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  • Siberia
西伯利亚 [xī bó lì yà]
  • [Siberia] 俄罗斯境内介于乌拉尔山脉和太平洋岸之间的亚洲北部地区,北起北冰洋,南抵哈萨克丘陵,面积1300万平方公里

西伯利亚[xī bó lì yà]
  1. 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。

    She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka .

  2. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。

    Large dams have harmed Siberia 's delicate ecological balance .

  3. 这条山谷是西伯利亚虎最后的几个主要栖息地之一。

    This valley is one of the last strongholds of the Siberian tiger .

  4. 西伯利亚大草原的艰苦环境使她变得坚强起来。

    She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes

  5. 你的亲属仍然住在西伯利亚吗?

    Do relatives of yours still live in Siberia ?

  6. 要求西伯利亚独立的人如今只局限于一小撮极端主义分子。

    Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe .

  7. 他曾经被流放到西伯利亚。

    He was once banished to Siberia .

  8. 冷空气正由西伯利亚向内蒙古移动。

    The cold air masses are moving from Siberia towards Inner Mongolia .

  9. 西伯利亚的冻土地带之下有大量的甲烷气体。

    There is a large amount of methane gas under the Siberian tundra .

  10. 西伯利亚蓼GST和CS基因双价载体构建及转酵母和烟草研究

    Construction of Vector with GST and CS Dual-gene from Polygonum Sibiricum and Its Transformation to Yeast and Tabacco

  11. 这条21世纪的丝绸之路是全球最长的铁路,比西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)和东方快车(OrientExpress)的线路加起来还要长。

    This 21st-century Silk Road was the longest rail link in the world , longer than the Trans-Siberian railway and the Orient Express combined .

  12. 尽管唯一化石标本是在西伯利亚山上发现的,来自美拉尼西亚(南太平洋的一个地区)的当代人是最有可能保留丹尼索瓦人dna的。

    Even though the sole fossil specimen was found in the mountains of Siberia , contemporary humans from Melanesia ( a region in the South Pacific ) seem to be the most likely to harbor denisovan DNA .

  13. STT根焊技术在东西伯利亚&太平洋管道工程中的成功应用

    STT Root Welding Process was Successfully Applied in East Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline Project

  14. 西伯利亚杏(Prunussibirica)的温度反应

    Temperature Responses of Prunus sibirica

  15. 来自西伯利亚的物质富含绿泥石,富Na、Sr,富Zr,对研究区西部沉积物的影响较为明显;

    Sediments off Wrangel Island in the west of the study area enrich chlorite , Na , Sr and Zr , indicating an elevated influences from Siberian continent and shelves .

  16. 其原因在于,北极涛动在对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。

    The reason may be that the AO can excite anomalies like the EU teleconnection pattern from low to high level in the troposphere which affect the Siberian High and East Asian Trough , thus influencing North China air temperature .

  17. 在那里,从12月起就没再领到工资的工人,在西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)一个分支旁的针叶林深处铺设了混凝土,还为火箭建造了巨型机库。

    There , deep in a coniferous forest off a spur of the Trans-Siberian Railway , laborers laid concrete and built gigantic hangars for rockets long after salaries stopped being paid in December .

  18. 这条铁路将把我们带到太平洋地区的煤炭市场;如果一切按计划进行,我们可能会装载发自韩国和日本的集装箱货物,那将让西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)重焕生机。

    The railroad takes us to the Pacific coal market ; if things go to plan , we might get shipments of South Korean and Japanese containers , which could revive the trans-Siberian railway .

  19. 马克斯·普朗克研究所的遗传学家塞尔吉·卡斯特利亚诺(SergiCastellano)着手比较了欧洲尼安德特人的DNA和西伯利亚尼安德特人的基因。

    Sergi Castellano , a geneticist at Max Planck Institute , set out to compare this European Neanderthal DNA to the genes from Siberia .

  20. 影响西伯利亚南部猛犸象动物群消亡的主要变化可能开始于末次冰期冰盛期(LGM)之后。

    The major change that influenced the demise of the mammoth fauna in southern Siberia was probably initiated after the Last Glaciation Maximum ( LGM ) .

  21. 西伯利亚红松(Pinussibirica)是欧亚大陆寒温带针叶林(泰加林)的著名成林树种,与红松(P.koraiensis)近缘,为材果兼优大乔木。

    Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest ( taiga ), which is excellent both for fruit and material , and relative to Pinus koraiensis .

  22. 涅涅茨人是生活在俄罗斯西伯利亚的亚马尔-涅涅茨自治区Okrug。

    The Nenets are an indigenous tribe living in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Siberia , Russia .

  23. 二战期间前西伯利亚阿穆尔地区,数千人因进食了被镰刀菌污染的越冬小麦而发生食物中毒,在后来的产毒试验中,发现了高水平的T-2毒素;

    During World War II in the former Siberian Amur region , thousands of people had food intoxication due to consumption of winter wheat polluted fusarium and T-2 toxin was found high-level in the subsequent tests .

  24. 研究表明,AO的异常变化通过西伯利亚高压、阿留申低压、东亚地区极地东风以及东亚冬季风异常,进而影响我国东北地区冬季温度异常,它们之间存在着密切的相关关系。

    Further investigation find that the anomaly of AO contributes to the temperature anomalies of the Northeast China through the interaction of the Siberian high , Aleutian low , the polar easterlies in east Asia and the winds anomalies in winter in this area .

  25. 佩钦科出生于西伯利亚(Siberia)鄂木斯克(Omsk)。18岁那年,由于身为小提琴家的父亲在奥地利(Austria)的地方管弦乐团谋了份差事,他们举家移民至奥地利。

    Mr. Petrenko was born in Omsk in Siberia and immigrated at the age of 18 with his family to Austria , where his father , a violinist , got a post with a provincial orchestra .

  26. 一个俄罗斯的老的军事卫星和一个美国的通信卫星在俄罗斯西伯利亚800KM的上空相撞。

    An old Russian military satellite and a United States communications satellite crashed into each other eight hundred kilometers above Siberia in Russia .

  27. 东亚大槽和北美大槽1960年代中后期明显偏强及1980年代后期显著减弱,以及从1960年代开始西伯利亚高压的减弱和北太平洋涛动(NPO)的增大趋势。

    Such as East Asian and North American troughs were apparent stronger in mid and late 1960 ′ s and remarkable weaker in late 1980 ′ s. From 1960 ′ s , Siberia High decreases trend and North Pacific oscillation ( NPO ) increases trend .

  28. 中华秋沙鸭(Mergussquamatus)主要分布在西伯利亚东南部、朝鲜和我国。是一种分布区域狭窄、数量稀少的珍稀濒危鸟类。

    The Chinese merganser ( Mergus squamatus ) is a rare species , it has a limited distribution area and in the International Red Data Book as a threatened species .

  29. 在2003年时,俄罗斯石油产量的增幅是如此之快,就连沙特阿拉伯也对这批能源新秀产生了担忧其中包括尤科斯(yukos)和西伯利亚石油公司(sibneft)。

    Russian oil output in 2003 was increasing at such a swift pace even Saudi Arabia worried about upstart energy companies including Yukos and Sibneft then posting production gains of more than 20 per cent .

  30. GazpromNeft是国有巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)旗下的石油子公司,该公司上周五表示自2015年初开始,它一直用人民币结算通过东西伯利亚-太平洋石油管道向中国出口的石油。

    Gazprom Neft , the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom , said on Friday that since the start of 2015 it had been selling in renminbi all of its oil for export down the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline to China .