
yá xiàn
  • dental floss
  1. 我知道用洁牙线是一个好主意。

    I know it 's a good idea to use dental floss

  2. 但是犯人们总能找到办法弄到。现在他们用牙线慢慢钜金属,抹上牙粉增加摩擦力。

    He says they actually use dental floss to slowly saw away at the metal , adding tooth powder to increase the friction .

  3. 将牙线在齿间来回拉动。

    Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth .

  4. 当时她正在用牙线剔牙。

    She was flossing her teeth at the time .

  5. 餐后要刷牙,而且每天要使用牙线清洁牙缝。

    Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily

  6. 图表转换为DMC公司主播牙线

    Conversion chart for DMC and Anchor floss to

  7. 好的。第一个给你的词是flossing(本意是牙线或剔牙)。

    Okay , the first time I 'm gonna give you is flossing .

  8. 首先准备40CM长的牙线。

    First take about forty centimeters of floss .

  9. 对58名志愿者随机分为A、B两组,每人全口牙分为用牙线侧(A1或B1)不用牙线侧A2或B2).A1用含氟牙线,B1用不含氟牙线。

    Volunteers were randomly divided into two groups : group A and group B.Each volunteer 's mouth was randomly divided into two sides : floss side ( Al or B1 ) and non-flossing side ( A2 or B2 ) .

  10. 口腔卫生措施:每天刷牙两次的占744%,刷牙时间达到3min以上的仅77%,坚持使用含氟牙膏的166%,使用过牙线的人仅6%;

    74.4 % brush teeth twice per day , only 7.7 % brush teeth over 3 minutes , 16.6 % insist in fluoridated toothpaste , and only 6 % had applied dental floss .

  11. 一天刷牙两次,用牙线洁牙一次。

    o Brush twice a day , and floss once a day

  12. 用牙线清洁牙齿比刷牙要重要得多。

    Studies show that flossing is much more important than brushing .

  13. 牙线可用来清洁牙间隙。

    Dental floss is used to clean between your teeth .

  14. 牙线。因为他经常用牙线清洁牙齿。

    Dental floss , because of course Gates is a regular flosser .

  15. 我喜欢使用牙线而非牙签。

    I like to use dental floss rather than toothpick .

  16. 用牙线除掉草莓的种子。

    Floss to get out any seeds from the strawberry .

  17. 是说“我又买得起高档含蜡牙线”了吗

    I can now afford to buy the wax dental floss again ?

  18. 你坚持每天刷牙两次并用牙线定期清洁牙齿吗?

    You brush twice a day and floss pretty regularly ?

  19. Step1.经常用牙刷和牙线洁牙。

    Step1 . Brush and floss regularly to reduce or prevent stains .

  20. 感觉像是我得发疯似的用牙线洁牙

    I mean , I feel like I have to floss like crazy

  21. 每天一次用牙线清洁牙齿。

    Once a day you should also floss your teeth .

  22. 尝试用牙线清洁卡在牙齿之间的任何物质。

    Try using dental floss to remove any material caught between teeth .

  23. 这是牙线。-是,干什么?

    This is dental floss . - Yeah ? So ?

  24. 如果所有这些都落空了,请用牙线剔牙,抹上防晒霜。

    And if all else fails , floss and wear your sunscreen .

  25. 我会检查把手和牙线。

    I 'll process the handle and the floss .

  26. 含氟牙线牙周临床效果初探

    The periodontal clinical effects of the fluoride-coated dental floss

  27. 有效的刷牙和使用牙线能使细菌斑快速从牙齿表面脱离。

    Effective brushing and flossing unbind bacteria-laden plaque from the surface of teeth .

  28. 你还应该用牙线呢

    Well , you 're supposed to floss too ,

  29. 用牙线清洁牙缝:这是一种必不可少的可以减少龋齿和牙床疾病的方式。

    Floss : This is essential to reduce tooth decay and gum disease .

  30. 刷牙方法与牙线的使用对牙菌斑控制的研究

    Application of Different Methods of Toothbrushing and Dental Floss in Control of Dental Plaque