
xī bān yá
  • Spain
西班牙[xī bān yá]
  1. 我十分怀念从前在西班牙的时光。

    I have very fond memories of my time in Spain .

  2. 第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。

    Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round .

  3. 这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。

    The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel .

  4. 这本书教你如何理解西班牙俚语。

    The book teaches you how to understand Spanish street talk .

  5. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588 .

  6. 他饶有风趣地讲述了他们的西班牙之行。

    He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain .

  7. 西班牙队在下半场加强攻势,攻进了一球。

    Spain attacked more in the second half and deserved a goal .

  8. 西班牙中部在经济上已失去了其主导地位。

    Economically , the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role .

  9. 她被迫让出西班牙的王位。

    She was forced to abdicate the throne of Spain .

  10. 他们要去的是西班牙,不是葡萄牙。

    It 's Spain that they 're going to , not Portugal .

  11. 我们一路很顺当,两天后就到了西班牙。

    We made excellent time and arrived in Spain in two days .

  12. 她对去西班牙更是不感兴趣。

    She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain .

  13. 我弟弟昨晚从西班牙给我打电话来了。

    My brother called me from Spain last night .

  14. 你在西班牙过得愉快吗?

    Did you have a good time in Spain ?

  15. 我的祖父曾经在西班牙与法西斯分子作战。

    My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain .

  16. 西班牙是遭受打击最严重的国家之一。

    Spain was one of the hardest hit countries .

  17. 在西班牙度过了一个夏天之后,孩子们晒得黝黑。

    After the summer in Spain , the children were brown as berries .

  18. 我们走遍了西班牙的城镇和村庄。

    We visited towns and villages all over Spain .

  19. 他们从西班牙去了法国,再从那里去了英格兰。

    They made their way from Spain to France and thence to England .

  20. 香料群岛曾是西班牙的领地。

    The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains .

  21. 西班牙南海岸可以说已经成为旅游者的聚居区。

    The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto .

  22. 我们在西班牙过得很愉快。

    We had a good time in Spain .

  23. 在西班牙念书怎么样?

    What 's it like studying in Spain ?

  24. 我们在西班牙租了一座假日别墅。

    We rented a holiday villa in Spain .

  25. 我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊。

    We anchored off the coast of Spain .

  26. 他们去年背着背包在西班牙旅行。

    They went backpacking in Spain last year .

  27. 他们今天一早就出发去西班牙了。

    They left for Spain early this morning .

  28. 抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。

    Italy has been drawn to play Spain .

  29. 相信他不会在决赛中对这位西班牙运动员形成威胁。

    He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final .

  30. 我从未去过西班牙。

    I 've never been to Spain .