Leaders in America have generally supported military action

  14. 一旦军事行动的必要性不复存在,军队就必须撤出。

    As soon as the necessity for action is over the troops must be withdrawn

  15. 这些士兵参加了乌干达边境附近的一次军事行动。

    The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border .

  16. 美国威胁说要采取军事行动绝对是认真的。

    The United States had been deadly serious in its threat of military action .

  17. 关键是要做好采取军事行动的准备,以表明这不是虚张声势。

    It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff

  18. 也许有必要采取军事行动。

    Military action may become necessary

  19. 这次军事行动被看作是对一名高级军事指挥官被杀所作出的迅速还击。

    The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander .

  20. 美国军队和沙特军队共同组成的联合部队将继续在沙特阿拉伯境内实施军事行动。

    There would continue to be a joint command of US and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders .

  21. 下一阶段的军事行动将要对来自12个国家的35,000多名士兵进行部署。

    The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries

  22. 我们必须使我们的军事行动和他们的协调一致。

    We must coordinate our operations with theirs .

  23. 在《团队的团队》一书中,斯坦利·麦克里斯托尔将军描述了军队的等级制度是如何在伊拉克战争早期阻碍军事行动的。

    In his book , " Team of Teams ' General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army 's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war . "

  24. 很多印度人都处于热血沸腾的状态,很多都呼吁针对印度这个恶邻采取军事行动。

    Many Indians continue to seethe and some are calling for military action against their riotous neighbour .

  25. 美国总统布什(georgew.bush)强调使用外交手段,而不是军事行动。

    George W. Bush , US president , stressed diplomacy rather than military action .

  26. 基于SD的军事行动与战略储备关系仿真模型研究

    Study on Simulation Model about Relation Between Military Action and Strategic Reserve Based on System Dynamics

  27. 盖茨在伊拉克北部基尔库克附近的ForwardOperatingBaseWarrior向美国军队发表了讲话。在与几百名美国军人举行的长达45分钟的市政会议风格的会议中,国防部长被问到是否有对伊朗采取军事行动的计划。

    During a wide-ranging 45-minute town hall-style meeting with several hundred U.S. troops , Secretary Gates was asked whether there is any plan for military action against Iran .

  28. 在应当由谁指挥对利比亚军事行动的问题上,北约(Nato)主要成员国接近达成一致。法国和英国提出一份新计划,以求克服联军内部的分歧。

    Leading members of the Nato alliance edged towards agreement over who should command the military operation over Libya , with France and Britain floating a new plan to overcome coalition differences .

  29. 韩国国防部长金宽镇(KimKwan-jin)随后称,朝方并未出现动荡或反常军事行动的迹象。

    South Korea 's Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin subsequently said their were no signs of unrest or unusual military movements .

  30. 总统接受了包括CNN在内的6个网络新闻节目的采访,他向美国民众发表演讲,讲述他对叙利亚采取军事行动的要求,并称他持怀疑态度。

    While the president appearing on a half dozen network news programs including CNN , had this planned speech to American people about his requested possible military action against Syria also said it remains skeptical .