
jūn bèi jìnɡ sài
  • arms race;armament race;arms drive;competition in armament
  1. 和平不是借助大炮和军备竞赛所可以长期维持的。

    Peace is never preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race .

  2. 海军军备竞赛;

    Navy armament race ;

  3. 通过研发高科技武器加速军备竞赛的诱惑尤其危险。

    The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous

  4. 导弹削减条约大幅度减少了导弹数量,然而军备竞赛还远没有停止。

    The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts , but the arms race isn 't over by a long shot .

  5. “这已经成为场军备竞赛,一场教育的军备竞赛了,”她说。

    It 's become an arms race , an educational arms race , she said .

  6. 他又说,军备竞赛仍然在继续

    Less cryptically , he said the arms race was still on .

  7. 中国无论发展到什么程度,永远不称霸、不扩张、不谋求势力范围、不搞军备竞赛。

    However strong it may grow , China will never seek hegemony , expansion , or a sphere of influence . Nor will China ever engage in an arms race .

  8. 推出10年来,亚马逊Prime服务已经不可避免地改变了网购者的预期,反过来也在快递服务领域掀起了一场军备竞赛。

    Since its launch 10 years ago , Amazon Prime has irrevocably transformed shoppers ' expectations and , in turn , spearheaded an all-out arms race for faster shipping .

  9. 这意味着,我们将会看到收购领域的“军备竞赛”持续升级,同时,加入IPO大军的企业科技公司也会越来越多。

    That means we 're going to see the acquisition ' arms race " escalate , and number of new enterprise IPOs continue to grow .

  10. 在英国外交大臣威廉黑格(WilliamHague)最近的评论中,核武军备竞赛的威胁显得迫在眉睫。

    The threat of a nuclear arms race loomed large in recent comments by William Hague , the British foreign secretary .

  11. 这位男子说,UFO使核武器失效,就是在传递讯息,要人类放弃军备竞赛。

    And the men said that the UFOs deactivation of nuclear weapons was a message to the human race to move away from arms race .

  12. 付给ceo的薪水不断上涨,对任何一家企业来说或许都是合理的,但加到一起,其结果就像是一场军备竞赛与绩效脱钩的收入螺旋式上涨。

    It may make sense for any one company to pay the ever upwardly ratcheting pay for a CEO , but collectively the result is analogous to an arms race a pay spiral that is detached from performance .

  13. 英国央行(bankofengland)负责金融稳定的执行董事安德鲁霍尔丹(andrewhaldane)暗示了官方的担忧,他对这场“抵押品军备竞赛”或对安全资产的追逐提出警告。

    Hinting at official concern , Andrew Haldane , executive director for financial stability at the Bank of England , has warned of an " arms race " towards ever greater " encumbrance " , or tying-up of safe assets .

  14. 专门从事教育营销代理的rsacademics表示,所谓的“首次买家”要求最为苛刻,实际上,许多私立学校正通过提供豪华设施,相互进行“军备竞赛”。

    According to RS academics , a specialist education marketing agency , the so-called first-time buyers are the most demanding of all and many private schools are actually engaged in an " arms race " to compete with one another by offering luxury facilities .

  15. 伦敦市中心一家自行车商店的经理斯图尔特·丹尼森(StuartDennison)说,这简直就像是军备竞赛,比比谁放的烟花最多。

    ' It 's becoming like an arms race of who can burn the most fireworks , 'says Stuart Dennison , the manager of a bicycle shop in central London .

  16. 周五,日本国产隐形战斗机X-2从名古屋起飞,完成了“处女航”。这次试飞凸显出东亚军备竞赛在不断加速。

    Japan 's domestically built X-2 stealth fighter took off from Nagoya on Friday in a maiden flight that highlights the accelerating arms race in East Asia .

  17. 曾为国际刑警组织(Interpol)及美国政府从事网络安全工作的马克•古德曼(MarcGoodman)表示,执法机构早就与设备和软件制造商展开了“军备竞赛”,以突破它们的安全防线。

    Marc Goodman , who has worked on cyber security for Interpol and the US government , says law enforcement agencies had long been in an " arms race " with device and software manufacturers to break their security .

  18. 随着汽车行业追逐最新、最酷、最实用技术的军备竞赛不断升级,CES消费电子展也成了各大汽车公司展示新功能,宣传新车型的好去处。

    With the auto industry in an arms race to have the newest , coolest , most useful technology , CES is the perfect place for car companies to show off their new features and talk about what we 'll be seeing in the coming year in showrooms .

  19. 应当竭尽一切努力制止军备竞赛。

    Every effort should be made to halt the arms race .

  20. 导弹防御和防止外空军备竞赛问题

    Missile Defense and Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space

  21. 一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。

    All those who love peace are strongly against arms race .

  22. 核力量的增长不象历史上任何军备竞赛。

    Nuclear buildup was unlike any other arms race in history .

  23. 最坏的估计是,中国此次进行的试验有可能加速军备竞赛。

    At worst China 's test could accelerate an arms race .

  24. 这是一场进化上激烈的军备竞赛。

    What 's happening is a fiercely competitive evolutionary arms race .

  25. 那么,我们怎样才能控制住一场日益扩大的网络军备竞赛呢?

    So how can we control a burgeoning cyber arms race ?

  26. 两大世界霸主之间的军备竞赛就此展开

    The arms race between the world 's superpowers has begun .

  27. 超级计算机是军备竞赛的一个典型示例。

    Supercomputers are a classic example of an arms race .

  28. 俄罗斯表示,这可能启动新的军备竞赛。

    Russia says that could start a new arms race .

  29. 军备竞赛具有数量和质量两个方面。

    Arms races have a quantitative and a qualitative aspects .

  30. 我们从未执行军备竞赛的政策。

    We have never practiced the policy of competitive armaments .