
  1. 用铀的线性积累模式计算北京周口店猿人洞牙齿化石的ESR年龄,并与U系、裂变径迹法和热释光法的年龄进行了对比,结果表明釉质齿最适合ESR年龄的测定。

    Their ESR ages were calculated by the uranic linear accumulation model . The comparison of ESR ages with ages from U-series , FT and TL methods was performed . The results show that the enamel tooth is a suitable material for ESR dating .

  2. 森林古猿牙齿化石首次在中国的发见及其意义

    The first discovery of Dryopithecus teeth in China and its significance

  3. 牙齿化石中由辐照产生的陷阱电子的热稳定性研究

    Study on thermostability of radiated trapped electrons in tooth fossil

  4. 四川筠连人类牙齿化石的发现

    Discovery of a fossil human tooth from junlian , Sichuan

  5. 清流狐狸洞人类牙齿化石记述

    Note on fossil human teeth from Fox cave at Qingliu

  6. 云南元谋发现的猿人牙齿化石

    Ape - man teeth from yuanmou , Yunnan

  7. 云南昭通发现的人类牙齿化石

    A fossil human tooth from zhaotong , Yunnan

  8. 元谋早期猿人(牙齿化石)的发现及其意义

    Discovery and significance of early stage pithecanthrope ( tooth fossil ) in Yuanmou Basin

  9. 湖北郧县猿人牙齿化石

    The fossil human teeth from yunxian , hubei

  10. 华南新发现的巨猿牙齿化石

    New materials of Gigantopithecus teeth from South China

  11. 河南浙川的人类牙齿化石

    Human fossil teeth from xichuan , Henan

  12. 河套人牙齿化石在内蒙古发现。

    The fossil ( tooth ) of " Hetao Man "( UPP ) discovered in Inner Mongolia .

  13. 他们分析了来自西班牙北部五十万年前以及欧洲各地更晚些的遗址的人类牙齿化石,其上有由石器偶然留下的划痕。

    They analyzed the scratches accidentally left by stone tools on teeth from human fossils collected from a half-million-year-old site in northern Spain and later sites throughout Europe .

  14. 事实上,牙齿化石是人类学家所研究的最持久的残留物。这些古时人类的牙齿上排列着一道道凹槽,很令人好奇。

    In fact , fossil teeth are the most durable remnants that anthropologists work with , and some of these ancient teeth display a curious set of grooves .

  15. 科学家从一种可能是人类的近亲的新物种上发现了下颚骨和牙齿化石,然而他们早已在地球上绝迹。

    Scientists have discovered fossils of jawbones and teeth from what may be a new species on the human family tree . This distant human relative is long extinct .

  16. 近年在南岭以南的广东东江流域河源地区东源县上莞镇的碧寿洞中发现较丰富的古哺乳动物牙齿化石。

    Abundant mammal teeth fossils have been found in the Bishou Cave of Shangguan Town of Dongyuan County , Heyuan in the Dongjiang River Valley , south of the Nanling Range , China .

  17. 人类化石包括2枚智人牙齿化石,分别是左下第三臼齿和右下第二臼齿,其形态特征与广西其他山洞发现的智人化石相似,归入晚期智人。

    The human teeth include a left lower M3 and a right lower M2.Their morphological features are similar to that of late Homo sapiens unearthed from other caves in Guangxi , belong to late Homo sapiens .

  18. 切割痕迹是骨骼和牙齿(化石)上一种常见的表面改造痕迹,也是西方微观埋藏学研究的重要内容。

    Cutmarks were a kind of surface modification marks on bones and teeth ( fossils ), which were an important aspect of microscopic taphonomy research .

  19. 在许多磨损了猩猩牙齿中,我发现了好几枚小型的猿类牙齿,与来自么会洞的神秘猿类牙齿化石非常接近。

    Among the many worn orangutan teeth I found several small ape teeth that very closely resembled the mystery ape teeth from Mohui .