
jūn guó zhǔ yì
  • militarism
军国主义 [jūn guó zhǔ yì]
  • [militarism] 实行军事独裁,强迫人民接受军事训练,向人民灌输侵略思想,使政治、经济、文化为侵略战争服务的反动政策。如日本军国主义

军国主义[jūn guó zhǔ yì]
  1. 比较国防开支占国内生产总值(gdp)的比率,未必显示中国军国主义的崛起。

    Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism .

  2. 在上海的斯德哥尔摩中国论坛(StockholmChinaforum)上,我听到一名中国高官称,日本首相挑衅了邻国,犯有历史修正主义和军国主义。

    The Japanese prime minister , I heard a senior Chinese official remark at a gathering in Shanghai of the Stockholm China Forum , was guilty of provocation , historical revisionism and militarism .

  3. 军国主义者把持这个国家。

    Militarists ran the country .

  4. 两次世界大战都是德国军国主义者首先启衅。

    Both of the world wars were instigated by a militarist germany .

  5. 人们通常会采取一种军国主义般的“强硬”态度来对待复原力和决心,就像一个海军陆战队战士在泥地里跋涉前行、一个拳击手再战一回合或者是一个足球运动员从地上爬起来再踢一场比赛。

    We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .

  6. US的这种侵略政策,刺激了第3世界弱小国以及东北亚强国的Russia和中国神经.然而日本却用这个好机会,修改自卫队法,积极向海外派兵,准备走向军国主义之路。

    The invasion policy of US spurs the nerves of small and weak countries , the great power Russia of the Northeast Asia , and China .

  7. 但谈判专家与FBI里更具有军国主义倾向的人之间的分歧开始加大,后者希望加快谈判速度。我知道这会起反作用,也表达了我的态度。

    But schisms began to grow between the negotiators and the more militaristic part of the FBI , which wanted to speed things up . I knew this would be counter-productive , and said so .

  8. 在1923年的地震之后,日本转向了军国主义。

    After the earthquake of 1923 , it turned to militarism .

  9. 我们真诚希望,这是军国主义的末日。

    We sincerely hope that this is the end of militarism .

  10. 日本家族国家伦理观与近代军国主义的融合

    Mixture of Ethical Concept of Japanese Familial Nation and Modern Militarism

  11. 他们还指责安倍晋三是在试图复兴过去的军国主义。

    They also accuse Mr. Abe of reviving past militarism .

  12. 日本军国主义及其侵略扩张本质

    The Japanese Militarism and Its Nature of Invasion and Extension

  13. 日本战后的右翼发展&从二战后的日本和一战后的德国比较看日本军国主义

    The development of the Japanese Right Wing after the Second World War

  14. 我们放弃军国主义的立场贯穿整个日本当代史。

    Our renunciation of militarism shines through our recent history .

  15. 日本军国主义曾经给人类带来惨绝人寰的灾难。

    Japanese militarism once caused the very grave disaster to Asian people .

  16. 警惕日本极少数人复活军国主义

    Be on guard against attempts to revive militarism in Japan

  17. 日本的军国主义者发动了全面侵华战争。

    The Japanese militarists started an all-round offensive against China .

  18. 军国主义者要求扩张军队。

    The militarists are demanding that the army be expanded .

  19. 国家神道成为军国主义的精神支柱;

    State Shinto became the spiritual support of the militarism .

  20. 他曾指控他们蓄意复活军国主义。

    He had accused them of deliberately reviving militarism .

  21. 日本天皇与军国主义侵略扩张

    The Mikado and Japanese Aggression and Expansion of Militarism

  22. 警惕日本右翼势力复活军国主义的企图

    Warning the Japanese right-winger 's attempt to revive militarism

  23. 有人把半机器人描述为军国主义和父权资本主义的私生子。

    One described cyborgs as the illegitimate offspring of militarism and patriarchal capitalism .

  24. 他认为战役者是日本自身军国主义的受害者。

    He sees the war dead as victims of japan 's own militarism .

  25. 论日本军国主义倾向及其原因

    On the Trend and Reasons of Japan 's Imperialism

  26. 浅析日本军国主义无条件投降原因

    On the Cause of Japanese Militarism 's Unconditional Surrender

  27. 朝鲜战争与日本军国主义的复活

    The Korean War and the Revival of Japanese Militarism

  28. 有些报道称它为“军国主义的”,但那也太抬举它了。

    Some reports called it " militaristic ", but that is too flattering .

  29. 这触发了日本向军国主义、疯狂的公共支出和恶性通胀滑落。

    That triggered a slide towards militarism , wild public spending and hyperinflation .

  30. 幸运的是,军国主义没有能够深入整个欧洲。

    Fortunately , militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole .