
jūn fèi
  • military expenditure
军费 [jūn fèi]
  • [military expenditure] 国家用于军事方面的经费。包括用于军事建设和战争的经费

军费[jūn fèi]
  1. 军费运行机理的转换与军队财务改革

    The transition of military expenditure operation mechanism and troop financial reform

  2. 决定军费标准的微观因素分析

    An analysis of the micro elements of military expenditure standard decision

  3. 今年的军费开支有所减少。

    There has been some decrease in military spending this year .

  4. 他们声称军费开支是用来作为调控经济的手段的。

    They claim that military spending is used as a device for managing the economy .

  5. 他是个主张增加国防军费的铁杆鹰派分子。

    He is a hard-beaked hawk on defence spending .

  6. 他主张削减军费开支。

    He advocates a reduction in military spending .

  7. 然而,拯救人类文明计划的成本每年总计不超过2000亿美元,仅为目前全球军费开支的六分之一。

    Yet the cost we project for saving civilization would amount to less than $ 200 billion a year , 1 / 6 of current global military spending .

  8. 现在,有计划建立一个新的日本国家安全会议(japannationalsecuritycouncil),以处理从食品安全到中国军费增长等各种问题。

    Now there are plans to establish a new Japan National Security Council to deal with everything from food security to the growth of Chinese military spending .

  9. 斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(StockholmInternationalPeaceResearchInstitute)数据显示,中国是世界上第二大军费支出国,去年的军费支出为2150亿美元。

    China is the world 's second-biggest military spender , with a $ 215bn budget last year , according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute .

  10. 尽管美国五角大楼(Pentagon)正在大幅削减总体军费预算,但它花在网络安全上的开支却有增无减。

    The Pentagon has committed to spend more on cyber security even as it slashes its overall budget .

  11. GDP令军费开支成为可能,但这些人是在讨论经济优势而不是军事力量,这就引出了完全不同的问题。

    GDP is what makes military expenditure possible , but such people are talking about economic advantage rather than military force and that raises quite different issues .

  12. 我们需要保持军费最少占GDP的4%,并且撤销所有的非军用项目,比如被用于乳腺癌研究的军事预算。

    We need to fund the military at4 % GDP at a minimum and remove all the non military items such as breast cancer research from the military budget .

  13. 而国防分析人士估计,中国军费开支约占GDP的4%(中国GDP虽小于日本,但增速快得多),海军在中国军队成为日趋显赫的军种。

    Defence analysts estimate that China spends roughly 4 per cent of a smaller but far faster-growing GDP on its military , of which the navy is an increasingly prestigious part .

  14. 我们必须清楚:一项军费议案应当为我们的军队提供资金,仅此而已,共和党众议院领袖吉姆伯纳(JimBoehner)表示。

    Let 's be clear : a troop funding bill should fund our troops , period , said Jim Boehner , Republican leader in the House .

  15. 目前,欧洲国家正在通过削减军费预算来应对全球经济危机。在欧洲的北约(Nato)成员国中,有16个左右在2008年至2010年间削减了年度军费开支。

    European states are responding to the global economic crisis by cutting military budgets , with some 16 Nato member states in Europe reducing annual expenditure between 2008 and 2010 .

  16. 从伊拉克巴士拉(Basra)和阿富汗赫尔曼德(Helmand)的战场失利中返回的军队,又遭遇军费预算被全面削减的前景。

    The armed forces have returned from defeats in Basra and Helmand to the prospect of sweeping reductions in military budgets .

  17. 增加军费开支,形成新的需求;

    To increase the military expenses and form the new demand ;

  18. 台湾军费支出负外部性透视

    Economic analysis of the negative externalities of military expenditure of Taiwan

  19. 优化军费规模与结构的理论解释

    Theoretical explanation of optimizing the scale and structure of military expenditure

  20. 这笔借款用于扩充北洋军费。

    The loan was used to finance Yuan 's Beiyang Army .

  21. 部长论辩说裁减军费开支是必要的。

    The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed .

  22. 建立健全军事财政制度体系是我国军费结构优化的制度保证;

    Establishing and perfecting the system of military public finance ;

  23. 军费预算编制方法改革的实践与思考

    Reform of the method of drawing up the budget of military expenditure

  24. 论军费支出乘数效应的性质与作用

    On the nature and function of the multiplier effect of military expenditure

  25. 中国军费支出目前仅次于美国。

    Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays .

  26. 军费支出规模与结构的动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of the scale and structure of military expenditure

  27. 军费开支是国家资源的一大消耗。

    Military spending is a huge drain on the country 's resources .

  28. 裁减军费咨询专家小组

    Group of Consultant Experts on the Reduction of Military Budgets

  29. 军队需要增加军费的紧急要求。

    The insistent demands of the army for more funds .

  30. 基于模糊综合评判法的某型号导弹装备军费效益评估

    Benefit Evaluation of Missile Equipment Expenditure Based on Fuzzy Synthesis Judge Method