
  • 网络Loose teeth;mobility;Tooth Mobility
  1. 治疗12周和治疗前比牙齿松动度、松动牙X射线片无明显变化。

    There were no remarkable changes in the tooth mobility and X-ray image analysis before treatment and12 weeks after treatment .

  2. 牙齿松动度位移测量仪的研制及临床检测

    The manufacture and clinical detection of transducers for tooth mobility

  3. 我的一个牙齿松动了。

    I have a loose tooth .

  4. 一天,她的一颗牙齿松动了。

    One day , one of her teeth was moving .

  5. 年龄、性别、职业类别、膳食情况、牙齿松动脱落、起床时间对于骨质疏松骨折有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    Age , sex , professional category ,, diet , loose teeth fall off , get up time for osteoporosis fractures with a statistical significance ( p0.05 ) Conclusion : Osteoporotic fracture in Chengdu is related to age , sex , profession and lifestyle .

  6. 一种高精度激光牙齿松动位移测量仪的研制

    Development of High Precision Laser Instrument for Measuring Tooth Mobility Displacement

  7. 这也是您的牙齿松动的原因。

    That 's why most of your teeth are loose .

  8. 关于一种牙齿松动度测量方法的动力分析

    Dynamical Analysis about A Method of Measuring Tooth Mobility

  9. 牙齿松动,还有可能脱落。

    Teeth become loose and may fall out .

  10. 目的:对牙齿松动度位移测量仪(简称牙动度测量仪)的研制和临床检测。

    Objective : To produce transducer for tooth mobility and to test its clinical performance .

  11. 我有一颗牙齿松动了。

    I have got a loose tooth .

  12. 牙周炎是菌斑细菌引起的牙周组织的慢性感染性疾病,导致牙周组织破坏,牙齿松动甚至脱落,咀嚼功能丧失。

    Periodontal disease is a chronic infective disease of the periodontium caused by bacteria present in dental plaque .

  13. 进行性的牙根外吸收可导致牙髓坏死、牙齿松动甚至脱落。

    Progressive external resorption of root would lead to pulp necrosis , teeth loose or even falling off .

  14. 首先简要介绍目前测量牙齿松动位移的主要方法,并分析了各自的特点和造成误差的主要原因。

    The methods of measuring tooth mobility displacement are reviewed and their characteristics and the errors occured are analysed .

  15. 精亏:生长迟缓、身材矮小、腰膝酸软、关节内作响、牙齿松动、面色黧黑、尺脉弱。

    Essence Deficiency : Growth retardation , short stature . Soreness and weakness of waist and knees , creaked intra-articular .

  16. 对55例戴用五年后的覆盖义齿206只基牙,每只基牙做了菌斑指数、可龈指数、牙齿松动度、牙龈萎缩程度及龋沟深度的检查比较;

    In this paper , the periodontal conditions of206 abutment teeth were investigated in55 patients using overlay denture abutment for5 years .

  17. 我已经发现有一项研究显示,那些牙齿松动、缺失或牙囊很深的人几乎很少露出笑容。

    I have found a study that shows those with mobile teeth , missing teeth or deep gum pockets barely smile at all .

  18. 观察用药前后临床症状、菌斑指数、龈沟出血指数、牙周袋深度、牙周附着水平和牙齿松动度的变化。

    The clinical symptom , plaque index , sulcus bleeding index , pocket depth , attachment level and mobility degree were examined before and after treatment .

  19. 背景:牙周炎可造成牙龈炎症、牙周袋形成、牙槽骨吸收以及牙齿松动,最终可导致牙齿脱落。

    Periodontitis can cause gingival inflammation , periodontal pocket formation and alveolar bone resorption , as a result the affected teeth become mobility and eventually fall off .

  20. 牙周病表现为牙龈发炎、牙龈溃疡、牙龈坏死以及牙齿松动,并可出现牙龈出血疼痛和恶变等症状。

    Periodontal disease showed inflammation of the gums , gum ulcers , necrosis and gums , loose teeth , bleeding gums may appear malignant pain and other symptoms .

  21. 方法:对10例因重度牙周病所致牙列缺损患者的79颗患牙以牙齿松动度、X线片、牙周炎症等临床指标进行修复前、修复后6个月的比较分析。

    Methods : 79 teeth of 10 periodontitis patients were evaluated by index such as tooth nobility . X ray image and periodontitis before and 6 months after prosthesis .

  22. 采用附带压力传感器的探杆配合操作,可为有关牙动度的医学研究和临床提供较精确的变力下牙齿松动位移测量数据。

    Choosing the way in which the handgrip works with pressure sensor can help those who working for measuring tooth mobility displacement or working in clinic to get more accurate data .

  23. 流行病学家提出患有常见的慢性细菌感染导致牙龈红肿和牙齿松动牙周炎的孕妇更易发生早产。

    Epidemiologists have shown that preterm births occur significantly more frequently in pregnant women with periodontitis , a common and chronic bacterial infection that causes red , swollen gums and loose teeth .

  24. 在急性根尖周炎或牙周脓肿等情况下,可使牙齿松动,当炎症消退后牙齿松动度可恢复。

    In acute root needle the circumstance such as Zhou Yan or tooth week abscess falls , can make the tooth becomes loose , after inflammation subsidise the tooth becomes loose degree recoverable .

  25. 来自弗吉尼亚州的里克·拉希姆以驾驶直升机为生,当他7岁的儿子的牙齿松动时,他没有浪费时间把它绑在门把手上。

    Rick Rahim from Virginia flies helicopters for a living , and when his seven-year-old son 's tooth became loose , he did not waste time by tying it to a door handle .

  26. 临床以牙龈红肿易出血、牙齿松动、局部肿块、疼痛及唇部麻木等为主要表现;

    The major features of metastatic tumor were the hyperemia and hemorrhage of the gingiva , loosening of the teeth , swelling in the local le - sion , pain and numbness in lip .

  27. 特征性表现为牙龈的炎症、牙周袋的形成、牙槽骨出现不同程度的吸收以造成牙齿松动脱落。

    There are four characteristic of this chronic progressive disease , inflammation of the gums , the formation of periodontal pocket , varies degrees of alveolar bone absorption , teeth loose even falling off .

  28. 方法(1)牙动度测量仪应用电磁感应原理,采集牙齿松动位移电信号,并将信号通过单片机与A/D处理、转化,最后屏幕显示牙动度位移数值。

    Method : ( 1 ) Produced according the theory of electromagnetic induction and digitized singlechip technique , the transducer of tooth mobility can convert electric signal into digital signal to make for more accurate diagnoses .

  29. 成人正畸治疗中常面临各种复杂的口颌疾患,其中最常见的是牙周病,特别是牙周情况不佳难以支持正畸牙的定向移动,导致牙齿松动甚至脱落。

    There are many complex stomatognathic diseases in adult orthodontic patients , and the most common is periodontal disease , it is difficult to move the teeth directionally in the case of poor periodontium , and resulting in loose teeth or even fall off .

  30. 随访3年无一例复发,牙齿无松动,咬合关系正常

    After 3 years follow-up , there was no recidivism and loosening of tooth but normal occluding relation .