
  • 网络jamaica system
  1. 自1976年以后,国际货币体系进入了一个新的阶段&牙买加体系。

    In 1976 , a new intemational monetary system , Jamaica system was built .

  2. 牙买加体系的汇率制度:一个尚需破解的时代命题

    The Exchange Rate Regime of Jamaica System : An Epoch Theme still Waiting for a Solution

  3. 第四章详细介绍了牙买加体系的运行特点和弊端,这也是本文分析的重点。

    Chapter IV describes the characteristics of Jamaica and disadvantages of operating system , which is the focus of this paper .

  4. 本文通过对黄金货币属性的历史变迁研究,发现在牙买加体系下黄金依然是一种货币。

    Through the study of the history of gold currency attribute , found in the Jamaica system is still a kind of monetary gold .

  5. 至此,国际货币制度经历了从国际金本位制→布雷顿森林体系→牙买加体系的演变过程。

    Since then , the international monetary system has gone through from the international gold standard to Bretton Woods System , then the Jamaica System .

  6. 1870年代以来,国际金融体系先后经历了国际金本位制、布雷顿森林体系、1910年代-1940年代的混乱时代以及现行的牙买加体系。

    After the 1870s , the international financial system has undergone the international gold standard , the Bretton Woods system 1910s-1940s chaos and the existing Jamaica system .

  7. 现行国际货币体系形成于布雷顿森林体系破裂后,又称为牙买加体系。

    Current International monetary system , which is also known as the Jamaica system , came into being in wake of the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system .

  8. 历史上的金本位制、布雷顿森林体系以及现行的牙买加体系都是解决该问题的不同制度安排。

    The history of the Gold Standard , the Bretton Woods system and the existing system of Jamaica are to solve the problem of the different institutional arrangements .

  9. 自1971年牙买加体系确立以来,世界各国根据各自的经济发展条件和发展水平,纷纷选择了适合于本国的汇率制度。

    Since Jamaica Agreement had been set in 1971 , every country had set the exchange rate system adapt to its country 's situation accordingly its economic developing condition and level .

  10. 自20世纪70年代布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,国际货币体系进入了浮动汇率合法化的牙买加体系时代。

    Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods System in the 70s of 20th century , the international monetary system has entered in Jamaica System , in which floating exchange rate becomes legitimate .

  11. 国际货币制度在经历从布雷顿森林体系到牙买加体系的演变后,又出现了区域汇率协调安排和区域货币合作的趋势。

    After the development of the Bretton Woods System and the Jamaica system , under the background of global finance integrated , it appears regional exchange rate coordinate arrangement and regional monetary cooperation .

  12. 欧元的启动开创了区域货币一体化的先例,标志着国际货币体系在历经了金本位、布雷顿森林体系和牙买加体系的风雨沧桑后进入了国际区域货币发展的新时期。

    The use of Euro set an example of regional monetary integration , which marked a new developing period of international monetary system after the Gold Standard , Bretton Woods System and Jamaica System .

  13. 本文首先对国际汇率制度的演变加以介绍,重点介绍了牙买加体系的形成和牙买加体系下发展中国家汇率制度选择的现状。

    At first to international exchange rate introduce this text by the developments of system , Introduce Jamaica the forming and Jamaica exchange rate of developing country current situation who system choose under the systems of system especially .

  14. 在各国货币地位的起伏与货币霸权的更迭中,国际货币体系也经历了几次更替:从国际金本位制到国际金汇兑本位制,从布雷顿森林体系到牙买加体系。

    During the changes of international monetary position and currency hegemony , International Monetary System experienced several alternations as well , which is from International Gold Standard to Gold Exchange Standard and from Bretton Woods System to Jamaican System .

  15. 介绍了历史上的国际金本位制、布雷顿森林体系的形成与崩溃,以及它们的内在缺陷,并对现行的牙买加体系的内容进行了简要的论述。

    It describes the history of the international gold standard , the formation and collapse of the Bretton Woods system , and their inherent defects , in addition , the contents of the existing system of Jamaica has been briefly discussed .

  16. 随着世界经济格局的转变和国际经济关系的发展变化,现行的牙买加体系虽然在一定程度上解决了布雷顿森林体系的致命缺陷&特里芬难题,但在理论上仍然存在许多不合理的问题。

    With the changes of the world economic situation and transformation in international economic relations , although Jamaica system solves the fatal defects of Bretton Woods Monetary System - " Triffin dilemma " to some extent , there are many unreasonable questions in theory .

  17. 并且,在本文章中,将国际货币体系大致分为三个时期:第一个时期,国际金本位货币体系时期;第二个时期,布雷顿森林体系时期;第三个时期,牙买加货币体系时期。

    In this article , the international monetary system is broadly divided into three periods : first , the international gold standard monetary system ; second , the Bretton Woods system ; third , the Jamaica monetary system . 2 .

  18. 1976年,牙买加国际货币体系建立后,西方各国纷纷采用浮动汇率制,国际金融市场的汇率波动开始加剧。

    In 1976 , a new international monetary system , Jamaica system was built . From then on , the occident countries moved into float exchange rate regime in succession .