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  • 网络Xi'an University of Science and Technology
  1. 我是一名来自中国西安科技大学的学生。

    I 'm a student from Xi'An University of science and technology in China .

  2. 基于中国知网的《西安科技大学学报》(自然科学版)的网络传播统计分析

    Internet transmission analysis on Journal of Xi'an University of Science and Technology based on CNKI

  3. 我就读于西安科技大学的长安校区。

    I am currently a student at Chang'an , Xi'an University of Technology campus .

  4. 西安科技大学英语系大四学生刘洁(音译),如今仍忙着找她的第一份工作。

    Liu Jie , a senior in English at Xi'an Technological University , is still bustling about looking for her first offer .

  5. 测量了高校整体竞争力的绩效差距,设计了西安科技大学的重点发展战略。

    Measures the performance disparities in overall competitiveness of universities , designs major development strategies for Xi ' an Science & Technology University .

  6. 通过分析发现,原因在于西安科技大学的矿业工程学科覆盖面较窄,院系支撑明显不够。

    It is found that the narrow coverage of the discipline of mining engineering and the lack of enough support from schools are the main reasons .

  7. 提高艰苦专业硕士研究生生源质量探析&以西安科技大学地矿类专业为例

    On How to Improve the Quality of Applicants for Admission to Postgraduate Education of Needy Majors & Taking Xi ′ an University of Science and Technology as an Example

  8. 雷达图结果显示,西安科技大学在十三个绩效指标方面与中国矿业大学存在显著差距,尤其是矿业工程学科的投入差距过大。

    Radar-graph indicates that there are 13 indicators existing significant disparities between Xi ' an Science Technology University and China University of Mining Technology , especially the input to the mining engineering discipline .

  9. 根据西安科技大学的夏玉成教授提出的起动距经验公式及最大下沉值的经验公式,得到一系列的数据点。

    In using forecast formulas , the author apply the theory of Xia Yu-cheng of Xi ' an University of Science and Technology to the amend formula of the max of subsidence and the experienced formula of moving distance .

  10. 西安科技大学平面物理相似模拟架自从1965年建成以来,进行了大量的相似模拟实验,随着时间的发展,其缺点也逐渐暴露出来。

    Since founded in 1965 , at Xi ' an University of Science and Technology the device plane physical simulation has done a lot of physical simulate experiment . As time passing by , its faults came out gradually .

  11. 本文在系统综述和分析国外高校标杆管理研究现状与基本理论的基础上,以西安科技大学和中国矿业大学为研究对象,采用标杆管理方法进行了竞争力评价和发展战略设计的实证研究。

    Accordingly , basing on the systematical reviews of the foreign researches and basic theories , this paper empirically studies the competitiveness evaluation and strategic design of Xi ' an Science Technology University and China University of Mining Technology by benchmarking .

  12. 由于地下工程领域现有支护方式的不足,西安科技大学提出了柔模泵注混凝土支护技术。

    Because of the deficiencies in the field of underground engineering supporting methods , Xi ' an University of Science and Technology ( XUST ) proposed a new supporting technology named Flexible Formwork and Pumped Concrete Supporting Technology ( FFPCST ) .

  13. 本文以西安电子科技大学电路CAD研究所科研项目电源管理类集成电路关键技术理论研究与设计为背景,对单片高效电压模同步升降压型DC/DC转换器的工作原理和电路设计作了全面深入的研究。

    The paper is based on the project of Research Institute of Electronic CAD , Theoretical Research and Design of Key Technique for Power Management IC .

  14. 通过基于MATLAB的地震波频谱分析,说明了小波分析方法在拟动力试西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文验中地震波截取方面的应用;

    By analysis of frequency spectrum based on MATLAB platform , wavelet method in the application of cutting out a section of inputting earthquake wave was presented .

  15. 西电网苑智能答疑系统是对上述设计运用JSP进行WEB程序开发的一种实现,是在西安电子科技大学网络教育学院的实施和应用。

    Xidian Wang Yuan Intelligent Question Answering System , which is the implementation and application in School of Network Education , Xidian University , is a implementation , which WEB program is developed by JSP .

  16. 依照西安电子科技大学立式MOCVD原型建立立式反应室模型,并模拟了反应室中流场、温度场分布和生长速率分布。

    Secondly , model for the vertical MOCVD reactor of XiDian University was set up . On the foundation of the model , the flow field , temperature field and growth rate velocity distribution can be simulated .

  17. 为培养学生的创新能力,推进教学改革和适应素质教育的要求,西安电子科技大学国家电工电子教学基地面向全校开设了OrCAD与EDA课程,主要讲授美国OrCAD公司推出的电路设计自动化软件OrCAD9.2。

    In order to cultivate students ' ability of innovation , improve the reformation of teaching and adapt the requirements of diathesis education , that The National Electrician and Electron Teaching Base of The Xidian University offers a new course named " OrCAD & EDA " .

  18. 西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院;

    School of metallurgical Engineering , Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology ;

  19. 以人为本以学促术自强不息艰苦奋斗&再谋西安建筑科技大学学科建设的跨越式发展

    The Leap-forward Development of Academic Construction of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

  20. 并西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文且通过工程改进性实测,对单层百叶风口上送风和散流器送风的温度场进行了比较。

    And contracts the temperature field by shutter air supply and diffuser air supply .

  21. 本研究课题得到西安电子科技大学网络教育学院管理信息系统项目的支持。

    This research topic has obtained warm support from MIS of Xidian Univeristy Network Education School .

  22. 西安电子科技大学微电子研究所

    Microelectronics Institute of XIDIAN University

  23. 西安电子科技大学简介

    Introduction to Xidian University

  24. 改性纤维随西安建筑科技大学着改性剂浓度的增大表面摩擦系数明显降低。

    The friction factor of modified fiber 's surface is clearly reduced with the concentration of modification rising .

  25. 本系统已经在西安电子科技大学2010年职称评审工作中投入使用,运行良好。

    The system has been put into use in the title evaluation work of 2010 , Xidian University , and works well .

  26. 论文的设计工作来源于西安电子科技大学的科研项目“数字乐音合成器的研究与设计”。

    The work of this paper is based on the project " Analysis and Design of Digital Musical Synthesizer " from Xidian University .

  27. 这位在西安电子科技大学学习通信工程的23岁学生表示,(赢得粉丝的)关键就是发布他们想看到的内容。

    The 23-year-old telecommunication engineering major at Xidian University in Xi ' an says the key is to offer followers the information they want .

  28. 在城市民俗旅游社区,针对民俗旅游资源评价、社区开发条件,文章提出如何开发民俗旅游社区。在民俗节庆部分,笔西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文者提出开发民俗节庆的四种模式。

    In the section of urban folklore tourism community , it is brought out the measures of folklore community exploitations , aiming at exploitation conditions .

  29. 西安电子科技大学发展规划处是对学校的发展规划进行研究、论证、组织和落实的职能部门。

    Development and Planning Office of Xidian University is a functional department which researches , demonstrates , organizes and implements the development plans of the university .

  30. 结合西安电子科技大学国家电工电子实验教学示范中心的建设经验,讨论了塔式结构的电工电子实验新体系。

    Based on the experience in constructing the national electrotechnics & electronics laboratories Demonstration Center of Xidian University , a new tower structure experimental teaching system was discussed .